Amusing & Not So Amusing Range Incidents!


New member
This one isn't as funny as it is weird.
One Saturday this guy pulls out a Ruger 10/22 and maybe 30 or so of those Ramline 50 round mags. He ran a target down about 10 feet,,feet,,not yards, and proceeded to empty all the mags as fast as he could pull the trigger and put a fresh one in. Weird. REally cool to watch though.

Then there was the time my wife took a hot spent .22 case down the top and did the "branded boobie dance". :D Man did I ever get a beating over that! All you guys take note. If it ever happens to your wife (or GF) DO NOT stamp your foot and clap in time to her gyrations. :D


New member
Not so weird about the 10/22... A couple of my house guns are 10/22s... Standard mindset is to point the sucker, and empty the magazine...


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I almost forgot the most obvious: How many people have been standing by when someone with a loaded and cocked pistol remembers that they forgot their "ears"? Then of course procede, gun in hand, to apply their headset.

Scott A. Vaughn


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I was shooting at an indoor range when a guy made several trips into the range carrying a ton of guns. He had every possible variation of semi auto copies of SMGs. Uzi, HK MP5, Thompson........... He asked if I could stop shooting so he could set up his chrono. I said sure, but what are you doing. He said that he was writing a book about these pistol caliber carbines. At this time, chronos had pretty much just came out in a form affordable by the consumer so I was kind of watching him and was going to ask him if I could shoot a couple through it. While I was watching, he blew the chrono onto the foor with a shot. He of course cusssed up a storm and went out to the store part of the range and gave them a credit card to rent their chrono. He shot that one on the first shot.

That story about the police leaving the sniper rifles while they went down range is something that I have always thought about when I have been shooting in the desert. I could go and check my targets, someone could drive up, take my own guns and ammo (possibly shooting me in the back) while I am helplessly standing downrange. That is why I always carry my CCW piece when shooting other guns.


New member
RAE: My GF got pissed at me before we we went shooting for the first time when I told her she should change her shirt, because she was showing off a lot. She eventually changed her shirt (after about 10 minutes of me saying we werent leaving until she changed), and when we got to the range, right after we were all ready to shoot, the guy next to us put a peice of 9mm brass into his GF's really low cut shirt. She's never given me any trouble since then.



New member
My 13 year old son and I were at the 100 yard range, me with my 30-.30 and he with is his older brother's rusted out pellet gun. I had shot a group of five at the paper plate with a 5 inch Shoot n'See stick-on target. He had shot all his pellets at the 25 yard range, but then found one more pellet in his pocket and asked if he could try shooting the 100 yard target. I said, "Sure, go ahead." I didn't think the worn out gun could shoot the pellet past 50 yards. He elevated the pellet gun way in the air and shot. Then we walked down to check the target. My 30-.30 bullet holes were all over the plate. His pellet hole was on the edge of the 10 ring!
We hollered and screemed, and high fived. I told him that was the best shot I'd ever seen! And it was, considering what he had to use. That target hung at the house for months. He was so proud, he bragged about it for months. It was a great experience.
That was last year. Now, his girlfriends are cutting in on our range time, Lord help us both.


New member
Yeah, but 30?!? Like I said,,weird. Defiantly not something you expect to see every day. The rest of us there, mostly regulars, came to the conclusion after the guy left that he had a lot more $$ than we did. Shoot, you could put a serious dent in a car mortgage with that pile of Ramline magazines. *shrug* Oh well, his money,,better him than me. Like I said though, watching a seemingly endless shower of spent cases coming outta his stall rated a 10 on the gee whiz meter.


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Several years ago,I showed up at the club with,among other things, a 'spudzooka' that I'd been playing with for a bit.
One of the guys that had wanted to see it was at the blackpowder range,which has berms at 25,50,75,and 100 yd.
As soon as I pulled it out of the trunk,he wanted to see it in action,so I obliged.
Just for the helluvit,I'd duct taped a 1" 'T' connection to the barrel,as though it was a sight.
I loaded her up and,only because of the 'scope',brought it to my shoulder,pointed it at the 25 yd berm,and proceeded to nail a shilouette chicken with my first pop.
Total fluke,natch,but you oughta seen his face!!
Only 'aimed' shot I took that day,naturally,let him play with it for the rest of the morning.


New member
Got 2

An hour after I left a indoor range 2 people commited suicide in it.

While shooting on an outdoor range in Tucson. I hear a loud shot and look over to see a guy who shot himself in the foot with a shotgun. Lesson: dont rest a loaded gun with the barrell on your foot.


New member
Heck, 30 ramline mags is NOTHING.

I go to Knob Creek twice a year - Try $15/second for feeding a minigun? Those folks truly rock.

Did the 10/22 show any problems after the sustained fire? If I can scarf a few of the 50 rounders, I may make myself a homegrown "gatling" out of 10/22s...


New member
I like watching guys that try to teach their dates how to shoot. Recently, saw a guy w/ Glock 19. 1st he shot mag of 10...shot gun spatter all over target. Smiled, showed his date how to hold gun and she took her turn. 1st at 20 hits...15 hits...10 feet, no hits...7 feet (minimum target dist. at this range) no hits. Packed up and they left. SCARY! :eek:


New member
One funny, but not very safe. One just funny. One just fun!

In my last year of high school I took a junior police academy, which included one shooting session. My clingy GF had to join me of course. They gave us those old Bianchi break front holsters, and S&W M10 M&Ps to shoot. Her first round from a standing position she puts into the roof of this indoor range, about half way downrange. Her first attempt at draw and fire put a round into the floor next to her foot. She was invited to become an observer, rather than a participant. What made it even funnier was that I was the only one in the class who could shoot decently. By their standards, I was a crack shot. :eek:

On a range in Ft. Lewis Washington. My infantry company had been sent there from Ft. Carson Colorado for two weeks of jungle training. Somebody had decided that we should qualify while we were there. We’re popping away at the targets when a whitetail shows up out about the 150 meter targets. The range officer gets on the PA system, “Do NOT fire at any animals on the…” BLAM! BLAM! BLAMBLAM! BLAM! BLAMBLAM! Every clown on the line must have opened up. Exit one whitetail, stage left. Apparently unharmed. :rolleyes:

It got more fun later. Some idjit had ordered about 10 times more ammo than we needed, and the CO decided it was easier to burn it up than to turn it in. Less paperwork, I guess. Whooooeeee, that was fun! I managed to be up on the line shooting, while my assigned weapon was back in a rack, not getting any dirtier. Those who didn’t want to shoot were put to work loading mags. Oh, what fun to dump a 30 round burst into a 25 meter target! Repeatedly!



New member
The 10/22 was just fine. It ate up all the ammo without missing a beat. Come to think of it, maybe that was the whole purpose of what he was doing,,,,some kinda reliability torture test or something. Whatever it was he was having a ggod time and not bothering anybody. hehe, I thought it looked like fun.

I know what you mean by the $$$ dropped at Knob Creek. One of the local dealers here has a guy that used to be a regular down there with his M2. 3 or 4 grand worth of ammo didn't last long according to him. Looking at some of the prices on .50 BMG rounds at the shows I can see why. Another poster here built one of those 10/22 Gatlings a few months ago. If your do build one make sure to post some pics.


New member
A friend of mine this weekend was shooting at a local indoor range. A guy several lanes down the line decided he just had to talk to his buddy while keeping his finger on the trigger. Fortunately the gun was still sorta pointed downrange. He only shot the ceiling.

I am starting to think that the only way I will have peace of mind while shooting is to buy a few hundred acres of no man's land out in the desert somewhere on the cheep and set up my own private range.


New member
That what I do at my home. I built four IDPA target stands and set up stuff behind my house. I need to build some barricades now though :D
It helps when you live on natural backstop (hillside) out in the country.


New member
Fort Knox is a "Basic Training" post, lots of slick-sleeve privates running around. Once on the M16 range, a platoon had taken their places and were preparing to fire qualification. Just before the command to fire, a whitetail doe jumped onto the range about 100 meters downrange. The tower announced that no one was to fire at the animal and they would wait till she cleared off (no one was going downrange since the firing line was "locked and loaded" and the range NCOIC didn't want to spend the time unloading and checking 20 weapons).

Well, the doe decides this nice meadow has lots of grass and low plants to feed on, so she doesn't leave. A couple of Drill Sergeants start waving and yelling to get her to move but she must have been to used to people.

Finally, the safety NCO on the range can't take it anymore so he grabs the weapon out of the hand of the nearest soldier in his "battle position", aims and fires. The doe drops, lots of ooooh's and aaaaah's from the troops.

Within 15 minutes, the Army "Fish and Game" guy shows up and arrests the sergeant (no license and not hunting season -- besides lots of written policies against shooting game on the range).

Within two weeks the sergeant was court martialed and out of the Army.


New member
I was at a public outdoor range with about 12 people shooting rifles; mostly AR's. Out of nowhere a blue heron lands in the dead center of the range. No one fired a shot. We were all too busy laughing our heads off at the gall of this heron.

Ah, the breast burns. I was at an indoor range with a bunch of people and somehow the guy next to me put 6 of his 10 rounds down the collar of my polo shirt. I was laughing about it when we were done shooting and this well-endowed woman comes over, and says, "Yea, the first time I came out I got this." On "this" she pulls down the neck of her shirt to oh, around her navel and shows me this burn scar on her left breast. All I could say was, "Thank you."

I always appreciate the people who are experts in the clubhouse, but amateurs on the range. I remember this one guy who looks a bit like a chipmunk talking about all of the bullseye competitions he's won. When we went into the range, he was missing the target completely at 7 yards.


New member
Nothing scares me more than a trip to the local public range.

I live in an area with a high concentration of idiots that have absolutely no concept of gun safety or range etiquette.

It seems that regardless of the range I am at these people are a dime a dozen.

I'd pay a good fee if I could find a range that could adequately police the range, but so far nothing of the sort exists.

I've had loaded muzzles pointed my way so many times that I usually try to go at off times, or just simply leave when other people show up.

The worst are the suburban cowboys and the jocks with blondes strapped to their sides...

Imagine spending the next 20 years practicing to save my life just to lose it because of the incompetence of someone that had $500 and an ego problem...
