Am I the only one this happens to??? Please say no.....

B. Lahey

New member
I lost a mini-maglite that was blessed by the pope. I was unhappy to lose it, it wandered away at a hippy coffeeshop with deep, pocket-emptying chairs. Some smelly bastard named "Shrub" probably has it now, and is completely unaware of its religious significance.

I had most of a pack of Dunhills blessed at the same time, but I smoked them. Oh, the fun an athiest can have at a papal audience.


New member
I don't normally misplace things, but for the life of me, I can't find two of my speedloaders, one for a 29 and loaded with .44 Mag Gold Dot Short Barrel, and another for the Model 27 loaded with .38 Gold Dots.


New member
I have been making a set of wood grips for a revolver & working on a bench in the backyard. The next day, I began thinking about completing the stocks. Suddenly I paniced and drove 15 miles home from work fearing I had left the revolver out on the bench where I had been fitting it to new grips the night before. When I arrived home and checked, the revolver was not on the bench.

I felt sick, scared, ******, stupid, etc. It turned out that I had placed the pistol back into the safe when I finished. Whew! But for an hour, or so I was one worried guy. I was happy not tohave been so careless, but I'm not sure I feel much better about my brain!


New member
Several years ago, I had a hunting buddy who was in a rush to get to Wally World one night. When he realized his wife's car was parked behind his truck he decided to take her car instead of moving the vehicles around. He did his shopping and stopped to talk to several people before going out to the parking lot. He looked everywhere for his "truck" and when he couldn't find it he called the the police to report it stolen. He then called his wife and told her someone had stolen his truck and was highly ****** when she cracked up. When he asked what the hell was so funny about his truck being stolen she replied, "baby, your truck is in the driveway, you're driving my car". The cop who responded to his call was rolling on the ground when he heard what had happened.


New member
I don't have a huge collection yet, but I haven't lost any part, magazine, etc for any of mine. When it comes to magazines I consider them a part of the weapon itself and keep them with the firearm. I only have 3 magazines for each of my applicable weapons so it's easy to keep track of. All other accessories and parts go in a .50 ammo can or if they're too big, in the corner of the closet. I'm sure it'll happen eventually, but it hasn't happened yet. I'll let ya know when it does.


New member
I misplaced my two spare Walther PPK magazines when I moved 3 years ago. I know I still have them somewhere hidden in my stuff, but haven't found them yet. They're the ones with the little pinky hook on the bottom. However, I still have the flat bottom mag in the gun.


New member
Just last week i went to shoot one of my m700 and the bullets wouldnt go in the clip. Come to find out, when i put it back together i never put the mag well back in it. I have no idea where that little guy went. Got another one on the way from midway.


New member
I actually found one of my SP101 speedloaders last night!

I've got one of those little "organizer" :)rolleyes: yeah right) multi pocket deals on the back of my truck seat. Don't you know I put one in there. Now to find the other one......

Shadi Khalil

New member
I cant keep track of anything, my keys, wallet, important documents (my SS card is lost right now :confused: ) However, when it comes to my guns and anything gun related, I'm meticulous. I keep everything, even ammo that I dont have guns for. I keep spread sheets, any paper work from repairs...I wish I was like that with everything else.


New member
I work out of town and travel a lot. One morning after arriving home late the night before, I couldn't find my wallet. I searched everywhere, including the truck, and all my dirty clothes, and it wasn't to be found. Obviously I had lost it when getting gas or something in my travels.

I had to cancel all my credit cards, company credit cards, get another drivers license, CHP, etc, it was a real pain. To make myself feel better I got another wallet just like the one I had, since I liked it so much.

About a week later I'm in the utility room, throwing out some plastic trash bags next to the dryer that I had brought dirty laundry home in, and there was my new wallet laying on the floor. How in the heck did that get there I thought, as I took it to my nightstand only to discover it's twin already laying there.

On the bright side the newly found "old" wallet still had the $350 travel cash in it that I thought was lost forever.

My father suffered from severe memory problems in the last years of his life. I had many meetings with doctors as they diagnosed and talked to us about which parts of his memory were being affected.

The doctor told me that forgetting where you left your glasses doesn't mean you have memory problems, it is perfectly normal. But forgetting that you wear glasses, now that is a different issue entirely.