Another 9mm


New member
I recently purchased a glock 19 and have been shooting the heck out of it :D . I'm really enjoying this gun alot. As a matter of fact, I'm enjoying it so much, I want another 9mm. Yeah, I know, I know, I COULD get a pistol in another caliber :rolleyes: . But, I think I would really like another 9mm. Here's the dilemma, I can't decide if I should get a subcompact (glock 26 or kahr K9) or if I should go for something in a full size (glock 17, 34 or a cz-75b). I think getting a full size pistol may be a little redundant since the g19 is almost close to a full size and shoots just like it. I'm somewhat leaning towards the g26. I really like the glock because it's easy to shoot, clean, and maintain. That is a BIG plus for me. Any comments, suggestions, or practical advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


New member
Well, I'm normally a Kahr fan but if you're going to stay with the same caliber I'd suggest the Glock 26 for two reasons. One is that you'll be keeping the same "feel" to the gun. The other is that you can use your G19 mags in the G26 (sticking out, of course.) That can save you a few bucks buying extra mags.

Either way, enjoy!



New member
How about a G27 in 40 S&W, then for $100 one can convert it to 9mm. this is what i might do, I love cheap prices of 9mm and glocks.:D :D This would sort of give you a 26 and 27.


New member


You already own a Glock, and it sound like you don't have a huge collection of guns. Perhaps you should get a pistol that that has a different manual of arms, such as a CZ or a 1911-style. Shooting a G17 or a G26 would not be a very different expereince than shooting your G19. As you are a Maryland resident, I would guess that CCW is not a concern for you--perhaps your next perchase should be a full-sized weapon.


New member
If you enjoy the Glock, you'll probably enjoy a gun like the Walther P99, which I know a lot of people here like a lot.

There's lots of 9mm pistols out there that are interesting, but it's up to you whether you want to stick to something you're used to or want to try something radically different (e.g. 1911)

Hope this helps :)


New member
CZ75B. The Turkish police models with the 15 rd mag are not available anymore according to my local gun store, but you can still get one with 2 10 round mags. CDNN Investments has/had 15 rounders from ProMag that were reasonably priced and work well in mine. It's a great gun and truly a value.

p.s. - Get one while you can, the shell casing requirement, soon to be followed by the built in lock will make many guns, including the CZ's and probably Glocks unavailable in MD soon.


New member
I thought that glock was doing the shell casing thing now. Plus, I hear that glocks can be ordered w/ an optional internal lock starting this fall. But I know what you mean. It's absolutely unfair that we gun lovers must buy the real guns we want before the lovely state of Maryland (sarcasm) takes away more of our gun owning rights. :mad: I personally do want to get a .45 acp 1911 and another pistol before the year is out. Thanks to Maryland, I have to figure out how to make that work on my budget. Anyone want to take pity on me and sell me a springfield loaded parkerized for cheap :D ?????

Blue Duck357

New member
The G-26 would be nice and a good back-up tp your 19 if it ever had to go back to the factory (not likely of course),stolen, used in self defense (cops usually take the gun), sent in for custom modifications etc..

But if your thinking a full size I agree the 17 and 19 are a bit redundant (I have both), the G-34 however might be enough difference to make sense...

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
How about a Sig P226, or P228 if you desire another 9m/m. Or the SA Browning Hi-Power?

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
If you want something different...

Put me down for another vote for the hi-power. SA, cocked and locked, pleasantly hefty, slim,grip that's hand friendly, been around long enough to get smith support (if you want to tweak) and accessories out the whazoo, mag's that hold 17,15,13 readily available for reasonable prices....what more can I say? If you want factory 10 rnders you even get a spring to kick out the mag!:D :cool:

Could even go .40 (I've never shot one in this caliber) to further the different nature. I stayed in 9mm because I liked the cartridge more than I wanted a different caliber, but I would like another caliber or two before it's over. If I ever take up reloading this will be easier to justify. Untill then, the price, power and versatility of the 9mm make it too attractive.

Could say alot of the same things for the CZ75 family and could add sa/da as an additional point, depending on what config you want.