Another wallpaper image (spider with a .22)


New member
Can we get these in standard screen resolution too (like 1024*768, 1280*1024 and 1600*1200 pixels)?

The picture looks great. Maybe get a bigger spider with a bigger riound - or a scorpion with a rifle.


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Cool pic. Have you done any others like this? Maybe with different cartridge colors? (nickle plated cases, moly bullets)


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Something to go with mussi's suggestion, how about a tarantula with a NAA mini revolver or other mousegun?


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Well, I do want a pinktoe tarantula (Oleg: hint hint) for Christmas, so that should provide an interesting "model" for some photos.

The one in the pic is a wolf spider that found me while I was digging my hand in a duffle bag. Almost thought it was a brown recluse when it scuttled up my arm.


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Runt, are you sure you want a tarantula? My wife wanted one years back, so we went forward. Of all the weird pets we've had, that thing was the most disgusting.


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did someone say scorpions?

edit - that emporer's tail is curled up 2 inches, so when its all spread out its just over seven inches long.
the pics of my flat rock scorpions didnt come out good, but when its stretched out its 9 inches from tail to claws.


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did someone say tarantulas?

not gonna put my gun in a sandy aquarium, but heres two of my seven, left one is a rose hair (just molted, her leg span is 7 1/4 inches), and on the right is a striped knee.


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Oh yes, I want a tarantula - I've had one before. Harry lived eight years and escaped once. Knew how to chew holes through screen wire, too.

And I'm going to let all 8 hairy legs crawl all over me.

And take a picture of it perched on my USPc. :p

Nice spiders, spacemanspiff. I'm going to set up a really cool aboreal tank for mine. And I've decided to name my spider after a TFLer, I just don't know which! :D


New member
Well, since I'm ridiculously arachniphobic, why don't you name it after me, out of irony? ;)

Seriously, people. I don't get having a spider. Even if I didn't have a deep rooted, irrational, instinctive fear of them, I dont' get a pet that just kind of sits there, or crawls around. *shrug* I like things like dogs, cats, and horses myself. Something that has other ways of acknowledging that you're there besides biting you and injecting you with a paralyzing neurotoxin.


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Y'know, Nightcrawler would be a funny name for a spider.

tarantula factoid:
They also flick hairs off their abdomens into an attacker's eyes.


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That wolf spider is gorgeous, Oleg!

My wife tries to get me to dispose of those hunter spiders when she sees them, but I refuse to do so, they're simply breathtaking. Brown Recluses, like the one that bit her earlier this year, yes. Wolf spiders, no.

Something else she doesn't understand the fascination for, since it's not a cute dog or cat, is my 3 year old Calabar Ground Python. Caleb's full-length now at just over 3 feet, and is the most docile and non-agressive snake I've ever dealt with. The fact that she's slow-moving and curls up into a tight ball when aggravated is probably the only reason she's still living in our house. Here's one just like her:



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some tarantulas have weird habits. they dont just always sit around. my first, a wooly, would find unusual ways to sit down, from curling his legs underneath him to only on one side curled, or he'd cross his legs.
they arent too bright though. i'd find him stuck to the screen of his aquarium, as their legs have small hooks. sometimes i'd find him hanging off the screen by one leg, been there for hours i assume, just hanging around. watching them groom themselves is also interesting. taking two or three legs and rubbing them across their underside, and across the other legs, kind of like how a cat will groom itself. watching them molt (shed their old skin) is also a treat.
having one or two is no real challenge. especially if they all have the same temperament. the rose hairs and woolys are tame and dont get spooked by too much. but the baboon's are very nervous and will jump in the air as much as 4 feet! not to mention that they can move with lightning speed.
the stoutleg will emit a buzzing noise when its fending off a predator (or anything it thinks is a predator). it will rub its fangs up and down (left up right down, repeat) faster and faster, and its quite an audible 'buzz' from the hairs.
then there are species like the thai black or the cobalt blue, which are fast, aggressive and downright evil. they will play possum and wont move for anything, then will strike out, not only biting with their fangs, but using their front two legs as clubs, and will clobber their target. my thai black is about the only one who will do such when i mess with her tank and she always bares her fangs at me.
the striped knee is a bit weirder. i've had him for about 8 months, and i can count on one hand how many times he has chosen to eat. i've tried feeding him pinkys but he'll just kill them, biting them over and over, sometimes then holding them in his water dish, and will hang on to them for several hours. he refused to eat any grasshoppers, and has eaten very few crickets. his abdomen looks very shrunken, and i can only assume thats how he would behave in his natural environment.
the pinktoe is very popular because of its pink markings, and some species of pinktoe will have green or blue colorations as well.
and if you really want to see a beautiful spider, check out any one of the ornamentals.

regular spiders are boring. but tarantulas offer a lot more variety. scorpions tend to be more active. my two emporers just ate a pinky each last night, and they were both fighting each other for a spot to eat their meal at. neither was satisfied where they were at, they wanted to be right where the other was.


New member
Ok, I'll admit it, spiders are pretty cool to look at, and Spacemanspiff's post was downright interesting.

But I simply can't understand why you would want to have an animal that, if it were only a little bit bigger, would be happy to kill you and eat you.


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My pets would be happy to kill and eat me anyway.


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and I got 12 snakes, nothing over 6ft though.

Mary- Irian Jaya Carpet Python(a skinny 5ft)
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