Amusing & Not So Amusing Range Incidents!


New member
Amusing and Not so Amusing Range incidents!

1) Went out to change targets. Several of us are down range. I turn around at the 50 Yard mark to see some fella loading his AR-15 with the barrel pointed down range. Needless to say I started to scream a stream of obscenities and threatened the fool with serious bodily harm! Not So Amusing! He looked at me as if I were insane! I came within an inch of beating him to death but the thought of going to jail for such an idiot kept me in check!

2) My friend was firing exploding Bird Bombs down range. As we were the only ones on the range we were shooting off some odd stuff. My friend wanted to see if he could hit a target with the bird bomb. He missed! What he did was start a fire in the scrub grass on the range. I ran out to stomp the flames. As I was jumping up and down to put the flames out I noticed I was wearing dockers. At that moment my dockers flew off and I was stomping on the fire with my socks. As I was ruining my socks and starting to singe, one of my compatriots came running up with a water cooler bottle in a bear hug and proceeds to trip.
The water bottle goes flying as do his glasses. The water bottle knocks me over and my friend breaks his glasses. My friend falls on the grass and starts screaming. I tell him to roll and start pouring water on him from the water bottle. We finally got the fire put out. My third friend the gunsmith, was back at the range house laughing so hard I thought he might rupture something.
He kept pointing. He was lauging so hard he could not speak. He was pointing at the shiny brand new fire extinguisher on the wall.
Not So Amusing at the Time but kind of funny now. You should have seen the look on my wifes face when I showed up at the door at home with my ruined socks and Dockers.

3) Took a friend to shoot. He wanted to take his cousin. I said
okay. As I walked through the range house door the cousin threw home the bolt on his Nagant. The rifle was pointed right at my chest. I jumped right on the floor. He asked me why I was on the floor! Needless to say I cannot write here what I screamed at him. He does not go shooting with me anymore! Not so Amusing then and pretty scary now!

4) Took my cousin to the range and he proceeds to shoot 5 holes in the baffles. I asked my cousin what the hell happened? Oh, says he, the front sight fell off my gun last week. I called him a stupid B#$%@*d and inquired as to how much glue he was sniffing. One word led to another and we ended up rolling around in a mud puddle outside the range house. My wife really gave me a strange look at the front door that day. My cousins wife is still mad at me but the cousin and I are still buddies.

Anybody else have strange and amazing humourous range incidents. Remember folks.....truth is stranger than fiction!

Hunter Rose

New member
Hmmm... I've only really got two...

On the humorous side, there was the day where a young "urban commando" was showing off with his Desert Eagle. Dweeb (my range buddy, Bedlamite), asks the boy if he'd like to try a "real 44"...

Now, Dweeb's Blackhawk (to the best of my knowledge) has never tasted factory ammo. And he tends to like REALLY big "BOOMS". Of course, I always give him grief about his "wimp loads"...

Kid had heard me talking about these "wimp loads" all day. So, when Dweeb hands him the Blackhawk, he seems to figure on something that kicks like a 22. Didn't take Dweeb seriously about holding it tight "so we don't have to dig it out of your forehead". Thumbs the hammer back, and...


No idiot mark, but I swear the kid's eyes almost popped out! He fired a couple more rounds, but wouldn't empty the cylinder... and his friend wouldn't even touch the thing!

On the scary side was the gentleman out with his kids a couple months back...

Starting off was one of the weapons... a VERY short, pistol grip single shot 12ga. Told us it was "back-up for when he's up in Alaska"...:rolleyes:

Then he starts to teach his daughter how to shoot a handgun (in this case, a Ruger P-89). Not a BIG deal, but he insists she should wrap her off thumb around the back of the gun...

At this point, Dweeb feels he needs to say something. He mentions to the guy that, on some pistols, the hold he's teaching her would result in her loosing the aforementioned thumb. His response? "Oh... she'll never shoot something like that"...

We left shortly after they got there. We just didn't want to see what came next...

Jim March

New member
All of the real fun I've had at a range freaking people out involve "Baby".

"Baby" is my Freedom Arms. Now sure, you're thinking .454 or worse, but no, he's a .22Mag. 1.5" barrel, 4 shots, SA minirevolver...a family relative to the later NAA minis except for one detail: the grip is smaller than NAA's .22Magnum grips.

On an NAA .22LR minirevolver, you get a one-finger grip. On a .22Mag, they stretch the grip frame to two fingers. Still feels like trying to hold onto a live angry rattlesnake, but it's not too crazy.

The FA mini on the other hand, really is nuts :). It's got the one-finger grip of the NAA .22LR, but it's a Magnum. The first hundred rounds I ran through it *hurt* :). I was *determined* to figure out how to shoot the little squirt and I finally did.

But I have several friends who've shot it just once and swore "never again!" :D.

In terms of serious horsepower to weight ratio, it has NO equal. Ditto concealability, I can (barely) hide it in a closed fist.

Dennis Kennedy of SOG Inc taught a CCW class (for people wanting Utah and other out-of-state permits) in San Jose once, and invited me up to talk about what I knew of the CA CCW situation at that time. I got the class free out of it. This was at an indoor range with glass behind the shooting line. So anyways, I'm in there and I hold up "Baby" by thumb and forefinger by the front sight and hold it up, catching his attention with a knock on the glass and a big grin, and he got this shocked and puzzled look on his face :). Then I held up my .38snubbie :).

Anyways. Baby is :cool:.

Tom B

New member
Several kids shooting handguns at a fullsize sil target at 7yds. After I set up I pop off one shot at a half gallon milk jug at 100yds that someone had left. I am shooting a Sig 229. Jug flys about 4ft straight up. Kids are looking at me with mouths open. I say "yup shes still sighted in" and proceed to put the Sig back in its case. I couldn't do it again with first shot in a hundred years! Second incident - I am sitting at the table of a national forest range all alone at dawn after setting out my target at 100yds. As I prepare to shoot the rifle a large buck deer walks very slowly across the range at about the 97yd line and crosses right in front of my target. No I didn't shoot him. :cool:
I have now read several incidents where people were down range on a rifle range and some dork starting shooting, or in the case above, was loading his gun while it was pointed down range. In most cases, the people down range report being p-o'd and often yell obscenities or actually do threaten the dork with the loaded rifle. In none of the incidents have I read that the people down range took a rifle with them. Some did have handguns, but no rifles. Path's story sounds about like the others. What I find amusing in Path's story and the stories of others, is that they all the good guys working targets as being aggressive in their wording, the shooter being an idiot, and stated or implied threats of harm to the shooter.

While the shooter was definitely a dork, had I been in his place, I would have looked at you like you were insane as well. At 50 yards, the guy with the rifle has all the advantages in the world if he decided to go ahead and shoot you for yelling at him or threatening him. You would be screwed. So what I find funny is that the people down range who can't return fire and are unprotected will further provoke the guy with the gun. That is something I funny to be amazingly funny.

Take your rifle with you!

Last year, a local PD was using two of the ranges where I used to shoot. They had the guys with MP5s working on the tactical range and snipers on the rifle range. I watched the guys on the tactical range go through drills. When they would go to change or move targets, the guns remained slinged and they carried them as they went about their business. On the rifle range, I went to see the snipers work. All three guys were down at the 200 yard targets and there sat three beautiful bolt action rifles with scopes that cost about as much as my car. The guys down range never even saw me. I did not do anything, but I could have done anything and they would have been completely powerless to stop me. My first thought was that I should leave a note on each saying that I could have the rifles in my car (parked about 50 feet away) and be out of there before they realized their guns were gone. Either take your rifle with you or leave someone at the firing line to watch your gear and watch your back.


New member
Not so amusing that became amusing

A buddy was trying out my .38 target revolver with +P semi-wadcutter handloads on some 7 yard steel poppers at our club's outdoor IPSC range when I heard a slapping sound. His face went white, he doubled over, set the revolver down (in a safe direction) and ripped down his pants.

It seems the bullet or a piece of it bounced back and hit him just to the right of the family jewels. There was a smear of lead on his jeans and a small red welt on his thigh. He told me he'd thought he'd been shot where no man wants to be shot.

Although we were on the range by ourselves, I couldn't help thinking what the reaction might have been had a couple of shooters driven up to the range and saw me holding the timer and my buddy with his pants down to his ankles, bent over examining his wedding tackle.


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Shooting at steel

The range I shoot at does not allow steel targets inside of 25 yds. A good call I think as you can get things thrown back at you. It sounds like you had lead bullets which tends to splatter more than ricochet, but you never know. I was shooting my Makarov at a steel spinner set at 25yds. I was using Russion FMJ of some type. When I went to retrieve my target I noticed a ton of Mak bullets lying around the target. I picked up a bunch of them and still have them. The are not deformed at all, just rifling grooves. Some were up to 7 yds in front of the target too.


New member
Almost put 10 rounds in...

Several years ago, at the local in-door range, the person at the desk put me right in the middle of a groupe of people who were qualifying as Armed Security Guards.

"The Range Officer/Controller" did not properly clear the range. He walked across the range at the 7 yard line. I was not part of his group. I was up and ready to empty my Ruger MK-II into his sholder. Without my self control, he would have died there. Luckly he was not shot.


New member
I've had the #1 scenario. Was also very pissed. For me the saving virtue was that the range master was about 6'5" and 280 lbs. He put his hand on the idiots shoulder and said put down the rifle or I'll shove it up your @$$. He then pack the kids stuff for him while he waited away from the firing line. He let him leave with his guns but kept the ammo. Told him he could come retieve it when he didn't have guns with him.

I guess my most amazing day was when my father-in-law and I were shooting and being buzzed by a bumble Bee. This bee would hover out in front of us about 15 yds out and straif us when we went empty. I told my father-in-law "I'm gonna fix this problem" as I stepped up to the line with my Witness 45ACP. He says "yea right, your gonna shoot a bumble bee in flight". I aim and shoot and the bee jumps up about 2 feet and returns to hovering about 4 feet off the ground. I shoot again and it does the same thing. Father-in-law is laughing his *** off. I tell him I've figured it out, "Got to lead upward a bit". Next shot ....peices of bee go in 3 different directions. Father-in-law's jaw hits the ground. It still known as the famous bee shot.

Scott A. Vaughn


Went down by the river years back, with my (then) new CA Bulldog. I wanted to pattern some shotshells out of it, which my friend didnt know I had. Along comes a dragonfly at us from over the water, and my friend yells "get it!", I spun around and point shot one round at it, disintegrating it in flight, thereby making myself some kind of legend in his mind. He still talks about that shot in a million, and he makes it sound so good, I havent got the heart to tell him it was a shot shell...

Another time at the range, shooting my bro's 22-250, we'd shoot groups, and find extra holes in the target. The dilrods a couple tables over were shooting our nice targets occasionally. I was just about to break a shot when BOOM, from the side and a new hole in my target. I look over to see them giggling and he says, "It wasnt me", Then his friend tells him to shoot a 2 litre popbottle filled with water, that he set up. I quickly set up on the 22-250 and BOOM! There goes his water bottle into a big spray.
They looked over at us and I says while grinning, "It wasnt me!"
They left real quick for some reason, didnt shoot anymore. Wonder why?


New member
Boomeranging lead.

IN 1976 I down at a river doing some plinking with my Star PD. I decided to shoot at the center bridge support about 100 yds away, which was concrete. I was using 230 gr lead bullets at about 800 fps.

After a few shots something seemed out of place; but, I could not quite put my finger on it. A few rounds later I noticed that there was sand kicking up about 8 to 10 feet in front of me after each shot. That's right those bullets were coming straight back and landing right in front of me. I would never have thought it possible. No more shooting at concrete after that.


New member
At benchrest matches, you get two targets - a sighter target, and a record target. A few years ago, a large number of competitors peppered one gentleman's sighter target when the commence fire order was given - serious freakout time... Other times, folks have "double shot" onto friends' sighters - You fire one shot, but you get two holes... Huh?


New member
only amusing ones

I don't have any scary or annoying stories, perhaps because I rarely shoot at a normal public range and when I do its only me and my buddies there.

The most amusing thing that's happened lately was at a tactical carbine class I attend. It was dark by the time we had finished the day's scenarios. We had some steel targets set up, and various pieces of "cover", including a large column of styrofoam. It's the sort of thing you might use as a greek column in a stageplay.

The instructor said, "we're done with the class, just have fun shooting the steel". So I crouch behind this pillar and start blazing away with my SAR3 (a .223 AK). Ping ping pingpingpingpingping! Showers of sparks flying from the steel! Yeah!

When my mag was empty I stood up and the instructor says, "look at the column".

There was an 8" radius semicircle bitten out of the pillar by my muzzle blast! My response: "You said, have fun !" :D

He was cool about it, as no one expects our props to last forever.
And this time he didn't have to tell me that I was too far forward, close to the cover. (A bad habit of mine that I'm working on.)


New member
In the amusing category, I was at an indoor range a few years ago when some gang-banger types were setting up to shoot. A friend of mine decided to have a little fun by shooting at their target every time they fired. They weren't hitting the paper at all, but he was.

After awhile they left, high-fiving each other over their new-found shooting expertise. Some rival gang-banger is probably alive today because of my friend's joke.


New member
Where are all these gun ranges with "gang-banger types" shooting there?

Here in Kansas most of the gun ranges are run by red-necks, bubbas or LEOs (one in town IS run by white supremacists...oddly enough its located in the middle of "the hood") I wouldn't be surprised to see them refuse to serve even white "gang-banger types".

Also most "gang-banger types" ignore the safety rules (and do stupid stuff like firing sideways) so what ranges are allowing these people to shoot there for more then a couple of rounds before asking them to leave?

Maybe I live a sheltered existance :)


New member
I had a deer experience similar to Tom B's. Only it was the qualifying range at a National Guard camp and there were 50 of on line with M-16's. I know we all thought about it. The deer lived.



New member
The most fun I ever had was at the old range a club I belonged to had on the far SW of Houston, near the Brazos. All subdivisions now. I was out there alone one day and had set up a 6 foot square of cardboard on posts about ten yards out. I was taping paper plates to it to find out where some new HOT 38 Super loads were printing.
While shooting at one of the plate, I heard a loud clang from downrange. Turned out that if I fired at the exact center of that plate, I would hit a 10" gong at the 100 yard berm. I thought "that's cool" ignored it and went on to other plates, adjusting sights as I went. After I had the gun sighted in I went back to the plate lined up with the gong. The wind came up in a gust and blew off the plates, but there were enough holes to still aim at the gong through the cardboard.
About this time someone drove into the range and started setting up a few benches down. I waved hello and jacked in a new mag and started shooting thru the cardboard at the gong again. Hit it 8 out of 10 times. The guy looked up at the first clang and watched the whole mag go down range. As I loaded another, he got up and walked over behind me and watched the next mag. Then he asked me "What are you shooting at?" I told him I was shooting at the 100yard gong.
He said "but you can't see it, How are you doing that?" Having just seen Shogun's archery scene, I had to say "Zen." he walked back packed up and left. :D


New member
I was shooting at a range in Columbia, SC and some gang-banger types pulled into the stall next to where I was shooting with a few friend of mine. They had their "Glock Nine" as they called it and were bracing as if they were about to let go of a full-horse .454 Casull. It was a riot. My buddy had one of them come over to fire his Glock 23. They fired one round and decided that .40 S&W was just too powerful for them!


New member
shooting bowling balls is a bad idea

A couple of amusing incidents one also dangerous.

Once on the range with a newbie who wasn't pro gun we had to shoot next to a couple of youths who could be described as the gangbanger type. The amusing thing was they were shooting a 44 or 50 Desert Eagle and continually hitting the ground 2/3 of the way down the 50ft range. It was quite obvious because the dirt was flying and people were dumbfounded except for the youths, they seemed unfazed but they kept shooting like they were bracing for artillery fire. I still have to defend law abiding gun owners to the friend i brought to the range that day.

The other incident was trying to convice a sometimes moronic friend that shooting bowling balls was a bad idea. We were shooting in a National Forest Range with a bunch of pins that we we scored from a bowling alley. They also gave us some wore out bowling balls. My friend thought they would make good targets, i was skeptical, After the first few rounds a was in full cease fire mode. I had to plead with him to forget it as pieces of the cement like core of the ball and bullet frags were goin everywhere. We were 25yds from the thing and I heard pieces whizzing over my head. There has to be better ways a similating live return fire!:(

Mike H

New member
Anyone who deliberately shoots at other peoples targets, the ceiling, the walls, the ground or the target hangers (because they make a nice clanging noise) during a range session is a jerk.

Why does this annoy me so much, well, because it happened to me today and a bullseye target I was using for ammo evaluation was ruined as a result.

As I was leaving I heard a new customer ask for a 40mm rental gun, I need a new range, but everywhere seems to have its quota of morons.

When anti gun groups talk about the socially inadequate being attracted to firearms, these are the people they have in mind.

If you're not mature enough to act responsibly with firearms, try paintball.

Mike H