Another Study PROVES guns are a problem.

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I really hate that we so often utilize source bias in this area, but not nearly so much as I hate that said rejection is practically always clearly justified.

Sad, isn't it? But the simple fact is that anything coming from groups, universities, or foundations that have, historically put forth anti-gun material is, and should be greeted with suspicion.

if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, odds are good it is a duck. And generally speaking, when we take a close look, it is clear it is a duck. so to speak.

Even studies long debunked by other professionals are still being cherry-picked for sound bytes, as long as they show gun ownership in a negative light.

The oft repeated study about how one was 11, 17, or 43 times (pick a number) more likely to be killed if there was a gun in your home comes to mind. Professionals looked at flaws in the study to discredit it. And they did find them. The rest of us simply looked at the body count, and how it didn't even remotely reflect the conclusions of the "study".

Again, I point out, that if what they claim was happening due to RTC laws, the proof would be obvious. It is not.

Their conclusion is "what we in the Royal Navy call, a LIE!"

(extra point if you can recognize that quote ;))