Anti-Glock Opinions on TFL

Anti-Glock Opinions on TFL

  • I agree, Glock Critics Go Too Far

    Votes: 61 36.5%
  • Don't Care, Its Entertaining Reading What Others "Think"

    Votes: 78 46.7%
  • Disagree, Glocks are junk. Get a "real" gun

    Votes: 28 16.8%

  • Total voters

juliet charley

New member
There are some things about Glocks that should and can be the subject of legitimate discussion. Unfortunately, some Glock owners evidently feel need to stifle anything that smacks of criticism of their "beloved." They (some Glock owners) often try to move the focus of the discussion from the subject (safety, kB!s, action, accuracy, trigger, Glock, Inc.'s abject failure to notify even LEAs that their officers were carrying defective weaposn, etc.) to the poster (or posters) whom they feel are besmirching the reputation "Perfection." Then what should be a legitimate, constructive discussion of advantages and disadvantages usually deteriorates and gets closed.

Just look at the title "Anti-Glock Opinions." Talk about a "your either for us or against us" outlook.

Overall, I find the whole rather amusing, and sometimes some light seeps through the fog.
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New member
. This thread is entirely about whether you feel members of this forum are a little too emotional or unreasonable in the length, breadth, and energy they put into slamming Glock pistols.
That's the reason why I tried to put some objectivity into the discussion, (so had others) by posting a poll on actual "recall" count.

But it would be unfair not to give credit to all the contributors, as their comments do make for interesting reading. Their views painted for me these images:

That "Perfection" :barf: :D is but and still a myth. OK, a marketing gimmick. I know... ;)

Big business make big mistakes. It's how they "sweep the mess" under the rug that sets them apart from mediocre ones.

That some people can be unforgiving at times, and I am also equally concerned (or amused) how some people could forgive oh so easily.

Just my thoughts...

and I voted #1 ;)


New member
I love Glocks....2nd generation that is. But I hate the "my glock is better than your gun period" crowd. I've seen on "GT" plenty of times where a newbie asked for info on buying their first Glock......then later on when he/she finds a problem or something breaks they are branded as a liar and a troll causing nothing but trouble.

Heck I've had a guy on "GT" who bought his Glock only a year ago tell ME that I knew nothing about Glocks and that I should shut my mouth cause I know nothing about Glocks.

Yet this reciept I have here says:

B&E Guns
Glock 17 9mm
Paid in Full
picked up: January 24 1992

Not to mention I have about 9,000 rds thru it

I use to tolerate and not even care about all this but I've had enough of the few Glock owners who think they are on a Golden Pedestal and are better than you. And when I'm told that I'm inferior cause I shoot some thing other than a Glock sorry but the gloves come off then and there.


Moderator Emeritus
Yeah, that "Perfection" slogan is a little annoying, but for those that get really, really tweaked about it, may I remind you of the following:

1) This Bud really isn't for you.

2) At Ford, Quality isn't job #1, Selling Cars is.

3) Apple Computer couldn't care less how differently you think, as long as you buy their computers.

juliet charley

New member
Is the problem with slogan, or rather with those who believe it with an almost religious ardour or zeal? It's my observation that Glock is almost a "sacred cow." Talk about it (no matter how legitimate the discussion) at your own peril. Somehow, it seems like there is almost a collective paranoia at work among some Glock owners--you either worship Glocks or you're a "basher"--no middle ground.


Moderator Emeritus
juliet charley,

It's my observation that Glock is almost a "sacred cow." Talk about it (no matter how legitimate the discussion) at your own peril.

Go to and suggest that the design for the M1911A1 was not handed to St. Browning from on high, carved on stone tablets, and I'll call you a... er, they will call you a liar. ;)

Is the problem with slogan, or rather with those who believe it with an almost religious ardour or zeal?

Would this be more, or less, than the "religious ardour and zeal" of someone who shows up in every Glock thread to chat up their flaws? ;)


Go to and suggest that the design for the M1911A1 was not handed to St. Browning from on high, carved on stone tablets, and I'll call you a... er, they will call you a liar.

I am going to have to respectfully disagree with the above tongue-in-cheek contention. Compared to GlockTalk, 1911forum is a genteel place. The membership there frequently discusses the weak points of the JMB design and modifications to improve all manner of perceived design flaws (FLGR's, bushings, extractors, grip safeties, arched or flat mainspring housings, trigger pull weight, magwells, mags, sights, spring weights, etc.) Of course, some of these topics draw spirited pro/con debates, but "troll" and "liar" are discouraging words seldom heard.

What will get their hackles up over there are some trolling clods who come by from time to time to "argue" that one of the most successful and enduring pistol designs ever, (whatever one feels about it, it has been around 90+ years for some very legitimate reasons) is an "obsolete POS" or a "boat anchor" when compared, most often, to a Glock.

One simply doesn't see trolling by SIG, HK, XD (HS 2000), S&W, CZ, or other pistol forum members to anywhere near the degree as that committed by Glock "enthusiasts," (to be polite.)

Is such "evidence" anecdotal? Sure. But I would lay odds that many non-1911 fans perceive the same issues with a certain segment of the Glock community that the 1911 fans do.

That said, I cannot fail to mention that many Glockers are also fans of other pistols and there is a segment of the GlockTalk community that tries hard to slap down the kool-aid drinkers when they are getting out of hand. It is too bad that most of these rational Glock owners are sorely outnumbered by the "true believers."

juliet charley

New member
But TFL is not (and it's not Glock Talk either). TFL is a general forum. I would say as a whole posters on Glock Talk have more reasonable view of Glocks than some of the regular Glock posters on TFL. It's been my experience that you will get "flamed" a lot quicker by some of the posters on TFL than Glock Talk. You can, in many cases, have legitimate discussion about Glocks on Glock Talk--something about a half dozen or so posters TFL refuse to let happen.

Not every Glock thread, Tamara--I don't have that much time (and I try to avoid the "Glock Adoration" threads). Besides, I have started few Glock threads myself--do they count? I do normally respond to questions by novices--I believe if they ask the question, they are entitled to "the rest of the story." (BTW, I couldn't "chat up their flaws" if they didn't have flaws to "chat up," could I? ;))

To be honest, I really don't see a lot "flaws" in Glocks. I do think they have advantages and disadvantages just like any other weapon. Both the advantages and disadvantages merit discussion--particular when answering questions. I really think it's silly how quick some users on this forum are to label anybody willing to discuss the other side a "basher" (and thereby, feel justified in discounting everything they say).
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New member
dood, get a glock. glocks rule. everything else sucks
Just because some 1911, CZ, HK, or SIG lovers (and am included in two of those groups) may make the same statment with more eloquence doesn't make it any more valid. Every group has these guilty parties... though some may have more than others.

In fact, I prefer the "d00d" responses. They're more easy to filter and aren't disingenuous.


New member
It's entertaining! Lottsa singin n dancin' goin' on!

Glock fanatics deny and delude themselves, the heretics exagerate. Ditto the SIGsters and Slabsiders, etc.

Me? I take my cheap shots at whatever targets of opportunity present themselves! When I can't take the heat, I find another kitchen to play in...

Don't like the way Glock is handling this latest issue, but I bought 2 new E Glocks anyway (they are OK).

All the bitchin' and moanin' on GT and TFL doesn't tell Glock how they are doing, their sales and market share do that? Glock is crying all the way to the bank? ;)


New member
Get a real gun---Ruger Super Redhawk .454

But seriously, debate & discussion is the main point of boards like these. If you start squashing the anti-Glockers, then how long will it be before the pro-Berettas start complaining about their critics. Pretty soon, we'll be restricted to having to say just nice things about everyone's guns--even the Hi-Points!

I owned a Glock 17 once. Although I found it quite reliable & adequately accurate, I just couldn't get used to the "safety-less" design (or the lack of a hammer.) I ended up trading it for a SIG 220 & then a 1911. And I like 1911's, but I'm not obsessed w/ them. And I'll probably be getting another 9mm soon (either a Ruger P95 or BHP)

Keep the discussion going. I'll decide what to read on my own...


New member
I believe too many who like glock "the gun" allow those feelings to get in the way of a fair evaluation of glock "the company".



You have missed my entire point. This Bud COULD be for me. Quality COULD be "job one" at Ford. etc. etc. etc.

Nothing made by human beings COULD be perfect.

"Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree."

I agree that I probably take it too seriously, but as we used to say in law school: "that one doesn't even pass the 'giggle test.'"

Overall, I really don't give a [fill in the blank with term of your choice] about Glocks. I neither like nor dislike them. Secretly, I am glad that they have such a huge following, because it means that many shooters of my generation may not drive up some of the prices on the collectors' market (for other, lesser designs) in the future.


Glock.................excellent "simple" weapon for "simple" operators.

Just like the SKS that was made for the "Peoples" non-mechanized peasant armies. You need to really go out of your way to screw-up one of them.

But I do enjoy the pros & cons posted about the Glocks, it's just that some people believe that the sun rises and sets in Mr. Glock's A$$ and that makes me tired.

M1911A1 all the way, hey 90 years plus and still a choice of serious military.


New member
Glocks are great! Sold my S&W 5906, Beretta FS 92, Walter P99, HK P7M8, SIG P226 but I kept my Glock 17. Love Glocks and wish to own every one of them, especially the G18 (the only one that's better than the G17). Too bad it's not available. :D

Eric Larsen

New member
I actually looked at a Glock 19 today at a gunsmiths place.

It was kind of ironic in a small way (the 1911 thing) ..Ive been in there a zillion times and bought a couple of guns from them also.

But I avoid any Glock discussions while there...they are the "Glocks rule" crowd...not a bad thing if thats your bag ...
Im just not ready for my baptism yet :rolleyes:

Anyway..I actually asked to see one today...the guy spent at least 20 minutes showing me how great they are...I learned alot. Ive never field stripped one before..until today. It was very educational.
He was honestly saying "they are the best guns made"..told me about the tests and results...etc. Very persistant also...

I thanked him for his time..and noticed as I was leaving, he was carrying a 1911 in cond 1.....UH HUH! :D

Most of the Glockers are pretty normal guys...hell I shoot with my cousin who's had one forever...It stays in his night stand and he swares by it..but hes got Sig, Taurus...bla bla...
Id say that he is typical of many shooting enthusiasts I know.

Id say...after all of my rambling...most of the time the threads are entertaining...but I still have a hard time staying away from the "Glocks rule, everything else sucks" comments........

Kinda like staying away from the Kahr and CZ threads also............where are my smokes?.................

Shoot well

Jimmy Mac

New member
Even some glock owners know nothing about the pistol they carry.

Proof of this can be found in the posts about "cocked" Glock.

Some even think they are carring a single action pistol.
I think Glocks are great guns. I had one, a 26 with a built in laser, and it was cute as a bugs ear, just couldn't warm up to it. For me if it isn't a 1911 or Hi Power, I just don't care for it. That, however, does not detract from the fact that they are very good guns.

juliet charley

New member
I have to agree with Jimmy Mac--many (not all) of the most vehement Glockaphiles are also some the most ignorant about Glocks and how they operate.

J. Parker

New member
I've owned four Glock's. Who knows, I might get another some day. I've owned Glock's, I've carried glock's and I understand Glock's.
When they first came out they were the hottest thing since sliced bread but in 2002 with all the competition out there they just "ain't all that" anymore.
I wouldn't have one as a "night stand" gun, I wouldn't carry one in my fanny pack, I can't stick it in my waistband which I do alot, and factory hi-cap mags are the biggest ripoff in the industry.
They are good pistols but FAR from perfect. Thoughts from a previous owner, John