Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital


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Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital
By Marc Morano Senior Staff Writer
August 25, 2005

See Marc Morano's Video Report

Washington ( - The Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., the current home of hundreds of wounded veterans from the war in Iraq, has been the target of weekly anti-war demonstrations since March. The protesters hold signs that read "Maimed for Lies" and "Enlist here and die for Halliburton."

The anti-war demonstrators, who obtain their protest permits from the Washington, D.C., police department, position themselves directly in front of the main entrance to the Army Medical Center, which is located in northwest D.C., about five miles from the White House.

Among the props used by the protesters are mock caskets, lined up on the sidewalk to represent the death toll in Iraq.

Code Pink Women for Peace, one of the groups backing anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan's vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford Texas, organizes the protests at Walter Reed as well.

Some conservative supporters of the war call the protests, which have been ignored by the establishment media, "shameless" and have taken to conducting counter-demonstrations at Walter Reed. "[The anti-war protesters] should not be demonstrating at a hospital. A hospital is not a suitable location for an anti-war demonstration," said Bill Floyd of the D.C. chapter of, who stood across the street from the anti-war demonstrators on Aug. 19.

"I believe they are tormenting our wounded soldiers and they should just leave them alone," Floyd added.

According to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, nearly 4,000 individuals involved in the Iraq war were treated at the facility as of March of this year, 1,050 of whom were wounded in battle.

One anti-war protester, who would only identify himself as "Luke," told Cybercast News Service that "the price of George Bush's foreign policy can be seen right here at Walter Reed -- young men who returned from Iraq with their bodies shattered after George Bush sent them to war for a lie."

Luke accused President Bush of "exploiting American soldiers" while "oppressing the other nations of earth." The president "has killed far too many people," he added.

On Aug. 19, as the anti-war protesters chanted slogans such as "George Bush kills American soldiers," Cybercast News Service observed several wounded war veterans entering and departing the gates of Walter Reed, some with prosthetic limbs. Most of the demonstrations have been held on Friday evenings, a popular time for the family members of wounded soldiers to visit the hospital.

But the anti-war activists were unapologetic when asked whether they considered such signs as "Maimed for Lies" offensive to wounded war veterans and their families.

"I am more offended by the fact that many were maimed for life. I am more offended by the fact that they (wounded veterans) have been kept out of the news," said Kevin McCarron, a member of the anti-war group Veterans for Peace.

Kevin Pannell, who was recently treated at Walter Reed and had both legs amputated after an ambush grenade attack near Baghdad in 2004, considers the presence of the anti-war protesters in front of the hospital "distasteful."

When he was a patient at the hospital, Pannell said he initially tried to ignore the anti-war activists camped out in front of Walter Reed, until witnessing something that enraged him.

"We went by there one day and I drove by and [the anti-war protesters] had a bunch of flag-draped coffins laid out on the sidewalk. That, I thought, was probably the most distasteful thing I had ever seen. Ever," Pannell, a member of the Army's First Cavalry Division, told Cybercast News Service.

"You know that 95 percent of the guys in the hospital bed lost guys whenever they got hurt and survivors' guilt is the worst thing you can deal with," Pannell said, adding that other veterans recovering from wounds at Walter Reed share his resentment for the anti-war protesters.

"We don't like them and we don't like the fact that they can hang their signs and stuff on the fence at Walter Reed," he said. "[The wounded veterans] are there to recuperate. Once they get out in the real world, then they can start seeing that stuff (anti-war protests). I mean Walter Reed is a sheltered environment and it needs to stay that way."

McCarron said he dislikes having to resort to such controversial tactics, "but this stuff can't be hidden," he insisted. "The real cost of this war cannot be kept from the American public."

The anti-war protesters claim their presence at the hospital is necessary to publicize the arrivals of newly wounded soldiers from Iraq, who the protesters allege are being smuggled in at night by the Pentagon to avoid media scrutiny. The protesters also argue that the military hospital is the most appropriate place for the demonstrations and that the vigils are designed to ultimately help the wounded veterans.

"If I went to war and lost a leg and then found out from my hospital bed that I had been lied to, that the weapons I was sent to search for never existed, that the person who sent me to war had no plan but to exploit me, exploit the country I was sent to, I would be pretty angry," Luke told Cybercast News Service.

"I would want people to do something about it and if I couldn't get out of my bed and protest myself, I would want someone else to do it in my name," he added.

The conservative counter-demonstrators carry signs reading "Troops out when the job's done," "Thank you U.S. Armed Forces" and "Shameless Pinkos go home." Many wear the orange T-shirts reading "Club G'itmo" that are marketed by conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

"[The anti-war protesters] have no business here. If they want to protest policy, they should be at the Capitol, they should be at the White House," said Nina Burke. "The only reason for being here is to talk to [the] wounded and [anti-war protests are] just completely inappropriate."

Albion Wilde concurred, arguing that "it's very easy to pick on the families of the wounded. They are very vulnerable ... I feel disgusted.

"[The anti-war protesters] are really showing an enormous lack of respect for just everything that America has always stood for. They lost the election and now they are really, really angry and so they are picking on the wrong people," Wilde added.

At least one anti-war demonstrator conceded that standing out in front of a military hospital where wounded soldiers and their families are entering and exiting, might not be appropriate.

"Maybe there is a better place to have a protest. I am not sure," said a man holding a sign reading "Stop the War," who declined to be identified.

But Luke and the other anti-war protesters dismissed the message of the counter demonstrators. "We know most of the George Bush supporters have never spent a day in uniform, have never been closer to a battlefield than seeing it through the television screen," Luke said.

Code Pink, the group organizing the anti-war demonstrations in front of the Walter Reed hospital, has a controversial leader and affiliations. As Cybercast News Service previously reported, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin has expressed support for the Communist Viet Cong in Vietnam and the Nicaraguan Sandinistas.

In 2001, Benjamin was asked about anti-war protesters sympathizing with nations considered to be enemies of U.S. foreign policy, including the Viet Cong and the Sandinistas. "There's no one who will talk about how the other side is good," she reportedly told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Benjamin has also reportedly praised the Cuban regime of Fidel Castro. Benjamin told the San Francisco Chronicle that her visit to Cuba in the 1980s revealed to her a great country. "It seem[ed] like I died and went to heaven," she reportedly said.


New member
Wow, I swear Ann Coulter nailed it on the head when she said liberals are pro-communism and anti-america on all fronts.

But Luke and the other anti-war protesters dismissed the message of the counter demonstrators. "We know most of the George Bush supporters have never spent a day in uniform, have never been closer to a battlefield than seeing it through the television screen," Luke said.

Guess he "conviently" forgot that most supporters of anti-war/Kerry/etc never spent a day in uniform or been closer to a battlefield than from the TV also. And from what I hear from my friends in uniform, Bush has more supporters IN uniform than out. Why didnt the media ask HIM if he was ever in uniform? Oh yea, thats cause the media is biased aganist Bush also.


New member

It takes a real special :barf: breed to go and do the protest work these idiots are pulling off. Sure they have the right to do just that....... But when they say they support the troops is when I call them to the table........ If they care at all for the servicemen and women, why not let them have peace and rest? No, instead they protest the hate they have of America, our president, our way of life, a winner, pride in hard work and to be honest I bet a lot of them hate themselves???????? I hope and pray not one of these patriots lets the ill will of these types bother them in the slightest way. I am sad that anyone that considers that act to be ok.......... It's not nor will it ever be ok to protest in such an ugly way's always got to be political........just makes me sick :barf:


New member
I can understand picking on soldiers who are at 100%, and able to defend themselves.

I can also understand why these protestors don't do that. If they pick on anyone who isn't bed-ridden or otherwise disabled, they'll probably get their faces bashed in by the people they're claiming to 'ultimately help'.


New member
:mad: :mad: This is one of the most sickening and discusting things I have ever heard. Something needs to be done. Free Speech and all that.....but harrassing these wounded heroes should be equated with treason. These brave men and women made great sacrifices for their country, reguardless of the reasons. Their country called, and they WENT. As every service person does. These protesters are sick, disgraceful, and about as anti-american as you can get.....this crap has gotten totally out of hand...... :mad: :mad:


New member

If they get too close they may get a good face bashing in from those in bed as well........ I would hope that they pin a medal on the first troop that clears the ward of any hostile (protesting types) fair is fair....... ;)


This gives the lie that they "support the troops but not the war" nonsense. The left has always hated the military, except when they can use it to entrench themselves in power.

This is no different then the hippies spitting on troops returning from Vietnam.


This gives the lie that they "support the troops but not the war" nonsense.
Not so; many people opposed the invasion, oppose the occupation, and want our troops home where they belong - as opposed to being maimed and killed for a corporate-government geo-political agenda.
The left has always hated the military, except when they can use it to entrench themselves in power
And it ain't hardly just "the left" that oppose this bloody and expensive cherade. Despite the efforts of popular media - including the pseudo-conservative outlets and mouthpieces - to portray the political lines on this issue this way.



Not so; many people opposed the invasion, oppose the occupation, and want our troops home where they belong - as opposed to being maimed and killed for a corporate-government geo-political agenda.
Please explain how harrassing wounded service people accomplishes anything other than showing contempt for their service.
And it ain't hardly just "the left" that oppose this bloody and expensive cherade.
Really? How many college republicans were included in the "protest"?


Please explain how harrassing wounded service people accomplishes anything other than showing contempt for their service.
It causes unrest and is a divisive effort - agent provocateurs and genuine nuts. Still, protesting in favor of not having our blood expended on a cherade like Iraq might still be appropriate outside a hospital - and is not in and of itself "harrassing" wounded soldiers. I would attribute genuine harrassment to people in one of the groups in my first sentence.

Really? How many college republicans were included in the "protest"?
See, this is how it works: all you see are these "protests" and other trash beamed into your home - or printed for general public consumption elsewhere. This creates the illusion that the opposition to what is going on is made up of these provocateurs and nuts. Or "liberals" etc.

People like Ray McGovern are not out "protesting". Nor Joseph Wilson. And neither the "republican" party nor the "democratic" party want anyone to see and hear them; so you wll not hear their experience and point of view being featured on CNN, FOX or on any of the other manipulative propaganda channels or print, whose purpose is to maintain focus on your "protesters" and other tidy groups.

The conservatives who are actually out protesting elsewhere are not going to get on TV though. No; that would not do ;)


New member
Why CBS?

"so you wll not hear their experience and point of view being featured on CNN, FOX or on any of the other manipulative propaganda channels"

So why is this story making its way thru CBS? And why haven't we heard comments from the disabled vets inside????


Ray McGovern and Joseph Wilson being interviewed on CBS over the invasion of Iraq? When? I'll make a special effort to turn on a tv somewhere and watch it.


New member
Want to protest the War in Iraq – or even the War on Terrorism – I don’t agree, but be my guest. Want to say Bush is a fool, in the pocket of big financial interests – I do not concur, but that’s your right.

However, I wore a uniform for a couple decades – in war and peace, overseas and at home, at sea and ashore – and the folks who conduct anti-war demonstrations in front of Walter Reed had better understand a few facts:
a) They won’t make a scintilla’s difference in US policies; decision makers are not very moved by a handful of kooky protesters (at Walter Reed or anywhere else).
b) They will deeply hurt those who are serving, those have served, and especially those who are hospitalized there, recovering from wounds. Just ask any Vietnam veteran – regardless of his opinions concerning the war, politics, or policy – how he feels about those who spat on him or protested his (often involuntary) service.
c) They will substantially undermine their own effectiveness, because so many Americans with sound judgment will abhor what they are doing, even if they agree from a policy perspective.

The kids in Walter Reed have NO decision- or policy-making influence. They served our nation under demanding and arduous circumstances. Regardless of one’s political position, attitude about the war, or opinion of George Bush, these young warriors deserve our respect, our affection, and our support.

On a more-personal level, I would like to kick the snot out of any of these idiots.

Ptown Beretta

Since when is it "our" cute, cuddly and lovable troops? The United States Soldiers are trained killers. That is their job. They go where the president and congress says they go. Period. When their time is up, it is up. These men an women are warriors and to say "bring them home" only makes them look like the very bedwetters and cowards that stand in front of walter reed.

Bush did not lie. He has been vetted for that fact. It is those that make that claim that are the true liers. I am sick of these pansies.


New member
I would hope that the powers that be see to it that the protesters are out of ear shot and view of the troops inside. Not denieing you free speech, just do it over there.


New member
"Since when is it "our" cute, cuddly and lovable troops? The United States Soldiers are trained killers. That is their job. They go where the president and congress says they go. Period. When their time is up, it is up. These men an women are warriors and to say "bring them home" only makes them look like the very bedwetters and cowards that stand in front of walter reed."

I would be interested:
> Did you ever serve?
> For how long?
> In combat?
> Were you ever in leadership positions, responsible for the lives and the well-being of others?


New member
i love this "we are doing it for their name because they cant"

did you ask them if they want some filth like you representing their causes that the DONT believe? wow...what a f-ing moron.

if i was to go and see a relative at that hospital...and ONE of them said something to me....i think they'd have to pry me off the disgusting and worthless invidual....God help those bastards.


Ptown Beretta

RWK. Argue the issue. Don't get personel. If we have a discussion about Palestine vs. Isreal, I am not going to ask if you are circumcised.

Moving on.


New member

Of course, everyone is entitled to his opinion. However, the quality and the validity of that opinion may reasonably be judged by one’s experiences, education, background, age, and so forth. The fact that you declined to answer my simple, straightforward questions reveals far more than could any extended diatribe.