ann coulter

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New member

You love to go on and on, and on and on...
uhm, its called point counter point, I am defending my beliefs on a subject.

Then when someone exposes the weaknesses in your so-called arguments...
You call for the "mod" to lock the thread
for the 700000000000th time sarcasm. read my post again you might see it.

You are soooo transparent
why yes I am..........that was sarcasm


If a conservative did a skit like that about <muslem/black/hispanic/lesbian/gay/victim du jour>, would it be funny? Somehow I doubt you'd agree. And I'm positive the entire liberal/leftist establishment would have gone into maximum hysteric mode, and we'd still be hearing about how mean-spirited conservatives are today, and for the next 20 odd years too.
uhm yes it would be funny, it was a skit. why do you doubt I would agree. none of you people know me. yet in post after post you assume things about me. its getting very old, and im tired of stating this.


New member
Hello?? Surely if you're so adamant that she has been misquoted (implying you know what she *really* meant) you'd have something to support the allegation?


Today 02:33 PM Which quotes in particular to you challenge as being taken out of context?
Today 02:55 PM Hello??
Exactly why do you expect anyone to reply within 22 minutes to one of your posts, as if they had no life but to hang out on a gun board 24/7?


New member
uhm, its called point counter point, I am defending my beliefs on a subject.

And, may I ask--exactly what are your beliefs--if you see fit to defend them, at least tell us what they are.


When you see and hear Ann Coulter, you might not agree with what she says. However, she falls into the category of Americans who are sick and tired of political pablum being pushed down their collective throats.

We are tired of the social failures that are evident in each and every incident where criminals are slapped on the wrist, where our children graduate from high school unable to read or write proper English; where songs glamorizing drugs, promiscuity and even attacking other citizens and peace officers are given mainstream attention; where parents are afraid to discipline their children because if they do they can be arrested and charged with a misdemeanor that carries more punishment than some felony crimes--lifelong punishment that is.

We are sick of some political candidates who want us to bend over and kiss the collective hind ends of the United Nations, who want to subscribe to their version of "law".

We are tired of seeing different days established in our nation to honor different beliefs and ethnic groups while our own national customs and beliefs are flushed down the toilet. Don't believe me?

When was the last time your kids came from school to tell you about celebrating Cinco de Mayo, Kwanzaa, or hearing about the custom of Ramadan? Probably within the last year. Does your kids' school have a Wicca club yet? No? Recognize that Satanic worship is allowed and recognized in our schools.

Now ask them what the recognized school holidays are.

I remember having an Easter vacation--not a "spring break".
I remember having a Christmas vacation--not a "mid winter break".

What happened to our belief in God, and the part our beliefs played in the creation and building of our nation?

I remember reading about a time when serving in our armed forces was considered a privilege and an honor.

I remember reading about a time when armed citizens came to the aid of beseiged police officers, holding a sniper at bay with their high-powered rifles. (See Charles Whitman).

Most of all, I can remember reading about a time where praising a sworn enemy of the United States--in a classroom, none the less--got you run out of town on a rail--NOT reelected as a Senator. (See Patty Murray)

And yes, on this side of the fence, I am tired of watching our nation bleed from jabs rendered from the south side of our border.

I am tired of seeing our military subjected to a continual love/hate relationship by the public they protect.

I am tired of weepy little sheep afraid of inanimate hand-held machines who restrict the right of Joe Citizen (you and me) to carry and use the firearm of our choice.

Well, there you have it--some of my views and beliefs. What about yours?


New member
Powderman +1 :)

Even if he answers... it will be ambiguous and indirect. :confused:

He likes the sound of his own "voice"... but doesn't want to "hear" yours... :rolleyes:


New member
for the 700000000000th time sarcasm. read my post again you might see it.

I read it again... :barf:

All I see is a frightened rabbit running from the "big guns" and hiding in the briar patch of sarcasm. :p

Mentioning guns just might keep the discussion "UN-locked". :D

Rob P.

When you see and hear Ann Coulter, you might not agree with what she says. However, she falls into the category of Americans who are sick and tired of political pablum being pushed down their collective throats...

Wrong. Ann Coulter is a woman in love with her own voice. No more, no less. She doesn't care about America, politics, you or me, or anything. Just her own voice.

In order to get other people to listen to her, she comes up with the STUPIDIST things to say which are biased, bigoted, inane, anti-american, etc and touts that crap as a "party line" for "conservatives".

Ann Coulter wouldn't know a conservative if one stepped on her foot and said "excuse me". All that she is, is a political whacko who needs to sell schmaltz in order to get a paycheck. So she makes up outrageous stuff in order to get noticed.

I'll bet that if no one offered to pay her for her nonsense, she'd fall out of sight so fast you'd think she vaporized herself. I've NEVER heard a more vain, idiotic, racist, and uninformed woman than Ann Coulter.

model 25

New member
Which quotes in particular to you challenge as being taken out of context? And can you present them here within their intended context?

Sorry there I don't live on the net so you won't get an instant reply from me:D

Would you point to the exact quote that by reading you are positive she said in the tone and manner you suggest. The one where you could see here body language of her smile or the hatred on her face. Go ahead and point the one out you can read that into:eek: :eek:

Take your time LOL I ain't waiting :cool:



New member
You're the one who's so sure she didn't mean what was presented here. You suggest that it was taken out of context. I am willing to entertain the concept if you will provide some sort of proof. Since you'd rather obfuscate, it seems clear to me that you can't.
Tell me why you're running scared from her words. Don't you agree with what she's saying?

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
noone, you say that your post was a "point, counterpoint" post. It wasn't. What you did was to post a bunch of Ann Coulter quotes but failed to make any counterpoint to any of the quotes you posted.

Since you also failed to link to any of the quotes, it would be hard for anyone else to say whether or not the quotes were in context. Which further begs the question, what was the context? Since you declined to comment upon any of the quotes you supplied, it is hard to judge exactly what you find wrong, hilarious, whatever, about the quotes or the person quoted.

What follows your initial posts are snipes and swipes... Categorized as ad hominem attacks from all sides. Very few of which are debatable.

Now I like debate as much as the next person who browses the L&P section. But this entire thread was virtually non-debatable from the start. Should you wish to restart this thread, as a debatable topic, which would include links to the quotes, and your opinion as to why you object (which would reveal your political position more fully), then be my guest.

Threads like this however, detract from the purpose of TFL as a whole. Dissent is always welcomed, but is given the short shrift when handled in the manner this thread has been.

Reasoned and reasonable debate on Legal or Political topics is always welcomed. This however is neither reasoned, reasonable, nor debate.
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