Another good tool in the home defense arsenal


Crazed Home Owner Shoots Police Officers and K9...

That would be the bold headline as print/web/tv media swarm all over your home and neighborhood because you ran out with a 12ga blasting away at uniformed cops with marked cars and a police K9 barking.

Do you honestly think you'd NOT face serious criminal or civil charges? Do you think a jury of your peers would buy your reasoning?

I doubt it.


New member
Sound like a thesable distraction tool. I use the alarm on my truck for 2 purpouses. To lock/unlock the doors of my truck, and I use the panic button to find it in a parking lot full of cars if I forgot where I parked at:eek:. I learned that trick in Los Angelas of all places.


New member
Very interesting points. Personally, I'll use it as another tool. Maybe it won't work for you. And I'm not saying its the FIRST thing I'd do either, and I'm certainly not suggesting that it be the first thing you do, but I'd be thinking of getting around to the panic button on my key fob pretty quick after first getting my hands on my 45.

Bottom line, everybody has to figure out what'll work for them and go with that. If my lifes experiences have taught me anything, its this: When a man thinks he can't do something or thinks something won't work, then he can't do it, and will make sure it doesn't work. If a different man in exactly the same situation thinks he can do it, and thinks it will work, chances are good he can do whatever it is, and that he will make it work. I think that's a general rule that has to do with inheirient optimism/pessimism and it goes for everything.

IMHO, 99% of BG's will haul a$$ the moment they think they've been detected, for fear that the next sound they hear (BLAST!) will be the last sound they ever hear.


New member
What could it hurt,,,

It's not going to make you neighbors jump out of their beds and mount an armed rescue,,,
But if I were a burglar and any kind of alarm went off when I was in the middle of a crime,,,
It might (just might) be enough incentive to make me change my mind and seek better pickings elsewhere.


Yeah, it's going off right before I come from the opposite direction with a shorty shotgun.

Well, I don't see how your car can always be the opposite direction from you where the attacker is between you two, but okay. You must live in one of those tunnel homes with an entrance only at one end and no windows and your lodging at the far end from the one door. So you are assuming that while this is going on, you have the time to deal with a car's key fob on a keychain. Interesting wishful thinking.