Another 870 express chamber prob...


New member
To say the 870 express is substandard is splitting hairs.

Not really and the "NEW" series really brings that out. An additional problem on these is the stock finish or lack of it. Check it our for yourself and you will see that it has an application of stain and by my measure and compared to the older ones, absolutely no finish or protection. In fact, while applying some wax for protection, noticed some wood fibers starting to lift. I know that an application of true oil is in my future plans at the end of this season. Yes, I am talking about a brand new, unfired 870 Express. ... :eek:

Be Safe !!!


New member
Both, I guess I will have to clean it again. I wanted to put a good amount of rounds before I had to clean it to see how it would run. I hear so much about people not cleanining their shotguns to do the same thing so I thought I would try. We'll see if that is it.

Yeah, the finish sucks on mine. I always rub it down with some oil to help it out.

Evan Thomas

New member
Pahoo said:
An additional problem on these is the stock finish or lack of it. Check it our for yourself and you will see that it has an application of stain and by my measure and compared to the older ones, absolutely no finish or protection. In fact, while applying some wax for protection, noticed some wood fibers starting to lift. I know that an application of true oil is in my future plans at the end of this season. Yes, I am talking about a brand new, unfired 870 Express. ...

That is pathetic. They might as well start selling them as "kit guns," if they're not even going to finish the stock... Mine is just a few years old, but has an adequate finish on it. Not pretty, heaven knows, but... adequate.

I wonder... do they make so much more money these days on the ones with black plastic "tacticool" stocks that this is a clever bait-and-switch ploy: make the wood stocks as ugly as possible...?


New member
Problem with hull extraction

My recently purchased 870 12GA HD model has given me progressive problems with extraction of light metal shells. While this problem was sporadic with different ammunition brands, it eventually became much worse.

I would estimate shooting ~3K rounds since April 09. This rate of spent rounds is due to my installing a 30" barrel and enjoying my new found fondness for trap shooting.
Problem was evident from the beginning and slowly but surely became intolerable. Called Remington, explained the problem, and they stated I needed to send it to them for inspection.

Luckily they have a gunsmith local here in California. Dropped it off, leaving them both my 20.5" and 30" barrels. I will know more in a couple of weeks.

I have since picked up another 870 12GA Express Magnum model with a 28" barrel. This unit is relatively new, with the previous owner only taking it out one time and probably putting a couple of hundred rounds through it. I have fired ~100 rounds I have had no issues.

I will let you know the results on my HD when it has been returned to me.

MC Murray


New member
I had a problem with my 870 express where it wouldn't eject spent shells out of the chamber when i shot birdshot out of them...Sold it a month ago and don't regret it either. :cool:


New member
This amuses me since I have a norinco 982 and the only problem ive had is that I have such a short barrel and im hearing that I wont be able to get a longer one that will fit... but im not sure if I want an 870 now...:confused: