Am I doomed?


New member
Lee, I will have to check that place out. I've heard of it but I always thought it was closed. It's pretty boring out here, and there isn't really a range that I know of close to here so I don't shoot nearly as often as I want to.

Nick, that is a good idea. I actually took the backstrap off of my double stack 9mm for the same reason. Obviously, 9mm is no major offender in the recoil department but you get the point.

Jerry, intended purpose is both for hunting and fun. Mainly fun. For practical purposes you can really only hunt deer or varmints with a handgun, and it wouldn't make much sense to use them for the latter.

lee n. field

New member
Lee, I will have to check that place out. I've heard of it but I always thought it was closed. It's pretty boring out here, and there isn't really a range that I know of close to here so I don't shoot nearly as often as I want to.

Jim (the dad) gave up his FFL, then got cancer and died. Chad, his son, took over the business and got the FFL back. He's got a day job, though.

Ranges? There's Tri County. Nice facilities. 25 miles south down 26 and Freeport Road. There's also a club and range out at Lena that I've never tried to find.


New member
Interesting, I might have to check them out. I've heard good things about Tri-County. I have a friend that goes there actually. The club in Lena is news to me as well, but it would probably be closer. Lena is about 10 minutes from where I'm at.


New member
The average male hand is 7.44" (189 mm) long by 3.30" (84 mm) wide, measured as shown in this image: Average Hand

My hands are exactly average.

That is the only one I have seen as well. Not that I have anything wrong with it, I actually think the Blackhawk looks pretty neat.

Unfortunately I don't think they make it in anything above .44 Magnum if I ever wanted something more than that.
The Blackhawk is available in .45 Colt, but not .44 Mag. There have been some special models in .44 Mag, in the past, but I don't know of any current offerings.

The Super Blackhawk is available in .44 Mag. The grip frame may be slightly larger, but not by much. Most of the difference between the bulk of the grip frame on the Blackhawk and Super Blackhawk, is due to the different thickness grip panels used.

My wife has small hands, but she shoots her Blackhawk without a problem (thick rosewood grip panels). She loves my GP100 with bulky Hogue grips, and she even shoots the Super Blackhawk quite well. (She hates recoil, so I don't give her heavy loads, but she can handle the revolver just fine.)


New member
Don't feel bad. When I mean small hands I mean small. I just measured my hand to reassure my feelings about it, and my hands measure 6.75 x 3.5.

Shadi Khalil

New member
Certainly not a big bore but my Ruger NV fits my tiny lady like mits quite nicely with the stock grips. The blackhawks I've shot are just as comfortable.


New member
I think the Super Redhawk has the same grip frame as the GP100. Not too big.

My standard Redhawk isn't too big either.


New member
Look at .45 Colt

A big heavy bullet at moderate velocity will be all you need for plinking, target or even hunting medium sized game. Single actions come in a whole bunch of different grip styles and makers. Certainly there is one that fits you.


New member
I have small hands... (laugh it up).

I have a Blackhawk in 45Colt and a 480Ruger SRH and both fit me fine



New member
Merry Christmas, HistoryJunky,

When I was in the omniscient days of my youth, I bought a .44 Mag handgun. Don't ask me why I bought it. I cannot remember. There must have been a good reason because when I was young there wasn't much that I did not know. Long story short: that weapon was too freaking powerful for me to even remotely attempt to master. If anything, that damned gun owned me. Coming to the reality that I should have fired a .44 Mag before buying one, I had to reconcile the fact that when I bough it I wasn't as smart as I thought I was. Progressing along the bright guy continuum, I wised up and sold it.

I have fired 3 full-power .454 Casull rounds through a Freedom Arms revolver. Freedom Arms manufactures excellent handguns. After the third shot, I set the gun down and never touched it again.

It's one thing to want a big handgun. It's another thing to want to shoot it. I know that a small percent of big handgun owners can actually shoot them accurately and without fear of recoil. I am not such a shooter. The most powerful magnum I can shoot with proficiency is a .357 Mag, & that's out of an "L" frame revolver or bigger. You couldn't pay me to shoot a "J" framed revolver with .357 Mag ammo.

You might want to borrow or rent a copy of the big bore handgun you're thinking of buying and see if it's for you.

Deaf Smith

New member
You are not doomed.... just History.

Some of the large frame wheelguns can have their grip reduced and even use grips made for other guns.

Note you can get N frames in round butt configuration, and such as the Super Redhawk have a small stud for a grip frame and GP-100 grips fit.



New member
Thank you all for your input. I definitely will shoot a larger caliber like .44 magnum or whatever I decide on before I buy. I do not have much of a use for just having a large metal paperweight. I wouldn't buy any gun that I don't want to shoot, and that I couldn't learn to shoot accurately.

D. Smith, love the puns. And good to know about the potential for grip reduction or replacement. I always wondered if you could get that done.


New member
No wonder I like big revolvers....since my hands are 8 1/2" X 4 3/4"...

Oh well...( but since I'm 6'5" and about 290 lbs..) ...maybe they're small for my frame...???:D