always amazed at the stupidity.

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New member
Saw a shopping mall with the no guns allowed sign. I always want to find someone in charge and ask three questions. Are you really stupid enough to think that sign will stop criminals? Are yo really stupid enough to think that sign is needed for lawful citizens? Are you really stupid enough to not lawfully armed citizens ready to deal with a crimals?


New member
Most malls are managed by big corporations and they dictate these stupid rules, not the local general manager.

Having worked for big corporations for a big chunk of my life, I can say with authority that making stupid decisions is business as usual for big corporations.


Not to forget the insurance industry mandating the signs to keep them from being sued. That's the major point of them - liability.

It's not our laws restricting our rights as much as our employers and the insurers disarming us on their property. And the Constitutional arguments are difficult to assess.

You have every right to keep others off your property if they are bearing arms and you don't want them to. Farmers and ranchers deal with this all the time. Even their neighbors can be a nuisance.

If they can post no hunting, the mall can post no guns. It's respecting their property rights, too.

Unless we strip commercial property owners of their rights, just to enforce our safety. That is going to be a long running debate, it's been going on for decades already.


New member
Yes, it's just as much a private property's right to restrict things.

Just because it's a public mall does not restrict private property rights.

Some people are actually uncomfortable with a bumbling clumsy fool with a loaded gun running around. That's their right. They have a right to their perception, just like you have a right to think their sign is stupid.


Active member
The question is, if someone carries a concealed gun into a mall where it is posted "no firearms" (and are somehow caught) - will they just be asked to leave, or is there a criminal penalty?


New member
will they just be asked to leave, or is there a criminal penalty?

Depends on State law. In Georgia they would just be asked to leave and if they refuse it could be a trespassing issue.


New member
My question is, if your concealed gun is concealed, why worry about it. Only those places in which you could face a penalty would I worry about it.

Check you local laws, some places the signs carry the weight of the law, some don't.
Some it's a minor offense like a traffic ticket.

You should follow the wishes of management.

If a mall has no guns allowed sign, I move on.


New member
Neither the wife nor I would go into a mall with a valid 30.06 sign (texas requires very specific signage to be legally effective). If they had an invalid sign I'd take their intent that they don't want my money.


New member
If people don't want firearms on their property, then I would respect that or go elsewhere. If People want others to respect their right to carry a firearm, then they should respect someone's wishes if they don't want firearms on their property.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
This is a very old debate of property rights vs. the right of self-defense. We've done it before.

The kicker is that if you are open for business to the general public, do you wave absolute property rights? One might search for this repeated debate here.


New member
I understand that many people think guns are dangerous. I respect them.
It doesn't mean that gun owners are somehow smarter and others are less intelligent.

Most on this board would quickly admonish someone for a safety infraction. So, by default, gun people also believe that they are dangerous.

Guns by their very nature are designed to injure someone in a severe fashion.
I've been around long enough to know that the "gun is a tool" argument is coming next.
If the business is open to the general public, IMO, it's on the same level as posting a "no blacks" or "no homosexuals" sign. Want to do business with the public? Sure, it's your property but it's our civil rights and a business that's open to the general public should not be allowed to violate our rights.

I'd like to print some stickers that say "Armed Citizen Zone, Violent Criminals Beware" and stick them over the "no guns" signs.


New member
Walking the Malls with Practical Feet.

The kicker is that if you are open for business to the general public, do you wave absolute property rights?

Business's certainly have an absolute right to post any sign they want. It matters little to me. However, I have the Natural God given right of self protection that I do not take lightly. Beside that, I have ADD and lose concentration while trying to read signs. ...... ;)

Starting out any conversation by calling the other person "Stupid" also leads to shirt conversations. .... :cool:

Be Civil and;
Be Safe !!!


New member
How hard is it to just not care and shop elsewhere? Obviously the dumb one is the one making millions off of people shopping in the mall with a no guns allowed sign. What a stupid person, no wonder theyre a millionaire and im not.

Evan Thomas

New member
If the business is open to the general public, IMO, it's on the same level as posting a "no blacks" or "no homosexuals" sign. Want to do business with the public?
Actually, no, it's not on the same level. People have no choice about the color of their skin, but a person has a choice about whether to carry a gun. I have a 1st amendment right to scream obscenities, but a business owner doesn't have to respect that right; it's his property and he gets to set the standards of conduct for people who frequent it.

The civil rights of protected classes are a separate issue; when it comes to other rights, we tend to forget that the Bill of Rights is binding on government -- period, full stop.
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New member
This just got me thinking... if you can say no guns(because it's your property) then you could also deem Crocs or bras unfit to be on your property too right? I feel this would make the shopping experience much more pleasant
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