ann coulter

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If Giuliani wants to have a national ambition, and I’m a big fan of his, he’s going to have to become pro-life if he wants to run for president. No one ever believed he was pro-choice anyway - he’s a Catholic from Queens," she says, adding, “Americans understand that Manhattan is the Soviet Union.”
-- Ann Coulter, quoted in "All Smiles On GOP's Right Wing",, Sept. 1, 2004

"Kwanzaa itself is a lunatic blend of schmaltzy '60s rhetoric, black racism and Marxism. Indeed, the seven 'principles'of Kwanzaa praise collectivism in every possible arena of life – economics, work, personality, even litter removal."
-- Ann Coulter,, Dec. 26, 200
"Well, my point is that it shows the ideological insanity of these people and how they are terrified of anyone who believes in a Being even higher than the New York Times. When you try to figure out what the Religious Right is, essentially my conclusion is that it either comes down to one man, Pat Robertson, or 80 percent of Americans, anyone who believes in God and wants his taxes cut. When you look at Pat Robertson’s positions, they are really quite moderate positions, as one would expect from a Yale Law School graduate. I may not agree with him as a conservative, but my point is they are trying to demonize Pat Robertson as some sort of horned conservative. If he didn't believe in God and go on TV and talk about it, he would be Jim Jeffords, he would be Christie Todd Whitman, I mean just in his political positions. It really shows how crazy these people are. They really are terrified of believing Christians."
-- Ann Coulter to Pat Robertson, The $700 Club, Oct. 2, 2002

"[Anti-war Democrats] know that the American people support defending America, unlike them. Their real feelings are coming out as much as they can right now, which is that they're desperately dying to provide aid and support to al-Qaeda."
-- Ann Coulter on WOR radio, September 21, 2002

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."
-- Ann Coulter to George Gurley, New York Observer, August 21, 2002

Phil Donahue: "I just want to make sure we got this right. Liberals hate America. They hate all religions except Islam. Liberals love Islam, hate all other religions."
Ann Coulter: "Post 9/11."
Donahue: "Well, good for you."
--Donahue, MSNBC, July 19, 2002

"[In response to Mike Barnacle] I've been promoting my book today so I haven't read the [Ninth Circuit] decision [declaring the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional]. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding about my coming on this program to talk about my book. But I will guess that the judges who said the pledge of allegiance violates the constitution were appointed by Democrats and not Republicans I haven't looked at the decision, I haven't heard about the decision. But that's a wild guess I'm going to make.... [Later, responding to Katrina van den Heuvel] Oh, I'm just waiting to see if anyone will take any bets on me on whether the judges who wrote this decision were appointed by a Democrat or a Republican."
-- Ann Coulter on MSNBC's Hardball, June 27, 2002
NOTE: The decision was rendered by Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, appointed by President Richard Milhous Nixon, 1971

Ann Coulter: "I can tell which ones don't need to be looked at, I can tell you that. Old ladies, old black men, little children, blondes, blue eyed. Do this experiment. I've done it many times: go around wherever you are, and you can always exclude about 80% of the people there, and I know once again Congressman Honda will not tell us the other factors that are going to be so crucial in figuring out which ones the terrorists are."
Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA): "You know there's another form of terrorism in the country, and that's the kind of terrorism that you spread. It's through racial profiling, and you're simply out of step."
Michael "The Moralist" Medved: "Congressman Honda, do you really want to compare Ann Coulter to the people who attacked the United States on September 11? ... You want to stand by your accusation that Ann Coulter is a terrorist?"
Honda: "Her comments and everything else engenders fear in people, it creates fear in people and it brings up other people who are out of step who will listen to that and turn around and target other people and were about educating people about what's the best way of proceeding and misinformation and using race as the soul ingredient is out of step."
-- The Michael Medved Show, March 18, 2002

"As Mineta has endlessly recounted in interviews of late: 'I remember on the 29th of May, 1942' -- note that he remembers the day -- 'when we boarded the train in San Jose under armed guard, the military guard, I was in my Cub Scout uniform carrying a baseball, baseball glove and a baseball bat. And as I boarded the train, the MPs confiscated the bat on the basis it could be used as a lethal weapon.'
"Good G-d! A guard took Mineta's baseball bat as a child, and as a result he's subjecting all of America to the Bataan Death March! Someone please give him a baseball bat."
-- Ann Coulter, Jewish World Review, Feb. 28, 2002

From "Cam Kate":
On [Fox News Channel's February 7th] Hannity and Colmes, Alan Colmes confronted Ann Coulter with the following statement she made at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference:"We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too."
Coulter whined to Colmes, "I didn't know we were talking about this tonight, but now that you've sprungit on me..." but confirmed she made the comment and boasted it was a "huge hit with the audience."
Colmes: "You hate liberals. You despise liberals. This is unbelievable.We should execute them to make liberals scared?"
Coulter: "Right. Right!"
-- Feb. 10, 2002

When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty.We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too. Otherwise they will turn out to be outright traitors."
-- Ann Coulter, CPAC convention, February 2002

On Islamic extremists: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."
-- Ann Coulter, National Review Online, September 2001

"The presumption of innocence only means you don't go right to jail."
-- Ann Coulter, Hannity & Colmes,August 24, 2001

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it! It's yours.'"
-- Ann Coulter, Hannity & Colmes,June 20, 2001

I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote. No, they all have to give up their vote, not just, you know, the lady clapping and me. The problem with women voting -- and your Communists will back me up on this -- is that, you know, women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it. And when they take these polls, it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care."
-- Ann Coulter, Politically Incorrect, Feb. 26, 2001

"Women like Pamela Harriman and Patricia Duff are basically Anna Nicole Smith from the waist down. Let's just call it for what it is. They're whores."
-- Ann Coulter,, November 16, 2000

"The thing I like about Bush is I think he hates liberals."
-- Ann Coulter, Washington Post, August 1, 2000

"Let's say I go out every night, I meet a guy and have sex with him. Good for me. I'm not married."
-- Ann Coulter, Rivera Live, June 7, 2000

"The swing voters? I like to refer to them as the idiot voters because they don't have set philosophical principles. You're either a liberal or you're a conservative if you have an IQ above a toaster. "
-- Ann Coulter, Beyond the News, FOX News Channel, June 4, 2000

"If you don't hate Clinton and the people who labored to keep him in office, you don't love your country."
-- Ann Coulter, George, July 1999 (and you wonder why the magazine folded)

On Rep. Christopher Shays (D-CT) in deciding whether to run against him as a Libertarian candidate: "I really want to hurt him. I want him to feel pain."
-- Ann Coulter, Hartford Courant, June 25, 1999

Another brilliant pundit forecast: "I think [Whitewater]'s going to prevent the First Lady [Hillary Clinton] from running for Senate."
-- Ann Coulter, Rivera Live, March 12, 1999

"We're now at the point that it's beyond whether or not this guy is a horny hick. I really think it's a question of his mental stability. He really could be a lunatic. I think it is a rational question for Americans to ask whether their president is insane."
-- Ann Coulter, Equal Time(date unspecified)

"My track record is pretty good on predictions."
-- Ann Coulter, Rivera Live, December 8, 1998

To a disabled Vietnam vet: "People like you caused us to lose that war."
-- Ann Coulter, MSNBC

"If those kids had been carrying guns they would have gunned down this one [child] gunman. ... Don't pray. Learn to use guns."
-- Ann Coulter, Politically Incorrect, December 18, 1997

"I am emboldened by my looks to say things Republican men wouldn't."
-- Ann Coulter, TV Guide, August 1997

"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote."
-- Ann Coulter, Hannity & Colmes, August 17, 1997

"If they have the one innocent person who has ever to be put to death this century out of over 7,000, you probably will get a good movie deal out of it."
-- Ann Coulter, MSNBC July 27, 1997


New member
some more:

"I think we had enough laws about the turn-of-the-century. We don't need any more." Asked how far back would she go to repeal laws, she replied, "Well, before the New Deal...[The Emancipation Proclamation] would be a good start."
-- Ann Coulter, Politically Incorrect, May 7, 1997

"I have to say I'm all for public flogging. One type of criminal that a public humiliation might work particularly well with are the juvenile delinquents, a lot of whom consider it a badge of honor to be sent to juvenile detention. And it might not be such a cool thing in the 'hood to be flogged publicly."
-- Ann Coulter, MSNBC, March 22, 1997

"My libertarian friends are probably getting a little upset now but I think that's because they never appreciate the benefits of local fascism."
-- Ann Coulter, MSNBC, February 8, 1997

"[Princess Diana's] children knew she's sleeping with all these men. That just seems to me, it's the definition of 'not a good mother.' ... Is everyone just saying here that it's okay to ostentatiously have premarital sex in front of your children?...[Diana is] an ordinary, and pathetic, and confessional. I've never had bulimia! I've never had an affair! I've never had a divorce! So I don't think she's better than I am."
-- Ann Coulter, MSNBC September 19, 1997


And what is the point? There are spokesmen and women on both sides of the fence and they mostly shout. I remember the Old America in my childhood before WW2 when we keft the keys in the car at curbside, never locked the house,
there was very little crime and dope, little was heard from ultra liberals and ultra conservatives. Human rats and scum didn't roam all over creating havoc as the cops would "tend" to them if they got out and about creating trouble.

Most everyone honored GOD, honesty, hard work, and putting food on the table.
Never heard a single voice of hatred or threats to out Country then. We were Americans, not the conglomeration of the "mixing" pot, illegal or legal that we have become. Hitler, Tojo, and Mussolini had big plans for us but they had not come to fruition. Sadly, we cannot go back, God help us!


New member
oh boy, well i was just countering the dem bashing(not that they dont need bashing). I mean i shouldnt even need too becasue the hillary, kennedy,pelosi, etc. post was just speculation. these are actual quotes.


noone, you're going to cut and paste this nonsense, you really ought to link where you got it from:
it's called "plagerism" if you don't.

At least she tries to be entertaining, Al Franken is just plain mean and crazy:
The real joke is that Franken's staged assault inadvertently exposes and underscores the truth about the Bush-deranged Left. Over the past few years, we've seen frightfully Franken-esque intolerance, violence, and hatred spread from the moonbat fringes to the liberal mainstream to the top echelons of the Democrat party.


New member
"Most everyone honored GOD, honesty, hard work, and putting food on the table."
lots still do.

"Never heard a single voice of hatred or threats to out Country then"
thats what starting wars without the support of others will do.

"We were Americans, not the conglomeration of the "mixing" pot, illegal or legal that we have become. "
huh, my mothers people came from ireland, fathers from germany. weird.


New member
Abuse of Cut & Paste

NoOne, OK so U know how to cut and paste. Give us a break will U? How about just three major points next time? Thank U.

model 25

New member
Posting what people say has it's drawbacks in credibility, words spoken and heard can be precieved different than words read.

The person talking can be saying something in sarcasm or in a joke and have people out there with an agenda use those words like the talker ment them.

When I use say " Clinton when he said it depends on what your definition of what "is" is" I saw it on TV and heard him say it. I consider that credible.

I do agree with some of what she has been reported as saying even if she didn't say it:D :D



New member
all franken is just mean and crazy? well he may be, but that link goes to a page talking about his "skit" you know as in fiction.

the rest of your post is funny. we have seen intolerance, violence, and hatred in the dem party? uh, are you confusing the parties? who's administration lead us to war, holds us without due process, and drives other countries and people to hate us?


New member
ok sorry for my post then, I will counter the conservative view point anymore. can a mod lock this please.

model 25

New member
the rest of your post is funny. we have seen intolerance, violence, and hatred in the dem party? uh, are you confusing the parties? who's administration lead us to war, holds us without due process, and drives other countries and people to hate us?

Was that WWII you are talking about?


Didn't Roosevelt do all that to the Japanese in the USA?


New member
What a lot of fish and gut-gas!!! :p

Ann Coulter... will you marry me??? ;)


You love to go on and on, and on and on...
Then when someone exposes the weaknesses in your so-called arguments...
You call for the "mod" to lock the thread!!!


You are soooo transparent.

model 25

New member
Does anybody here dispute the veracity of any of the above quotes?

I better hurry before they shut this down, :D

Have you ever heard of out of contex?



but that link goes to a page talking about his "skit" you know as in fiction.
If a conservative did a skit like that about <muslem/black/hispanic/lesbian/gay/victim du jour>, would it be funny? Somehow I doubt you'd agree. And I'm positive the entire liberal/leftist establishment would have gone into maximum hysteric mode, and we'd still be hearing about how mean-spirited conservatives are today, and for the next 20 odd years too.


New member
Which quotes in particular to you challenge as being taken out of context? And can you present them here within their intended context?
I'll just wait right here...:rolleyes:
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