And another 870 joins the family......


New member
This one is for the children.......No is.......

I was wandering around Gander Mountain this evening and found a deal I couldn't pass up. Yes you read that right, I put Gander Mountain and deal in the same sentence. Wierd huh??

So to the good part.......

I found an 870 youth 20 gauge express with a fully rifled barrel for 199.00.

It ain't new, but it's close enough. Wood stocks, sling studs already installed. Pre-dimples/old style mag tube and spring retainer.

Looks like my kids have a nice learner shotgun here. Gonna have to pick up another barrel for it. Haven't decided whether I want to trade/sell this barrel or just purchase another outright and keep this one. Could be handy for the kids to deer hunt with some day in it's current configuration. I want a 18.5" Remchoke barrel for it too though.

Best part of this is I had a 20.00 GM coupon so this really was only 180.00 :D.


I put Gander Mountain and deal in the same sentence.

DUDE, stop drinking and driving before you go there.........the aliens must have infested your tinfoil hat for you to make that statement.......:D


New member
I know, usually I go there, wander around and handle/examine toys I think I want and then go home and order them online or through my local gun shop (which has a smaller in shop selection).


damn NC moonshine....HAS to be what it NORMAL person would put GM and deal in the same century, let alone in the same paragraph.....:D


New member
Well NC moonshine is good stuff.........:D. NC wine is too and there are 6 wineries in my home county alone............

But I really did find a deal at Gander Mountain tonight. Isn't this one of the seven signs of the Apocalypse??


New member
Well, now that you mention it, I just got my annual exam a couple weeks ago and my scrip is still in my truck. Maybe I need to go get those glasses. Better check my receipt and make sure that was really 199.00 and not 1199.00 which is more in line with Gander's typical pricing practices. :D.


New member
I'm from NC, also. I go to GM just to wander around, look at the guns, look at all their prices, get upset, and go down the street to Dick's and buy what I need.

How in the world GM is still in business is beyond me. No way can I begin to pay their prices. We Tar Heels are tight fisted about our money, as GM will find out as they try to do business in the Long Leafed Pine State.

Really, I get upset looking at their prices.


New member
I saw this gun on the rack and said to myself, "That looks nice, do I even want to look at the tag?" Surprisingly I did not find a price that upset me.

This was the Greensboro store.


We have a fairly new GM in Ocala, and a friend buys and sells several guns there every month. He gets a call whenever something new in the used section shows up and seems to be getting some decent prices on the used stuff. Their prices on new stuff is OVER MSRP, especially on ammo, primers and other reloading stuff


New member
We have a fairly new GM in Ocala, and a friend buys and sells several guns there every month.

On the buying end of it, I have found a few good deals on used handguns there. I grabbed a (LNIB) SIG P229 for $550. It was listed at $599 and $550 was offered too me.

However, if he's selling them there. He's catching the very raw end of the stick. Gander uses a national pricing guide on all of their used weapons for purchases or trades. It's all listed by percentages of the weapons. Your better off just sitting on them than taking that big a hit on a weapon. If he's getting anything better than that, he knows someone responsible for the firearms. And they probably won't have a job much longer. Because at the rate he's using them, its bound to be noticed.

Forgot to add, my brother is a local Gander Manager. And his prices suck just as bad as the next Gander. :mad:


New member
Pics of the new 870 20 ga.

This thread has veered into more of a discussion of Gander Mountain than the gun I found there :D.

So here is the gun:




Very few marks on the stock, hardly any marks on the metal, and very little wear on the action bars and mag tube. This gun has hardly been used at all. As you can see it's got a 3" fully rifled barrel which'll be perfect for short range deer work when my daughter is ready for it in a couple years. Until then I need to get a bead sight VR barrel and get her working on the fundamentals of shotgunnery with some light loads. Got an ad up in the want to buy section for an 18-21" VR Rem Choke barrel if anyone's got one laying around collecting dust. Otherwise I'll order one from Midway in a few days. Their 18.5" Remchoke is 148.00. I think that'll do nicely for her until she gets a little stronger and we'll move up to the 26 or 28".

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Nice shotgun. A couple things....

When I bought one of the 20 gauge YE 870s for the kids early in the 90s, I got the 21" field barrel with rib and Remchokes and bought a second barrel. That was a 20" IC choke barrel with open sights.

Despite the pad, recoil with slugs was bad. Even 7/8 oz field loads rocked me, and I'm fairly sure I know how to hold a shotgun.

The shorter LOP means a smaller pad,less surface area to spread out the energy. And the thing weighs just over 6 lbs.

Light loads and a PAST pad helped get the kids through the basics. They've moved on, and a longer stock on the YE means it's now my quail gun.

Well, one of em anyway.

It's a fine little shotgun,I even Brenekke'd some venison with it.

When you start your kids off, do so with the lightest loads you can find.



New member

I wholeheartedly agree. It'll be a number of years yet before either of the rugrats shoots slugs or full power buckshot for that matter. Talking LIGHT target loads here. Maybe stalk some squirrels and bunnies with it to start off. Will pick up a PAST or Limbsaver wearable pad in addition to putting a grind to fit on this stock. Hopefully that with the lightest loads will get them started right.

I'll be ordering an 18.5 or 20" VR Remchoke barrel for it shortly and the rifled barrel will be put away for a few years. Unless I decide to whack a deer or two with it myself. Just to break it in mind you :D. I've got a limbsaver slipover recoil pad that fits it and extends the youth stock out to fit me pretty well.....

Thanks as always,
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New member
You've got a nice looking slugster at a fine price. I checked the Remington site, and the only wood stocked with rifled barrel I saw is the "Deer" model (order # 25575), but it has a Monte Carlo stock. Do you think your gun was so attractively priced is because it's old-stock, wrong stocked, or...? We know GM isn't running a charity.


New member
You've got a nice looking slugster at a fine price. I checked the Remington site, and the only wood stocked with rifled barrel I saw is the "Deer" model (order # 25575), but it has a Monte Carlo stock. Do you think your gun was so attractively priced is because it's old-stock, wrong stocked, or...? We know GM isn't running a charity.


I imagine this is one of the combo guns that someone traded in with just the rifled barrel. This one was used, at least in the sense that someone owned it before. It doesn't show much evidence of being shot or hunted with much. There is, I believe, a youth combo package that comes with a the rifled slug barrel and a 20-21" VR Remchoke barrel.


Staff In Memoriam
RR, As you know, I am a mossberg guy. But I will accept that gun donated to me to bring me to try them steel guns...:D


New member
Yeah, sure..........:D..........I see that happening........

Hows Junior liking those 3.5" magnums out of his 870 Supermag?

I've come to find that the overbored barrel of the 835 combined with a little more weight makes it much more bearable shooting 3.5'' shells than the 870's. Buddy of mine had an 870 Supermag with a 21" barrel and shooting it with 3.5" 00 buckshot really sucked. My 24" 835 is pleasant in comparison.......