Am I a wimp?


New member
Well you guys were right, it must be the stock profile. When i shoot it on the bench the damn thing hurts, but offhand its nothing (a '*****cat' as someone said). I'm going to get the recoil pad anyway because i can't shoot for beans offhand, esp with that type of iron sight.

The funny thing is, I can take the M1 on the bench better than the .243, but the opposite is true for shooting offhand. I must have a weirdly shaped (and now, 192 M1 rounds, 40 .243 rounds and 20 shotshells later, a very well bruised) shoulder.

I also noticed one more thing but it may be in my mind. I had to remove the scope off of the .243 because it was cheap and broken, hence the iron sights. The scope mounts that my dad bought for it oh so long ago are some funny looking weaver see-through mounts that put the scope up about an inch off the top of the rifle. I found it a lot more natural feeling to put my cheek against the stock and look through the iron sights then looking through the scope when it was working. Could this be a contributing factor? Even though the rifle weighed less, the recoil didnt seem as sharp or severe.


New member
When i shoot it on the bench the damn thing hurts, but offhand its nothing

That's because your body is all scrunched-up when you shoot from the bench, and that recoil is concentrated right into your shoulder. From a field position, your body more-evenly absorbs the recoil; there's more "give". So your stock profile probably is not the problem. Get the recoil pad, anyway.

And see-through mounts which don't allow you to put your cheek right against that stock (or that make you crane your neck a certain way) don't help, either.

Ditch the see-through mounts and the bench. Get some regular (non-see through) low mounts, and don't use the bench (except when you sight-in).


New member
I have a bad shoulder I look at it wrong and brusitus sets in. but I can go shoot a bunch of '06 via my Garand with no difficulty. but switch to my Win Mod 70 with a plastic stock off the bench about 10 rounds later I'm done. I have a 243 but it's a heavy bbl Savage. No issues there. one round of trap with my 12ga is quite enough thankyouvarymuch. My bushy carbine? hand me another mag would ya.

Dave R

New member
One reason it hurts so much from the bench, but not field positions, is that the bench tends to make you hunch over. Then the recoil wants to move your shoulder down toward your hip. Shoulder is not made to move that way.

When you're upright, the recoil makes your shoulder move back & forth, the way it was designed to move.

One way to make range sessions more comfortable is to get the gun higher off the bench, so you're sitting more upright. You can use a rifle rest or tall blocks to get the rifle higher.


New member
People have given you some good advice. The only comment I can add is that I am pretty recoil sensitive but can handle .243 out of a Remington 7600 with no issues so I suspect you need to (as mentioned above) get a good stock fitting and a good recoil pad.