Amusing parody of my posters


New member
I'd assume a board name "Nazi Wrestling Hackers for Jesus" to be commonly known as a joke, but maybe that's just me.

Marko Kloos

New member
Sylv, welcome to TFL. Thanks for the eloquent and well-tempered explanation, by the way. Feel free to stick around and shoot the breeze with us over here...we may sometimes disagree with each other in a vehement fashion, but it's always done in a civil manner. I have a feeling you'll fit right in.


welcome to you as well. Just as a quick pointer...we don't discourage vehement disagreement with another member's views (see above), as it makes for lively and challenging arguments. We do, however, avoid attacking other members directly...there's plenty of argument to be found here, but no name-calling of any kind. Just a friendly primer...


New member
Thanks Sylv for the explanation. I just read that thread and didn't spend any other time on the BBS.
I gathered it was all a joke. However many of the comments albiet in jest.. truly are a sign of the general view our country is sliding towards.
I guess I'm just one that doesn't find the errosion of our rights, and the decline, this wonderful country of ours has taken, to be all that funny. And alot has to do with my generation and younger just not giving a damn and not understanding and appreciating just what we have here. Combine that with the bias in the media and we have one volitile cocktail for the destruction of our nation. Not too mention the whole morality issue (or lack thereof) being a primary reason the good ol US of A as we know it, will no longer BE, in 50years or less.

I'm a humourous person and love to laugh at everything. But the more I come out from behind my shield of laughter and look at the reality of our world today. The more I become that "Angry White Male"
Part of that anger is towards myself...and the realization that I, in the past, have participated in the neglect and irresponsible lack of concern that is leading us down the ****er.

So let us not be fooled by our humorous sides people. Often the reason we choose to laugh and make fun of issues. Its because in reality its so serious that its going to change our future forever.
I've learned to stop and think... if I would have made jokes and laughed at the obsurd, in order to avoid the seriousness of the situation, then at the point I'm laughing its already too late.

We can't continue to bury our heads in the sand and think our world is not changing and everything is hunky dory and will be as it was. The pure fact is that by the time its gone far enough for us to pull our heads out and realize what is happening. Its over.

Sorry if this brings people down... its just reality.

Don't get me wrong.. I'm not saying its wrong to laugh at life and escape through humor. I'm just saying, stop and take note of the reason one laughs at something in the first place. For me it used to be because it was something that was so @%$#ed up that laughing at it was the only thing I could do to remain sane.
And when I say "something" I mean issues... gun control, taxes, liberal bias in the media, middle east conflict, cloning, the future of our legal and political systems.. etc etc

ok rant over :D

ahh I feel much better now :)
just wish I really had an MP5 to relieve stress with ;)