Another stupid poll. Most overrated handgun?

Most overrated Handgun?

  • Glock

    Votes: 111 48.7%
  • 1911

    Votes: 43 18.9%
  • Beretta

    Votes: 13 5.7%
  • Sig

    Votes: 6 2.6%
  • HK

    Votes: 24 10.5%
  • Springfield

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • S&W

    Votes: 6 2.6%
  • Ruger

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • Kahr

    Votes: 11 4.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voted H&K.

Well made and go bang when they are supposed to, but so do a lot of other guns from that list.

I think they are overpriced and that they have lousy customer service, plus they seem to have snubbed civilian gun owners over the years, it's like they are saying "Yeah we'll take your money too ($800 for an HK pistol around thanks......), but screw ya, we're really after the government contracts....".


New member
I voted for the 1911.
Sure some of them look good, but there is nothing special to justify their enormus price...and there is nothing to justify the arrogance of their owners.
Its a old pistol which shoots well, but not nothing practical or special.
I'll take a H&K usp or a Glock over a 1911 every day.
I don't hate the 1911, but I dont like them either. I accept them.

But I can't agree with the people who voted for Glock, everyone knows that a Glock offers reliability and simpleness. It wasn't invented to look good or to be a perfect range weapon. IMO a Glock offers what the Glock company said, its reliable and simple, nothing more.


New member
Voted. Most over rated? 1911. 50 gazillion gun magazine covers can't be wrong.

Great gun? Yup, but surrounded by legions fiercely loyal, zealots who cry "blasphemy!" at any apostate who dares cast dispersion on the noble 1911 or any of it's 45ACP clones.:barf:

Was that out loud? Please address all hate mail and death threats to Phxdog.


New member
Jart makes a good point with his post, but those guns are affordable for most folks and generally meet their owners expectations.

I voted HK because they are simply not as good as their price indicates. I'd rather have a Glock and hundreds of dollars of ammo. Or, a CZ75 AND one of the guns Jart listed, or, or......


New member
I have everything on the list except SA, HK, and Sig, so I voted Glock. I might have voted HK or Sig if I owned one and was convinced that they could not outperform my other pistols. poppy


New member
I voted 1911 with Glock being a close second. For goodness sakes you'd think there were only two types of semi-auto on the market.


New member
Most Overrated Handgun

Since I love 1911's, maybe I should quit while I'm ahead. But I won't..:)

I'm a former Marine what can I say...:)

Hmmm, most modern semi-autos are pretty reliable. But yet with all the safety features we still have people accidentally shooting themselves or others

People can bash different brands of handguns all they want. It really doesn't accomplish much.

I used to own and ride a Harley, yet I got along better with people who rode Japanese motorcycles, because most of them weren't trying so hard to prove how much a badass they were.

Some 1911 owners are jerks, but there's guys like me who aren't that bad. We just wanna get along...:)

As a former Marine, 1911s are part of our history. What's the old Mac Davis song, "O Lord, it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way. I can't wait to look in the mirror, 'cause I get better looking each day."

Just kiddin, yall have a great day...:)


New member
i voted springfield...

I vote springfield because XD's and their fans are out of control.. dont get me wrong, i like them, but its almost like a cult. :eek:


New member
I voted 1911 even though I think it can be the best gun listed. I carry 1911s and have two $2,000+ 1911s customized by Yost-Bonitz which are the best and most reliable handguns on the planet to me.

The problem is that 1911s are expensive to manufacture relative to these polymer framed striker fired things (which are good), such that makers have to cut quality corners to compete. MIM parts and IMO poor extractors are the result. I've had Kimber, several SAs and several Colts. Neither the Kimber or the SAs were reliable and many parts didn't fit right. The Colts were but had MIM extractors which I don't trust (although Colt changed that in later models). I don't really trust many factory 1911s as delivered. Once properly customized, 1911s are clearly the best.

1911s can be great, but many individual guns fall short because of the corner cutting and cheap parts. Those can be fixed though.


New member
I vote Glock.

Those that say Kel-Tec crack me up. To be "overrated", you have to first have a large group of people saying how awesome they are. While some do speak glowingly of their Kel-Tecs, most bash the Kel-Tecs, and the Kel-Tec lovers are outnumbered about 50 to 1 by people spewing forth the Glock Gospel.

Yes, Glocks are good pistols, but by the way they are portrayed on this and other gunboards, you would think they could fire 150,000 rds without a stoppage after being coated in cement.

I have personally seen Glocks fail, just as all pistols and all machines eventually do.


New member
i agree on the poll author's decision to clump 1911's. they are sort of a breed apart, and can be taken as a group in this context.


New member

Sure they shoot under water, in mud, sand, unlubricated and whatever, but so will a CZ (and for less money). All the ones I've shot have also been pretty inaccurate, nothing horrible, but not too good either.

Pappy John

New member
I'm kind of suprised at all the members who've dumped on Kel-Tec. Or maybe I'm just getting an education on the rest of their pistol line. The only ones I've handled were the 3PATs, three of them, and they all worked perfectly right out of the box. Cheap, fit in your pocket, go bang everytime.....what's not to like? I do know one friend who tried hot-rod loads in a P11 and trashed it. Kel-Tec sent him a new one free, he sticks to standard loads, and he's been happy with it ever since. I'm puzzled, is it just the low price you don't like?:confused:

The Pilgrim

New member
I voted Beretta. I've researched a lot of guns lately and while I have no personal problem with the Beretta, it does seem to be overrated. I do think the Glock is overrated, too, but Ilike the mechanical design better than that of most semi-autos.