Amusing parody of my posters

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus

From naziwrestlinghackersforjesus
I won't bother communicating with that crowd but I thought their parody was more concrete than the original :)

Paul K

New member
HUmm, on exporation of the message board, I have come to conclude that thease are 12yr olds.
The other message threads read the subjects "Does Size Matter?" (OH That ones a POLL!!!! YIPPIE!)
and "The official pr0n thread"
Lets not forget the posters occupation is "slangin crack rock"
and hobbies are "I Photoshop like a muthafukka and drink alcohol."

Kind of just makes you go HUMMMMMmmmm:rolleyes:


New member

That UFO's are real, those guys.

That went from odd to weird to downright disturbing!

...a quote from their website, about your posters. I'd have to say the same about their other content. Fortunately I'm not well versed in whatever language they were writing.


New member
But we will defend their right to do whatever it is they do, haven't figured out just what that is yet.

Adulthood eventually comes to most, thankfully.


Oak '58

New member
A strange, childish bunch. By the time I took a look around
over there, various members were suggesting ways to hack
your site & substitute some of their pictures for yours. I'm
not comp literate enough to know if that would pose a
credible threat or not. Interesting to see, though .. the fact
that hacking was one of the first responses that came to
their minds.

P.S. - I've enjoyed your posters for a long time now, Oleg.
Please keep up the good work.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
Oleg, you ARE up on current copywrite law right? and the need for vigorous enforcement of copywrite?

I'd hate to see you loose control of your excellent work.


New member
Well...I don't think shooting someone technically is covered by freedom of speech...

God what a bunch of idiots.. They obviously know how to read.. but not comprehend.

I would say something about copyright protection.. but that won't do any good.. and would just entice them to DOS TFL or your site.

Sad thing is that they very well could be talented enough to crash yours or any other server. Maybe not intelligent enough to do it without being noticed. But could do it eitherway.
I know enough to do a DOS attack.. but intelligent enough not to do it, because I don't know enough to cover all my tracks and do it without leaving crumbs. Besides that its childish and unproductive.


New member
If I may, I hang out with people of similiar ilk (and much more intelligence and maturity, but we see the occasional idiot, too) and the language they use is referred to as "1337speak". I mastered it quickly then decided it was rather pointless, and showed off one's maturity in a way that pubic hair or lack thereof does not. Which is on these people's minds.... trust me.

But look at it this way: Scary evidence of parenting and schooling nowadays, is it not?

[Edit] If Oleg remembers me, I posted some of his posters at a forum for a PC game called Day of Defeat... I went by the name of Kamikaze Bob. I found this place via his website [/Edit]


New member
With a little thought, we could come up with something better than that...Perhaps a parody of the old chewing gum commercials featuring attractive female twins in matching remember them. An updated version could have them at the range shooting matching 1911's.
You could title it "The Double Tap Twins." Double your safety, double your fun, etc.

I also like the idea of showing Mr. Bill popping a cap in Sluggo with the caption..."A Victim No More."


New member
Sad thing is that they very well could be talented enough to crash yours or any other server. Maybe not intelligent enough to do it without being noticed.

Just a small nitpick. You don't have to be talented to run a script. You just have to know where to get the script. Most of these so-called "hackers" don't know enough about computers to actually write their own tools; they just find and download tools from hacker sites.

Not that they're not a nuisance. I just hate to hear it called "talent". Now the guys that actually write those IRC bots, zombies, etc. Those guys are talented.


New member

You guys really need to learn how to take a joke message board. Try opening your eyes and see what it really is, instead of just taking a quick glance at it and screaming "TEENAGERS! RUN AWAY!"

Ignorance at it's finest.


New member

Perhaps you'd like to explain it yourself.

Less attitude, more aptitude


New member
lol, hi guys. :)

I'm Sylvya from NWH4J. Just thought I'd stop by.

I suppose it's hard to tell just by peeking in, but 96% of everything on that board is said in jest (just avoid the "Don't Be Stupid" forum). So, in other words, anything said about those posters is not meant to be taken as thought-out criticism in any way. Obviously. :p

Also, don't worry about the hacking thing. No one plans to hack anything. That would just be silly. :)

About your posters, though... I still have to say I find some of them a bit odd. Most of them just aren't my style, but I can't help but relate to the African American ones. Call me a team player. You certainly have a handle on the messages you want to send, though.

I feel as if I have to add, however, for my -own- sake, that I'm definitely -not- one of those anti-firearm people. My family has always owned them. In fact, I'm extremely proud that my grandfather gave my father his M1911 A1 from his time in the army, and that my father gave it to me. Guess I'm a Texan gal. :p

Anyway, don't worry about any hacking, and see you later!

Edit: Whoops! Looks like I forgot something. Since you asked Edgie there to explain it... NWH4J is a parody board. Our founder took what, in her opinion, were the most asinine message board elements, and rolled them into one. Thus, the immature glory that is naziwrestlinghackersforjesus was born. It's kind of like the dirty little sister of another EZBoard, the Safehouse.

Either that, or we're really naziwrestlinghackersforjesus. You never know. The jury is still out on whether we're wrestlers who are Nazis or wrestlers who wrestle Nazis. I try not to think too much about it.


New member
What is there to explain? The board is one big joke, made by a couple friends as a place to goof around and chat on without having to follow any specific rules enforced by the other boards. It's all a JOKE! We don't go around on AOL talking in l33tsp33k and harassing people. 99% of what is posted there is supposed to be funny, and appeal to people with a half decent sense of humor, which many of this board appear to be lacking, which is rather sad.

Once again, ignorance..


New member
wow! more houseguests.. :)

thanks for coming over and explaining... guess some of us is jest too set in our crotchety old-timer ways to learn the 133....ah elite? speak?

Anyhow, hello, and welcome, and don't worry -- Oleg's right good people.
