Anti-Glock Opinions on TFL

Anti-Glock Opinions on TFL

  • I agree, Glock Critics Go Too Far

    Votes: 61 36.5%
  • Don't Care, Its Entertaining Reading What Others "Think"

    Votes: 78 46.7%
  • Disagree, Glocks are junk. Get a "real" gun

    Votes: 28 16.8%

  • Total voters


New member
Plenty of other threads "discuss" the positives and negatives of Glock pistols. This thread is entirely about whether you feel members of this forum are a little too emotional or unreasonable in the length, breadth, and energy they put into slamming Glock pistols. Is this just a reactionary way of responding to Glock "true believers" and are they just narrow minded as they are?

Glock is arguably one of the most successful pistol designs of all time (its not perfect but it accomplishes what it set out to do) but some here feel its a bad product Glock Inc. has duped the entire world into buying. There are guns that aren't for me or ones I simply don't like but I don't think I have ever put that much energy into slamming a particular model.


New member
Opinions are like arm pits, everyone has at least two and they all stink. :p If you're comfortable with your decision who cares what other people think? :eek:

the blind lefty

New member
the glock is a good gun. i don't like them for my own reasons,but if your the"gun is a tool"type,i think they're ideal.
i'll bet most of the critisism comes from users who are part of the"blame others"generation. been there and done that on another post. some of these folks think the gun should think twice for them.
same folks think we need to get rid of pit bulls 'cause they can't train dogs either.


New member
I have no real complaints against Glock guns. My beef lies with the company's attitude that they are the elite among the gun manufacturing world, and boast they have THE perfect product. I strongly feel that Glock was about to try burying the latest frame rail breakage issue (like they tried with the slam-fire issue) until it suddenly spread throughout the Internet like a plague, and they suddenly realized that cheerfully exchanging everybody's frames was the best way to avoid the storm.


New member
I think it's vastly amusing!!! :) In fact, I have tried, in my own special way, to interject some "satire" into the proceedings!!! :D


New member

Exactly. But TFL is all about opinions about what each person prefers or doesn't. I have no problems with someone criticizing a particular brand but I do take issue with what amounts to "elitism" that sometimes rears its ugly head. There is Sigforum, 1911Forum, GlockTalk, CZforum, HKPRO, and others and I'm not surprised to find it there. I just feel TFL should be the place where that kind of thing isn't tolerated.

Have you noticed all the Glock related threads in the recent past that have been locked by the moderators? I thank the moderators for trying to keep the discussion on an intelligent level. All Glock related threads are probably the closest watched threads on TFL by the Mods. They probably require the most babysitting.


New member
I think the threads are lame period.If you have a bad experience with one its ok to share but if you just hate them all together then get over it cause nobody cares get on with your life!!!If I dont like something I dont have any experience with then Im not going to run it down.The simple fact is a Glock is a real gun because there is no need for fancy gadgets and to spend alot of money on them.Glocks are tools and if you wana play dress up buy a doll.I cant vote because the option "Glocks are closer to perfect out of the box then 60% of all brands" isnt there!:rolleyes:


New member
You can babysit a baby Glock!

Ha ha! :D

(Sorry that's not funny. Couldn't help myself. It's been a long week!)

I'm entertained by it, but I do think some people (for and against) take the Glock issue too far.


New member
This dead horse issue is begging for hell as much as its being flogged. My issue is with the boneheads who thought (or truely didn't think) about a class action lawsuit. What lunacy!:barf:


New member
Disagree, Glocks are junk...

Does anybody who knows guns really consider Glocks "junk"? I don't personally care for them and doubt I would ever purchase one, but that doesn't mean I think they are junk.


New member
Yawn. All manufacturers go through good runs and bad runs. They make a blue million of them. Another reason for owning multiple copies of the same weapon (just space them out).

When I make my famous Kirk cookies I always manage to burn a sheet (because of multi-tasking). So they made a bad batch. The EastEmpire Elves can always make more.


"I do take issue with what amounts to 'elitism' that sometimes rears its ugly head. There is Sigforum, 1911Forum, GlockTalk, CZforum, HKPRO, and others and I'm not surprised to find it there. I just feel TFL should be the place where that kind of thing isn't tolerated."

I agree with your general sentiments, but have you EVER been to the CZ Forum? I really don't think so. The CZ Forum is much more of an information sharing board. These pistols are relatively new to the USA, and many CZ models are less than 8 years old. It is more or less a way for new owners to get info. Also, it is by far the most friendly and polite firearms forum I have encountered. friendsfamilyfirearms is the only other board that comes close (I may have the "Fs" in the wrong order).

We're not talking about people getting shut down quicker, etc. A lot of junk that goes on here just doesn't happen. (Now the keyboard shooters are all going to head over there, sigh...)


New member
The 'bashing' may be in response to the Blind Glock Loyalists (BGL) whose skills debating the merits of different pistols never seems to rise above "dood, get a glock. glocks rule. everything else sucks."

I wonder how many of the BGL have no experience with any guns other than their glocks and judge everything from their narrow view of the handgun universe.


New member
Being a colt/springfield/glock/sig/hk owner I can say that glocks are excellent guns that are well suited to lots of use and little care. The glocks are perfect stuff is for advertising.... not for real gun owners... that being said my glocks are evenly tied with many other pistols as having zero failures with me so far. The glock trigger is an aquired taste, but for many folks that don't understand how to care for a highly tuned 1911 the glock is reliability without fuss... and that is a good thing.


New member
I've had my first Glock for around 16 years now, my second for about 7, and my only complaint is......they only come in one color!

How about a little diversity? They're only plastic. Should be simple to get an assorted selection! :)


I had a Glock once . . . . . . . . . . . . .

when I started out after my hitch in the service, couldn't afford much, and didn't know any better.

Now that I am somehat wiser, the truth is that not every "imperfect" handgun points towards where the wall meets the ceiling like the Glock's perfectly designed grip does for me. Also, it's easily possible for "imprefect" pistols to group better than 4-5" @ 25 yards out of my perfect Glock 17 and run all day without so much as a hiccup.

I gave up "perfection" awhile back, and recently, (during the recall), I do not miss it at all.

I dunno, is objectively disliking Glocks the same as bashing them? Maybe to the thin-skinned such disdain is bashing, but it certainly requires little energy and certainly no crusade.


Short answer: When I heard about the E series defect, I called my two uncles in law enforcement, and I made sure that they knew about it. My first reaction was not to gloat.

I don't really like Glocks. I don't really dislike Glocks. The "Perfection" slogan bugs the #%^* out of me. Why? Nothing designed and manufactured by human beings is perfect.

Glock produced some guns with a defect, knew about it for some time, and sat on it. The compay will have to live with the consequences of that decision. People DO need to know. By blowing this entirely out of proportion, people question the factual basis of the problem, since some people obviously have an axe to grind.

This thing has acquired a life of its own. Not a pretty one, mind you. More like Frankenstein's monster...


New member

I'll confess I've only perused through a few threads at CZ Forum and don't hang out there much (since I don't own a CZ). If what you say is right (and I'll take your word for it) I humbly apologize to all the good folks over at CZ forum. By the way, in fairness, the people at 1911 Forum, Sig Forum, and sometimes at GlockTalk often do have their moments of being fair minded about other makes as well.

As far as the Glock slogan "Perfection". Its a marketing, advertising, catch phrase, what have you, and should be taken with a nudge and a wink. Whether its a Glock or my other 2 favorite brands (Colt and Sig Sauer) I put at least 1000 rounds of FMJ and 100-200 rounds of defense ammo before I really feel comfortable relying upon it for defense.