Anthrax in the Mail ... Strategies?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Well, the mindless media is trumpeting all kinds of useful advice. If we get mail from unknown sources, mail addressed to people no longer at that address, mail that looks like it has been wet, mail without postmarks, ad infinitum ... we're supposed to quarantine the area and call 911. :rolleyes:

Now, since the mail we're being warned about pretty much describes about 75% of my junk mail, I can just see our LEO's being pestered without mercy. Does anyone else think this is insane?

It would certainly appear that the odds of this being an issue are very low. However, just out of curiosity, if one wanted to make sure the mail wasn't bringing a plague into the home / office, couldn't anthrax be destroyed by heat? That is, isn't there a practical temperature that might kill the bug?

For discussion purposes only, could mail be heated to a certain temperature for a certain length of time in order to avoid all of this?

I know ... if you really had an anthrax-laced letter, the fed's would like to investigate. However, that consideration aside, is there any practical defense.

Gotta go change my filters now ... ;)

Regards from AZ


New member
30 minutes in an autoclave would do it. Microwave might work but no pressure involved and have no information on their use.


Caeca Invidia Es

Staff Alumnus
My strategy is to not worry about it. I'm not a large corporation out there in the spotlight. I can't think of any reason anyone would target me specificly for an attack.

Maybe it's just me though.


Moderator Emeritus
Simplistically, an autoclave is a pressure cooker....Steam held at positive pressure. A good autoclave allows you to vary temperature, pressure and time. You can also turn a tough rump roast into strings.
So, yes....set right, 30 mins in an autoclave will kill anthrax spores. Alas, you can't afford such an autoclave :) Realize that anthrax is ubiquitous in most soils that have had animals camping out. I took a Microbiology class as an undergrad. One lab exercise required us to have 5 petri culture plates and take 5 different samples (to inoculate the plates) from anyplace on campus we wanted to. We had sterile swaps....take a sweep on your designated source and immediately swab it on the petri medium, then immediately close it up. Lo and behold, I cultured anthrax from a drinking fountain next to Animal Science. This was in 1986.

All day long the media has been freaking about this. I am not at all worried. Subcutaneous anthrax is easily recognized, there is time and its easily treated. Pulmonary anthrax is bad news, but you must inhale ca. 10K spores to overwhelm your native immune system. You almost have to snort that "white" powder in your mail. I betcha bucks that the Florida mailroom guy sniffed the stuff.
Relax kids.

If you really feel you need to take precautions, then open your mail outside, with a fan behind you exerting positive airflow away from you.


New member
I wonder if this is part of plan to cripple the US economy. Can you imagine how much trouble we would be in if the US had to shut down the USPS? (That would also include UPS, FedEX, Airbborne, etc...)

Osama my be an insane sociopath but he isn't stupid.


New member
Just wondering

If I get some in the mail could I compact into my HP bullets? Would this cause expansion problems? Would lung shots be absolutely essential? Does Dillion make any accesories to reload this type of ammo? If so, is it costly? Would this be legal in PRK and MA? Would I need any special liscense from the ATF?

A-w-w-w hell. Guess I'll just stick with the ole fashioned stuff.:(


New member
I'm with DC on this one. As a deadly weapon, anthrax hasn't proved effective as delivered in the mail *. A drunk sixteen year old kid in a car is more dangerous than what we've seen so far.

Want to know the best way to stay healthy during this anthrax scare? Quit smoking, eat healthy, exersize, and use a seat belt.

* With due respect and apologies to the family of the one person who has died so far...

Jeff Thomas

New member
Personally, I like the idea of simply burning all the mail. It's been a pain in the neck for years, and seems so much less trouble than calling 911 whenever the postman arrives ... ;)

Oh, and by the way ... Islamic terrorists out there ... up yours.

Regards from AZ

Gary H

New member
Irradiate the mail and you are off and running. Of course, only the folks in government will be able to take advantage of such an expensive option.

I've got the "California" solution. Let's make it illegal to send Anthrax in the mail.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Of course! What an obvious answer! I was an idiot to have overlooked it before ... I'm going to call Chuck Schumer right now, and see if we just can't get an "Anthrax Mail Bill of 2001" ginned up right away .... ;)

Regards from AZ

Jim V

New member
Had a couple of classes on Emergency Incident Command and we discussed Anthrax. Don't breath the white powder, double bag the envelope in Bio-hazard bags and what of the powder you can, cover the stuff you spilled with cloth wet with bleach or something like Lysol, wash well and report it.

YMMV and all that.

If Anthrax was big of threat as all claim, why are there any sheep sheares still alive?


Staff Emeritus
"Anthrax in the Mail ... Strategies?"

(sigh) OT post deleted by blind man.... ;)
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