Another victim of an "unloaded" firearm


New member
Ok, I have to ask. Why do people have to prove a gun is unloaded by pointing at themselves and pulling the trigger? Whats wrong with the floor?


New member
In my lifetime I've had 2 negligent discharges. One was with a 45 ACP that scared my daughter who was about 3 or 4 when it happened; it was the same situation that happened in the story with the football player but I had the gun pointed at a wall. The second one happened after a hunting trip where I forgot to clear a Ruger M77 rifle and the round went through a window at an upward angle. I was fortunate both times but accidents do happen.


New member
If someone can't follow either "Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction" and "Always keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot", I can't imagine that another rule, saying "Don't carry with a round chambered" is going to help.

Mantra49 did not say there should be a rule to not have a round in the chamber.

What he said was (paraphrasing): You cant expect all of the people.... to follow all of the rules... all of the time. And that despite that, most people on this forum will give the advice to everyone that they should keep a round in the chamber regardless of knowing level of 'gun smarts' of the recepient of their advice.

Matra49 said this:
The advice given buy most on this forum is carry with a round in the chamber. Without knowing the abilities of the people they are advising.


Most advice on this forum is carry one in the chamber. Usually without any knowledge of the abilities ect of the person receiving the advice..


With all due respect you are showing your naivety if you think you can make rules and expect people to follow them.

Now I think you are arguing against your own previous position.

No. He really wasnt unless his comments get twisted into insinuating things that are quite different than what he clearly said.