Another AR trigger question


New member
I use POF curved (not flat) single stage triggers on all my short and fast guns. I much prefer them for short(er) faster shooting. My long range “precision” AR’s have NM 2 stage triggers
I second the Rise triggers (have several and no fitting problems at least in Stag lowers) and the JP enhanced springs thought if you really want cheap and simple. I've also got a couple of the CNC's in AR's and, for the money, they're a fine improvement on the original.


New member
I found the wide trigger to be odd as well, but have really come to love it. Everything else feels too skinny now.
Thanks for the info on the Larue MBT. I scored an Anderson carbine dirt cheap on a one-day sale last January and it's turned out to be real decent shooter. I'll probably add the MBT.


New member

Well, I got the Hiperfire EDT Designated Marksman trigger, finally got the time to install it and....will probably be the LAST hiperfire I buy. It feels like crap, the stainless Anderson fire control group that came out has much better feel and break than this Hiperfire that cost 3-times a much. Just an FYi, Hiperfire's not the company it used to be. My first one years ago (when they were still called EDT1) was GREAT ! The Heavy Gunner I bought a couple of years ago was iffy, didn't feel great but I thought was just dumb luck I got a gritty one. This gritty, and has way too much creep for a Hiperfire. Now I'm thinking I should have risked it and bought the CMC instead.
In the mean time....a friend of mine bought a LaRue two-stage trigger for his AR and that thing is fantastic !! I wish they made a single stage that was as good !!
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New member
They have life time money back guaranteed. I would return it for refund.

LaRue and several other brands have exactly same construction. They are from the same source I think. I got one from dirty bird for lower price. It wasn't good. It required more than the usual trigger job to make it agreeable. It voided the warranty, but I don't mind.


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Kymasabe said:
Well, I got the Hiperfire EDT Designated Marksman trigger, finally got the time to install it and....will probably be the LAST hiperfire I buy. It feels like crap, the stainless Anderson fire control group that came out has much better feel and break than this Hiperfire that cost 3-times a much. Just an FYi, Hiperfire's not the company it used to be. My first one years ago (when they were still called EDT1) was GREAT ! The Heavy Gunner I bought a couple of years ago was iffy, didn't feel great but I thought was just dumb luck I got a gritty one. This gritty, and has way too much creep for a Hiperfire.

I'm not writing this to argue you into keeping the EDT, just to relate my experience.

I have six EDTs. Every single one of them has a grittier pull straight from the package than I've ever felt on a GI style trigger. I had to put every one of them into my Larue trigger fixture for a couple of hundred dryfires for it to begin to smooth out. Several of them developed a long smooth pull with a slight hitch at the end just before the break. My oldest one has no hitch before the break, but is very smooth all the way to the break. It may have 10,000 rounds on it.

I tried to accelerate the break in with some sandpaper on one, and it didn't work out. It had a bit of a hitch at the beginning of travel and then travelled so lightly that it didn't have the resistance I wanted. Hiperfire replaced it.

I don't know why Hiperfire sends them out this way, but it gives a customer a terrible first impression. I would think that polishing the two surfaces before packaging and selling them would be a cheap enough way to save buyers the break in.


New member
That's too bad about the new trigger. I don't think my 24C has enough movement to discern a feeling of grit, resistance, etc. With the gray? spring, it measured (at time of install) a hair under 1.5. with both digital / slider scales. It feels the same today after a couple of thousand rounds (.22lr).