Am I becoming a steel frame only guy?


New member
This is an interesting occurrence. I've shot dozens of pistols in my life, and now that I'm 21 with the Minnesota Buyer Permit I can get handguns. I bought a Ruger MKIII the day my permit came in, but I have been planning on a Glock 21SF for the longest time, I already have a magazine for it and .45ACP ammo.

But somehow that desire to buy it that had built up over the last year is suddenly gone or not like it was. I wanted a Glock because I shoot them extremely well, better than other types of pistols and the reliability and simplicity were major pluses.

But now I just can bring myself to get it. I'd rather have a budget 1911 [like Para] or something.

Help me sort this out.


New member
I've got a S&W 4046 steel frame you can get cheap. That will break you of this "fetish". - What a clunker.

Get what you want, part of having guns for a hobby is the buying and selling of things that didn't work out.


New member
I'm 61 years old and swore I'd never own a 'plastic' gun. Until the day a friend convinced me to shoot his G-23. Now I own one of those and a G-20. Just bought a Kahr P9 recently. I wouldn't think twice about the polymer frame anymore unless the pistol was too light to shoot comfortably because of the caliber. So if you wanted the Glock for a year and now are second guessing I would say get the Glock. Save up for an all steel and make that your next one.


New member
Steel is the way to go. I hope you are becoming a steel only guy. Once you get ahold of your 1st 1911 you will thank me for recommending it. What is your budget, absolute max price you will spend? What 1911's can you get in your area, Colt, Springfield, etc.


New member
Lol. I know that Disco. Were you the guy that had that cabinet next to his bed filled with firearms? I remember being on a thread the guys name began with a D I know. This thing was wicked cool and I think it was full of S&W's thats why I thought it might be you.


New member
The one with like 10 guns in it S&W revolvers and autos and a Desert Eagle I think. If my memory serves me right, that was awesome. I forget what it was in but you said that was like your nightstand firepower. Within beds reach :eek:, you could hold of a platoon.


New member
this was the pic... but i couldnt fit my 500 magnum in there..and there is also a 629 and cimarron that isnt in the pic..



New member
Thats too cool man. 8 guns in view. I think I saw the 4506 third from right. You have the semi autos polished like I have never seen a Smith. That is pretty cool finish. Is that a S&W 39 too on the left with ivory grips.


New member
That is my girls 39-2 ... found a set of ajax grips last week... still on a store shelf..and they have been outta business for nearly two yrs i think...



New member
Nice pistol. I think we share similar taste for semi autos. No stick of butter with a handle on it (Glock) will ever beat a good Smith and Wesson. At least thats me. A Glock with a chambered round to me is an AD/ND waiting to happen. I just cant get used to that wierd plastic feel either. It feels like half the gun is fake. A chunk of steel is much more comforting.:D


New member
When they figure out how to make a glock that I can polish to a shiny finish,,,both frame and slide... then I might buy one.

chris in va

New member
The one polymer gun I had got sold. Now I have a Sig (for sale), Tanfoglio, CZ, S&W J-frame and Kahr K9...all metal guns. They just balance better IMO.