Am I the only one this happens to??? Please say no.....


New member
I'm either the most forgetful, thickheaded bozo to ever carry a gun or this happens all the time and no one talks about it.........

I lose magazines (and speedloaders). All the time. I don't mean lose them as in dropped in a public place and left behind. I mean lose them in my truck, my closet, the laundry, etc.......

At present I have no idea where any of my speedloaders for my Ruger SP101 are.

There is at least one LCP magazine unaccounted for as well.

I've lost others in the past and found them waaaaay later. Prime example was a Smith and Wesson Sigma mag that I lost 6 or 7 years ago. Sold the gun 2 years ago. Last year found the mag in the back of my wife's van.

I have never lost/left a gun behind anywhere and am not THAT bad, but I have magazines scattered hither and yon throughout my house, truck, wife's van, laundry room, etc. Can't wait to see what happens when my wife actually washes one. She'll freak when it starts clunking around in the dryer.

Please say I'm not the only one.........:eek:
I "misplaced" my favorite 44 mag snubbie for over 2 years... I was really worried that one of our friend's / relitive's kids my have found it & stole it while staying over night :confused:

turns out I had stashed it in a fanny pack ( before I had my CCW permit ) when we were camping in bear country... & I totally spaced that I had slipped it in there... I moved around & had even opened that fanny pack several times, but it was under the "normal contents" of that pack... I was so relieved when I finally found it...

I almost never misplace magazines, but speedloaders, & those thumb ease magazine loaders seem to disappear & reappear at will, all the time...

... I think I'm going to have to admit that I'm starting to get old...:eek:


New member
You know, I'm prone to misplace a lot of things, but any thing firearm related is usually pretty secure. The only thing I can think off that I failed to find at one point was the box my Glock came in. It was misplaced in the move but it has since been accounted for.


New member
My problem is a bit different.

I remember EXACTLY where "I" left it last.......but the wife just can't stand to leave it alone and has to move it to "the gun room"

Ordered a new shell plate from Lee Precision for reloading my 500 S&W......"I" left it right there on the counter with the rest of the mail when it its one knows what happened to that 5 x 7 padded envelope...:mad:


New member
If "misplacing" a magazine involves letting your friend shoot your Beretta off one of the bridges on your land, turning your back, and hearing the "splash" as an empty magazine hits the water, then yes, that has happened quite recently :eek:.

On the bright side, all I could think at the time while I was turned around was, "If that was the gun, then he better know how to dive."


New member
If "misplacing" a magazine involves letting your friend shoot your Beretta off one of the bridges on your land, turning your back, and hearing the "splash" as an empty magazine hits the water, then yes, that has happened quite recently .

On the bright side, all I could think at the time while I was turned around was, "If that was the gun, then he better know how to dive."

I feel better now..........:D

As an aside, this problem of losing things started at a young age.

I was 17 years old and was at the beach pierfishing with my Dad. I had driven the last leg of the trip down and I had Dad's truck keys tucked in the back pocket of my jeans. He had this big crazy cowboy hat keychain that didn't fit in a pocket any other way. As we were getting ready to leave to go home that afternoon, I realized the keys were gone. I also remembered sitting on the rail of the pier for awhile. Ooops.........

Good thing the locksmith wasn't real expensive.......


New member
I will say this; my G26 mags are very clean. My wife gets on me about leaving them in my pants and washing them with the rest of the stuff:eek:

My knife is very clean also, same thing.

I don't have to worry about changing out my carry ammo because it all goes through the washer at sometime and is very clean, once washed it goes to the range and is shot( no malf yet so it must be as water tight as a ducks a). I have not washed my gun yet but I almost washed a NAA 22mag once. That might have been a bad trip. 22 mag thumping around and shooting holes in my washer, letting all the water out to ruin the floor. Rover would have had to move over after that if it had happened.

I "misplaced" a T/C Barrel for a T/C super 14 in 223 for about 4 years. I found it when I cleaned behind the seat of my truck before selling it. The guy that bought it almost got a $200 jack handle. The barrel was fine a little banged up but it was wrapped in paper towels. I loose stuff all the time. I wish I could loose my cell phone but everytime I do It rings and I find it:(


New member
How bout getting a S&W 60 "stolen", file a report with the local sheriff only to find it 2 months later in your camper....that was a fun call to him to tell him it was "recovered". :eek:

So till you start misplacing firearms, I think you'll be ok. :D


New member
If any of you finds that holster I've been looking for (I cant remember which one it is or what is holds) call me. I'll post my email when I remember it.:D
Don't be too hard on yourself. I too have lost all kinds of stuff including a $150 pair of Ray Bans two weeks after I bought them. Never lost any guns though. (knocking on wood)


New member
Thankfully I haven't lost any mags yet, but am horrible with earplugs. Back when I rode a motorcycle I could keep track of them perfectly, but now they just wander around aimlessly until I stumble upon them by luck. Good thing I have a couple pairs of replacements :cool:

Regardless, don't feel bad'll happen to everyone sooner or later. At least when it happens to others you can sit back and have a laugh. :D


New member
My "misplacements", if there is such a word, seem to be with my reloading equipment. I know that I have bought this or that at one time or another but can never find items when I want them. Now I am looking for my small rotor for my Uniflow powder measure. One day when I'm looking for something else I will find it. Whew and I thought it was just me.:eek:



New member
I seem to be bad about misplacing speedloaders and speedstrips. I found a speedstrip under the back seat of my car after a year looking for it and a speedloader in the bottom of my holster box after a good 6 months.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Heck, I can stand at a work bench and take 10 minutes finding something I had in my hand 30 seconds before I started looking. If I set it down more than a few minutes ago the elves might as well take it.:eek::(

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
P.S. - Also the reason why I'm so particular when I'm working on a gun. I try to clear my mind of distractions and work when there won't be interruptions. Otherwise I'd eventually spend that 10 minutes waiting for an ambulance.


New member
I thought I lost my glock 17 once, turns out it got pushed off to the side and I couldn't see it because it's dark in my gunsafe. also I somehow managed to lose a .45 hollow point and for some reason it's drivin' me crazy.