An admission and a suggestion


New member
it really doesnt matter what the topic is, there will always be arguments, fanboyism, selectivism, etc

Grayson hit the nail on the head.

It's the interwebz, yo. Just pick a side and throw some stones, everybody's doing it!

That being said, I don't see the point the OP is trying to make. The notion of making logical decisions based on what you read on a forum is questionable at best. The consumer is statistically more likely to make an effort to communicate a negative buying experience among his or her peers. You'd be better off reading an unbiased review in a magazine or talking to gun dealers. They don't have money sunk into the piece you're asking about and can give an impartial point of view. From my experience, it's best to get opinions from dealers who don't think you intend to make a purchase. Peer reviews are a great way to get an impression of a brand or model's reputation, but putting all your eggs in one basket is never a good idea.

My point is that regardless of how much research you conduct, you will never get the whole picture. For each guy who gets a lemon from brand x and posts about it online, there are probably two owners out there who couldn't be happier with their purchase. Unfortunately, you're going to hear about the guy with the lemon more often.


New member
It's true....
A man's firearm is the jewel in his selective manhood. That is, if the man buys a powerful firearm and loves to shot it, it becomes his focus and pride. Name brand is inmaterial. The man selected and owns it, it make him feel proud, it promoted his inner power, and there's nothing that will sway his admiration for his choice in firearm.

I have been taught by my Dad that any firearem is dangerous and we must respect anything we pick up to handle it in a absolute safe manner.

Off the immediate subject, but as a Nikon photographer on a budget, I met another Nikon photographer who immediately saw my equipment and said that his Nikon "trumped" mine.

Back to the subject matter...

Whether it is Sig, CZ, Glock, S&W, Walther, Beretta, Ruger, etc., we are never "trumped" beyond the love of what we treasure.

We need to enjoy the fun of shooting, not the comparative and argumentaive ways of guys with their budgetary toys.

I respect others' opinions, for sure!
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New member
As several have said, it is an internet forum. By it's very nature, it is biased and based heavily on opinion and finite experience, not fact or true representative samples. Be it firearms, cars, televisions, cameras, computers, OS's (good lord, look at the ageless Windows vs Mac OS debates) - you name it. It's been that way since the ol' days of BBS groups and terminal access, and it ain't going to change.

People take stuff on web forums waaaayyyy too seriously far too much of the time.