Almost feel bad about shooting....

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Well... I'm very different (no, extremely different) from my my two brothers. The middle brother, though he loves many animals... hates certain other critters. For instance, he thinks nothing of shooting cats even if he knows they can be someone else's pet. The oldest brother is a complete psychopath... having beaten to death AT LEAST two of his own family pet dogs with his bare hands. One dog because it killed some of their chickens... the other just because he was angry. I have no relationship left with either brother for other reasons.

I can't stand to see anything hurt or suffering. If I NEEDED to dispatch critters for some reason then I would. I just have no reason to.


One dog because it killed some of their chickens...

On a working farm (as opposed to a hobby farm), any animal that costs more money than it is worth gets dispatched. Dogs that kill chickens fit that bill, and then some: dogs are supposed to guard the barnyard from predators, not be predators ...... Farmers see no difference between a fox in the henhouse and ckicken killing dog in the henhouse ..... the result is the same.


I was brought up that you DO NOT kill anything unless a valid reason;
I.E. harvest for food, protect crops, control vermin, etc.
That said I've taken more than 50 Ohio whitetail, couple wild boar, black bear, tons of rabbits, ducks, etc.
As I get older I care less & less, about harvesting for food tho a good mess of fox squirrel can change my mind.:D
I'm an older man,(67 now) with a 14 year old son whome I adore.
He has been extremely well trained in safety, firearms, hunting, etc. so I still hunt but more for his sake.
I will take out animals that are a problem, have & will but HATE it.
I've shot more feral cats than I can remember and, sadly, about 9/10 feral dogs.
I'm speaking feral, not merely strays. Sick animals that spread diseases (cats) & dogs that are threatening me or mine.
I'd LOVE to catch the folks that dump those pets on us in the country to deal with.
I have 2 house cats that are treated very well and they have me well trained.
Cats don't belong in the woods.


Mike1234 said:
Well... I'm very different (no, extremely different) from my my two brothers. The middle brother, though he loves many animals... hates certain other critters. For instance, he thinks nothing of shooting cats even if he knows they can be someone else's pet. The oldest brother is a complete psychopath... having beaten to death AT LEAST two of his own family pet dogs with his bare hands. One dog because it killed some of their chickens... the other just because he was angry. I have no relationship left with either brother for other reasons.

I can't stand to see anything hurt or suffering. If I NEEDED to dispatch critters for some reason then I would. I just have no reason to.

jimbob86 said:
On a working farm (as opposed to a hobby farm), any animal that costs more money than it is worth gets dispatched. Dogs that kill chickens fit that bill, and then some: dogs are supposed to guard the barnyard from predators, not be predators ...... Farmers see no difference between a fox in the henhouse and ckicken killing dog in the henhouse ..... the result is the same.

Maybe so... but: 1: Wouldn't you first try to find it a more appropriate home for the dog?, 2. If not, then would you beat the dog to death or dispatch it humanely with a bullet in its brain?

You didn't read the full content of my post. Some people are just sick.
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New member
I respect animals, and I eat animals. The idea of making pets out of wild animals seems wrong to me. People put birds in cages and fish in tanks and it feels good to relate to this captured thing and feed it. That's seems strange to me.
I see the little dog in the video the same way........To call an animal a pest would mean that said animal is doing something that harms me in some way. Since I don't own any cows or a barn and have never steped in a hole in my yard my current list of pest animals is empty. But that can change.


Maybe so... but: 1: Wouldn't you first try to find it a more appropriate home for the dog?

In farm country, mutt puppies are hard enough to give away. Who in their right mind would want a grown dog with a serious problem?


eldermike said:
I respect animals, and I eat animals. The idea of making pets out of wild animals seems wrong to me. People put birds in cages and fish in tanks and it feels good to relate to this captured thing and feed it. That's seems strange to me.
I see the little dog in the video the same way........To call an animal a pest would mean that said animal is doing something that harms me in some way. Since I don't own any cows or a barn and have never steped in a hole in my yard my current list of pest animals is empty. But that can change.

Do you have any family pets? Although some animals make better pets and tolerate captivity better than others... does your dog or cat tolerate captivity well? My old pug does... but the cat does not. The cat has a pet door... comes and goes as he pleases. One day, I'm sure the cat will be killed by something but in the meantime... he's happy. I feed him well and, as far as I know, he only kills bugs, moles and birds.


Mike1234 said:
Maybe so... but: 1: Wouldn't you first try to find it a more appropriate home for the dog? (my quote snipped)

jimbob86 said:
In farm country, mutt puppies are hard enough to give away. Who in their right mind would want a grown dog with a serious problem?



New member
Pets are great but just because you can turn an animal into a semi-domestic pet doesn't mean that it's wild counter-parts are not pests, either in a general sense or in cases of over-population.

Watching one "play" in somebody's house doesn't change a thing. If it did, watching them "play" in the wild, on countless nature documentaries and/or in real life should have changed your mind a long time ago.

These are pretty much my exact thoughts as well.



The only dog I've put down, I used a rifle .....

That said, I've "dispatched" cats with terminal illnesses (cancer and feline distemper) "humanely", with a single blow to the head with whatever was handy when I found them- usually a board.

While this was technically "BEATING THEM TO DEATH", and may offend the sensibilities of those not raised to do the necessary things on a farm, it was quick and a better way to go than the days it would have taken them to die otherwise .....


Mike1234 said:

jimbob86 said:
The only dog I've put down, I used a rifle .....

That said, I've "dispatched" cats with terminal illnesses (cancer and feline distemper) "humanely", with a single blow to the head with whatever was handy when I found them- usually a board.

While this was technically "BEATING THEM TO DEATH", and may offend the sensibilities of those not raised to do the necessary things on a farm, it was quick and a better way to go than the days it would have taken them to die otherwise .....

I guess I didn't make my point clear... a swift solid whack to the head to crush the skull is a humane kill... IF you do it RIGHT!!

My sick brother BEAT his FAMILY PETS to death in front of his little girls... it took some time. Anyone doing this type of thing is completely INSANE!!


I've voiced my unpopular opinion here often. Bottom line, try to leave a small footprint. Kill only when absolutely necessary (to eat, self defense, preservation, or protection of very valuable property from destruction) because, afterall, it's permanent and that life may not matter to YOU, but it's all that other creature has or ever will have. And rarely is it 'painless.'

I hold in very dim view anyone who kills due to boredom and thrills. And frankly when folks do, it sheds a bad light on gun owners (eg dumb rednecks or hicks are the terms often used).
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