All hands stand by to repel boarders! (Do you lock your car doors?)


New member
I drive a convertible.
The top is down as long as it's not raining
Seems silly to lock the doors

Once had a guy try and climb in.
He got a look at the muzzle of a .45 and left.



New member
My truck has the option of locking doors automatically @ 15mph but I don't have that enabled. It's already a habit of mine to hit the lock switch after getting in, even before buckling up. My Ruger .357 rides next to me for those who don't understand the meaning of "go away".


New member
Electric locks on the door, someone approaches and they ALL go "click".

Max, unless I misread ChuckDyes post, he is a trucker (i.e. 18 wheeler, big rig, etc.)

...I caught a gear and left the scene....
....with 350 pounds of trucker dropped on him.......

The doors on a semi-truck power unit do not automatically lock as they would in a passenger automobile. This is only one of a number of assumptions you make in your rather ill-advised post.:rolleyes:


New member
I think keeping your doors locked is a fundamental aspect to being safe in your car.

BINGO. As a pizza delivery guy in FL back in the early 90s I always locked my doors, and they were not electric. Most guys did not do this so they could run around to the passenger side and get the pies out without using keys to open the door. The prudence of locking them was demonstrated when I was blocked into a spot in a housing project as soon as I pulled in and someone raced up to the passenger door attempting to get in. The MO at the time was to take the driver and car to an ATM and I assume that was what was going on with the accomplice's car blocking me in. Situational Awareness and a locked door gave me the time to retrieve what was needed to drive off the guy at the door who expected an unlocked door. (I kind of stood out in the area and was in and out of there often at night on deliveries so I was an easy mark.)


New member
What in hell is a K-Wall ??? I know K-Mart and Wal-Mart. K-Wall sounds like the divider median between the two parking lots.

Kind of like you shoot handguns not flashlights huh?

You should really try adding something to a conversation. I've only seen one racist comment in this thread, and it wasn't posted by the OP.


New member
I lock em' up when I park and leave, I Lock em, when I get in and ready to roll, check the crime stats for Nashville and you'll see why. not much in the way of carjacking YET, but it's only a matter of time.


New member
Lock doors Vs Racism? I suppose they could be related?

We have lived 5 years in Florida, thought there might be possibly comments made, I am kind of old, and bone white, my gorgeous Wife is not white, problems? Nil, comments? Nil.

We are Brits (who would have thunk it?) I talk to every body! A Liverpool way, every body melts at the accent, I left the UK in 1965, still got the accent though.

I am very aware of every body, my Wife would not see trouble if it came up and bit her!


New member
I always lock the doors, and have taught the wife to do the same.

Training and Tactics people, stay on target.:D


New member
a neighbor was telling me a story the other day.

he was stopped in traffic and had his window down(no a/c) when some guy came up out of nowhere and bashed him in the face 3 times real fast, and ran away.

since then he carries a 8" filet knife in his car door(not alowed to own guns).


For whatever it's worth, locking your doors is good basic automotive safety. Locked doors are less likely to open due to impact, providing additional safety for the occupants in the event of an accident.

Added resistance to carjacking is a secondary benefit.