All metal Kahrs

wild cat mccane

New member
I have heard people say that the metal kahrs have less recoil.

But than I have heard people who actually own the same model in metal and polymer and they say it is pretty much the exact same.

Who knows, but I think I take the same advice more.

I have previously owned the PM40. It wasn't as hard as you would think. It defiantly flies off target, but I would say my former PF-9 (kel tec 9mm single stack) "hurt" by snapping much more. Which says something because the .40 is known to be a snappy round. Not in the Kahr.

At the time of purchase Dan-0 recommended the PM9 instead of the PM9. He was right on the PM40.

chris in va

New member
Kahrs have a very low bore axis compared to most small handguns, which results in less muzzle flip. My K9 is very shootable, but I suspect the 40 would be more of a handful.


New member
I had a MK9 for years and it was AWESOME. The only complaint I had was the weight of the thing. Now, I have a CW9 and really like it too. I really can't justifiy the extra money for the P series over the C series. If the CM9 was out when I bought my CW9, I probably would have gotten it instead because it's slightly smaller like the MK9 and PM9 BUT it's not a big deal to me. I have come to prefer the slightly larger size.

wild cat mccane

New member
I can compare the PM40 to a Taurus 650 357 that I owned at the same time.

The .357 was DEFIANTLY that harder shooting gun in every respect. However, the 650 didn't self destruct like the PM40. Meh.


New member
A taurus snub is about the same as a smith snub which definitely kicks more than the beefier sp101.


New member
PSP, since you have the multiple models, could you tell me if it is possible to swap slide/barrel assemblies (including guide rods springs etc) for the k9 and t9? specifically, will the longer barrel/slide/etc fit on to a k9 frame?


New member
PSP, since you have the multiple models, could you tell me if it is possible to swap slide/barrel assemblies (including guide rods springs etc) for the k9 and t9? specifically, will the longer barrel/slide/etc fit on to a k9 frame?

The parts of the K9 and T9 are not interchangeable. The T barrel does fit into the K slide, but I don't think they're totally compatable. I've never tried to shoot my K9 with the T9 barrel installed.


New member
I have an MK40 and a PM9, and the 40 definitely has more snap even with the added weight. Pereception is more snap even than a 45 Auto, but that could easily be just a size thing given that my 45's are larger/heavier. Or maybe it's nothing but personal perception.

Triggers of the MK and PM are identical and very good for a small frame auto--not traget triggers but that's not what you want/need in a small frame carry gun, just smooth and not overly heavy.

Given the choice I'll carry the MK40, a little more performance in the 40 vs. 9, like the feel of its wood grips over the poly, plus just personal preference for metal. But, I like to pocket carry and the added weight is a disadvantage for the MK with many clothing choices.

Obviously I'd recommend that you get one of each, love both of mine and have never regretted purchasing both.


New member
PSP, could you elaborate as to why a T9 slide/barrel assembly would not work on a K9? I was considering doing this exact setup but wanted to know if it would work; sounds like it doesn't.


New member
The K frame and T frame are not cut or shaped the same. There are differences that make swapping parts impossible. For example; the K slide release pin is held by a spring on the right side, whereas the T is held by a different shaped pin on the left side.

The TP9 slide will not fit the P9 slide either, The Browning lugs are different.
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