And they are flying off the shelves....

Glockstar .40

New member
YEP! A buddy and I went to every gun store in town today and a gun show...all the stores were wiped out like ive never seen before and the gun show was a zoo with ridiculous prices! bushmasters were being sold for $2000:eek:


New member
Hmmm, I might leave the venison alone in the smoker for a few hours tomorrow and go cruising to check ammo availability. Interested to see how the conditions are around here.


New member
I believe that a large number of people are buying in multiples because they believe a total ban is forth coming and they are betting that they can profit when that ban goes into effect, I'm making a donation to the NRA to help disappoint those who are hoping to profit from all of this.

One can only hope we can keep a ban off so these folks who are about "their" rights dont get to abuse others rights
It's a mess across the industry. Product was made and shipped to distributor warehouses. Everyone was set for a great holiday season.

Then, the unexpected and tragic happened. The resulting sales surge is the biggest I've ever seen. Bigger than 2008, and certainly bigger than 1993.

I've been telling callers since last Sunday, "we're out of AR-15's. No, completely out. All kinds." .223 ammunition's gone. 30-round mags are gone. Glock magazines over 10 rounds are gone.

And when are they coming back? We don't know. Most of the industry is on vacation now, and from what I've gathered, production won't restart in earnest until January. It'll be even longer before that product makes it to retail.

In the meantime? Magpul magazines we were selling for $12 are $80-100 on the secondary market. At a gun show this weekend, the cheap DPMS and Bushmaster builds were going for over $2000. A guy was getting $3000 for 6920's and $5000 for FN SCARs.

Free market and all...yeah, I get it. I'm still very disappointed by what I see as gouging.


New member
I guess if I was a dealer, I'd sell for whatever the market would bear. If you sold it too cheap, someone else would make a killing on it instead.


New member
I overheard some LGS employees talking while I was buying my new ppq. Appearently this gun store had about 4000 guns in stock total before the shooting. As of Thursday they had about 1000.

That 4000 number seemed big to me but this is one of the largest gun stores, if not the largest in the Chicago area so I guess its possible.

Alll I can say to gun store owners is you better save that $$$ because if this keeps up the only things left to sell will be low demand guns like bolt action rifles, pump shotties and full sized handguns.

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
Free market and all...yeah, I get it. I'm still very disappointed by what I see as gouging.
There is no such thing as gouging if the market demands it.

That being said, if the ban is as bad as people think it might be... then people might think their prices were too cheap.


New member
Stopped by Bass Pro Friday for unrelated reasons. Wandered by the gun section on general principles. Crazy. No AR's or mags, of course. But what really struck me was the pistol cabinets. They have about a 60 foot long case full of the pistols and at least half, maybe 2/3s of the display stands were empty. First I just figured they were busy and hadn't restocked but I asked and the employee said no, they were flat out of most of it. Been crazy.

I'm glad I don't feel the need to participate. In the last week I've bought I 1000 .223 bullets for reloading and 5 AR mags For normal reasons at normal prices.


Cabela's in Allen, TX had sold every AR, SKS and AK variant except the .22 trainers and they were moving fast, as well as SCAR, FN2000, etc. by last Monday. Gun Gear to Go in Plano had one POF left on the wall for $2200. Neither store gouged or increased prices. Meanwhile, Cheaper Than Dirt in McKinney had a line out the door and every WallyWorld, Dick's, Academy and BassPro around was also sold out.

Was saving for this past paycheck to be the terminus to pickup a S&W M&P15 MOE or SigM400 MOE. Got damn lucky through a good friend in AZ and got my hands on a S&W M&P15A and a few PMAGS. I'll worry about feeding it later.

Barack Obama, gun salesman of the decade indeed. Madness. To the gougers and the Fudds, your time will come too.

Baba Louie

New member
The whole situation should be a very interesting topic at the upcoming SHOT show (Jan 15-18).

Tho my last SHOT Show Blast email from NSSF was Dec 11. (NSSF is headquartered in Newtown CT BTW)


New member
Unfortunatly I have spoke to a few people this week who not only buying an AR this week, but wanting the ban so they can "cash in" on it. Sick if you ask me, and unfortunatly they are hunters and say they arent worried about their "rights"...

The buying spree I saw today was worst than what I saw in 2008. I believe that a large number of people are buying in multiples because they believe a total ban is forth coming and they are betting that they can profit when that ban goes into effect, I'm making a donation to the NRA to help disappoint those who are hoping to profit from all of this.

Those people are going to feel awfully stupid if Sen. Feinstein gets her way and not only bans new "assault weapons" and "high capacity magazines" but also the sale/transfer of existing ones as well.


New member
All of the scary black rifles and pistols have either flown or are flying off the shelves faster than I've seen before. I'm really glad I have about everything I want for the moment. It still just irritates me to no end that this panic is becoming the norm. I have an AR and don't really want another one except for the fact that the powers that be don't want me to have one. That being said, I should probably try to sell the one I have in order to buy a real nice bolt rifle in 22-250. I'm torn.


New member
I went to my local gun store on Thursday to watch the panic buying. I've never seen the place so packed and all of the AR's flying of the shelves. I decided not to give in to the panic buying. I already have 10 magazines for mine and decided not to buy anymore. All of the $18 DPMS mags were gone and the $30 Bushmaster mags were almost gone.
Next, I went to my local Cabelas and all of the magazines were gone, as well as most of the .223 ammo (Limit ten boxes per customer)
I just hope these people buying them learn how to use them in a safe manner.
They have about a 60 foot long case full of the pistols and at least half, maybe 2/3s of the display stands were empty.
People are buying pistols as much as rifles. There are several causes:
  • It takes an event like this to get folks thinking about gun ownership. Many folks are buying their first gun right now.
  • Whatever rumor is going around about ermagherdtheban includes high-capacity magazines. Most of the pistol sales are for guns capable of accepting them.
  • Being unable to get rifles, many folks are just settling for pistols.

C Philip

New member
People are voting with their wallets, they clearly want "assault" rifles and "high capacity" magazines. I think one of the reasons the (largely anti-gun) media suddenly stopped talking about the shooting was because of the huge surge in sales. If their plan was to scare people away from AR-15's it backfired massively.

On that note, if everyone sent letters to their representatives and senators instead of panic buying, we would have nothing to panic about. I sent mine earlier this week.


New member
Yeah Tom, looks like. Stopped by an LGS yesterday afternoon. Pistol case half empty. Several obvious first timers at the counter.

I stood there looking at a the one FAL they had on the rack. Been considering one for awhile. But this was a Century for $1150. Didn't take it but still torn. If it had been $800 I'd a walked out with it.

44 AMP

[QUOTE one FAL they had on the rack. Been considering one for awhile. But this was a Century for $1150. Didn't take it but still torn.][/QUOTE]

Will you still be torn when it hits $1400 and somebody buys it, because they think its a deal?

Because panic comes to some, later than others...