Ammo: How much is too much?


New member
Too much ammo? Offhand I can only think of one situation where you have 'too much ammo', and that's when the floor starts giving way. In which case the floor should be upgraded or you should think of someplace else to store your stash :D

ErikM :D


New member
Since I buy .22 rimfore target om 10,000 round lots (minimum) there is at least that much around.
For .45 ACP, .38 Super Comp, and other pistols 1,000 rounds a week is routine. There are at least 5,000 of each ready to go.
The varmint rifle gets a lesser workout (and takes a lot longer to load) so I only have a few hundred rounds of .22-250 AI and 6mm Rem AI most of the time. O do have two rifles for .223, so there are at least 5,000 rounds loaded most of the time.
.50-70 brass runs almost $3 per shell, so i only own 200 shells. .45-70 is for fun (and cheaper) so I think I have 500 or so.
Other calibers in lesser amounts, including .30-06, .221 Fireball, .45 win mag, .357 Mag (including a lot of .357 brass loaded with 148 HBWC).

I never considered it was possible to have too much ammunition. :)


Preacherman, I can do that on each wall of my ammo vault. We buy ammo in case lots whenever the prices are good. I own several Class 3 weapons, so ammunition tends to disappear at an accelerated rate in those military calibers.

When we moved, our ammo was in a 24' truck. At the weigh-station in Va. I was informed that I was 7 pounds under my GVWR!!! :eek:

By the way, in case of fire, DO NOT store powder in an enclosed container. Explosions are NASTY!! As for the ammo, it won't explode, but it will cook-off. The resulting initial velocity will be determined by the friction at the case mouth. Most of the time, it's below 400 fps. It's scary, but not all that dangerous. :)


New member
I shoot 26 different chamberings and handload 24 of 'em.

I try to keep at least 1000 rounds of each on hand. Until I can build a Preacherman-style ammo locker, it's all in USGI cans:



As Tim Foxworthy would say - "Save up!!"

IMHO, 2500 to 5000 rounds per caliber is within reason, and 25 to 50 magazines for your AR15 and/or M1A. I don't have near that, I must admit... :(

I'm sure that "The Government," UN/IANSA, Million PsychoMom March, Brady Campaign, Feinstein, Clinton, Boxer and others would probably not agree (oh, well) :D

Moral of the story - stock up while you can, just in case the Demosocialists retake DC in 2008...


Wrong question.

The right question is how much is too little :D.

Right now, I am in the "too little". I haven't had the chance/money to stock back up :(.

Unless you have an automatic rifle, 500 rounds should be enough for an assault-like rifle. If you plan on firing > 500 rounds then you should probably be able to pick up some mags from some cold bodies.


New member
Unless you have an automatic rifle, 500 rounds should be enough for an assault-like rifle. If you plan on firing > 500 rounds then you should probably be able to pick up some mags from some cold bodies.

:confused: Maybe I'm taking that the wrong way, but that just doesn't sound right... 500 rounds = a day of plinking for some (alot) of people... Regardless of firearm type.


That said; I usually stock a woefully inadequate 100-or-so rounds of .22LR, and ~150 assorted rounds for my .50 muzzle-loader, along with a pound or so extra BP.

Right now, I'm at an all-time high... 1700 rds .22LR, 10rds 7.5x55 Swiss, and the usual .50/BP loadout... 90% of which will go away this weekend... :D


Those ammunition stockpile pics... So... Beautiful... *Wipes away a tear.*



JC is our resident "I know best" liberal. To him (because he doesn't understand), if you have more then 100 rounds total (for all firearms together) then you have "too much", or so it would seem from reading his posts.

That said, the last time that I took out my RIFLE (it never assaulted anyone so right now, it's just a rifle) I burned through also 650 rounds between the four rifles (all were 7.62x39 SKS's) and then about 400 rounds of .223 through the AR.

And dang it, I couldn't pick up any magazines from the "cold dead bodies", paper mags/guns just don't work in the real world. And they catch on fire if you shove them into a hot receiver :confused: .

Heck, he would probably be surprised (not really) that I have about 250 rounds of ammo, for a gun that I don't even own. I will use the Ladies line on this one.... It was on sale :D.



New member
When I get to 5000 rds of each major caliber, its time to restock.

And I'd really like to raise that threshhold to at least 10,000/cal. Funny thing is, I always feel bad I can't keep up with my friends who buy their ammo by the pallet or shipping container.

You can never have too much ammo.



I get downright :eek: at the knowledge that many others have more than I. I think that I have enough and then read that I don't. Then I hear the TV news and they call it "tons of ammo" and then :D when I learn that I have more.

And then think to myself, that is a lot of ammo :confused: , oh crap, I'm scrwed if they search my house :eek: .



PREACHER MAN.............GEWEHR98.................... TEACH ME.......



Sadly all I have is one brick of .22........... but one day I will beat you all.....

Those pictures will haunt my dreams forever.


New member
how much I rather not say but enough my insurancecompanyprobabaly would drop me andhe condo association would make me carry a binder on the place , I know I have cartridges for calibers I don't own ( got to get out and buy them guns just bought a BDA for all the .380 cases now to get a bdl in 300 win mag and a 270&243)I know when you have enough is when you have to use extra floor joists under the floor to hold up the cabinet . :p


New member
Well, if you have more than a box of 38special, than you have a "stockpile" for your "Arsenal" at your "Compound".

Got it :p


New member
i am a little embarresed but i ahve maybe 50hp andd 50jhp for my 9mm. and 250 for my .22. :eek:

:( college loves my money.

the way i pay for my ammo now is i sell my plasma. $40 a pop. $210 a month.