All hands stand by to repel boarders! (Do you lock your car doors?)

Chuck Dye

New member
On the freeway, traffic stopped.

The guy at the open passenger door is pushing the car in the center of three lanes of a busy free way…Great! Hope he …wups! The car is accelerating. The guy hangs on until running fails him and he falls, log rolling three or four times over a car length or more. Okaaaay, the guy lost that argument with the wife, girlfriend, or whoever, and decisively, too. Noooo, now he’s up and wildly trying doors on other cars and looks panicked. Wonder what drug or psychosis is operating here? Wonderful! NOW the guy is alongside my driver’s door trying to open the doors of the sedan next to me. Ahhhh! Not drugs, not psychosis, just plain old criminal flight: here comes John Law, apparently Officer Paul Staley, Glock drawn. The guy, apparently Jose Angel Dominguez, gave up trying to enter the car next to me and ran to the center divider and jumped the K-wall. Officer Staley followed, crossing right in front of my truck. Seeing no reason not to, I caught a gear and left the scene. My last view of note was of Officer Stanley on the other side of the K-wall talking down to someone apparently lying at his feet.

I suppose that I could have moved on Dominguez as he attempted to enter the car stopped along side my truck. At a couple of points he seemed within reach of a violently opened door (potentially lethal where lethal force could not be justified,) and I think he might have had difficulty achieving his ends with 350 pounds of trucker dropped on him from a height, but the window of opportunity opened and closed without Dominguez becoming an immediate threat to anyone. Certainly Officer Staley’s appearance punted such possibilities into the realm of Monday morning quarterbacking. As it is, I had a brief bit of entertainment.

It is pleasing to note that all but one of the drivers whose cars Dominguez tried to board had their doors locked, less so to admit that my driver’s door required locking as Dominguez approached.

It is also less than pleasing to think that I had Dominguez as helpful passenger, argument loser, and 5150 before I recognized him for what he is, a criminal willing to attempt carjacking and kidnapping rather than get caught.

Best of all, despite some brief thoughts, I didn't do anything stupid. :D
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This is a racist invective, invented off the top of your head and derived from some sort of deep-seated mis-conceptions about all sorts of stuff.

Electric door locks on the car. Someone approaches and they ALL go "click."

People don't stand on the street where I live.

What in hell is a K-Wall ??? I know K-Mart and Wal-Mart. K-Wall sounds like the divider median between the two parking lots.

IBTL -- but it might slide by.


New member
This is a racist invective, invented off the top of your head and derived from some sort of deep-seated mis-conceptions about all sorts of stuff.

The news article link seems to show otherwise.


New member
I lock my doors at all times. A bum once tried to hitch a ride with me, unannounced. I had been back from Afghanistan for maybe a month, and was a bit edgy. I was stopped at a stop sign, ready to turn onto the highway in front of a gas station. My door lock caught him off guard and a stern look plus a command voice "GET BACK, NOW!" staggered him and he backed away from my truck. A second or two more and he would have run the risk of being run over. Should he be able to continue his attempted boarding, he'd have met my pet 12ga Mossberg.

I didn't even see the guy. He must have run up from behind the dumpsters. Maybe he just wanted a ride to the MO border, or maybe he wanted to wear my head as a hat while he drove my truck to Mexico. Thanks to my door locks, I'll never know. And I'm okay with that.

The moral of the story is, keep your doors locked.


haha same thing happened to me 2 years ago! maybe a month after i got my license im driving downtown and a certain member of a certain minority walks out in front of me on a one way and puts his hand out for me to stop. luckily my family taught me a thing or two about these people and instead of slowing down i put the pedal to the floor! im not a big guy but if my truck is doing 40 and you step in front of it that doesn't rele come into play does it? :D


New member
Was coming back from Chicago...

pulled off exit to use restroom & get a hot drink.
Waiting at light to change, caught motion from right rear, turned head and looked directly into an unknown face.
Mrright hand was two oclock on the steering, Mr. Left was drawing 2" from lap.
Unknown face retreated at high rate. All doors were locked, that impeded his progress.

vox rationis

New member
About a year ago I met a patient in the hospital that was getting inpatient rehabilitation for a multitude of disabling injuries that included a Spinal Cord Injury, she had become a paraplegic, and also for extensive road rash burns that required extensive skin grafts to most of her upper extremities, thorax, etc. She had been in her car when a car jacker opened her unlocked door and puled her out of the car, and that somehow managed to drive away with her still attached to the seat belt. She was dragged by the car and thus sustained her significant injuries. I would say that keeping one's car door locked is an extremely good idea.


New member
Not all car doors lock themselves, especially on older models. On ones that do, I still make sure they are locked. Mechanical things fail all the time.


New member
on my 07 f150 i dont have fancy electric locks, i do however make sure my doors are locked, especialy if i go thru new orleans.


New member
New Jeep

Mine lock at 15 MPH.

These locks are made to stop you from leaning your arm out of the vehicle? When the button goes down (forcibly) it pinches your arm!

This pinch of the arm reminds you to close the window! What planning by the Chrysler designers.


New member
Electric locks have a lot to do with car doors being locked today. I typically keep my doors locked while driving around specifically to prevent someone trying to do a carjacking.

We should always remember the "good driver" advice of leaving some room between you and the car ahead of you, even at a stop. This way, if someone tries to yank open your door, you can move up 1/2-1 car length abruptly to disrupt him.


New member
This is a racist invective, invented off the top of your head and derived from some sort of deep-seated mis-conceptions about all sorts of stuff.

Electric door locks on the car. Someone approaches and they ALL go "click."

People don't stand on the street where I live.

What in hell is a K-Wall ??? I know K-Mart and Wal-Mart. K-Wall sounds like the divider median between the two parking lots.
Come on, Max. Are you really bent on insisting everyone wonder what space your head is in?:confused:

To the OP: my doors lock when I take my foot off the brake after the tranny is shifted out of park. I think most newer cars and trucks have something similar, nowadays, but locking your doors after entering is always a good idea.


New member
"This is a racist invective, invented off the top of your head and derived from some sort of deep-seated mis-conceptions about all sorts of stuff.

Electric door locks on the car. Someone approaches and they ALL go "click."

People don't stand on the street where I live.

What in hell is a K-Wall ??? I know K-Mart and Wal-Mart. K-Wall sounds like the divider median between the two parking lots.

IBTL -- but it might slide by."

wow, once again max you have proven what has already been said, you offer nothing to any thread you happen to grace with a response. good day :barf:

to op: that is entertaining, and makes me think about how fast things can go from a boring drive to work, and then in an instant someone has chosen to throw you into a possibly chaotic event. i guess situational awareness is the key... glad to hear all went well from your end


New member
This is a racist invective, invented off the top of your head and derived from some sort of deep-seated mis-conceptions about all sorts of stuff.

Electric door locks on the car. Someone approaches and they ALL go "click."

People don't stand on the street where I live.

What in hell is a K-Wall ??? I know K-Mart and Wal-Mart. K-Wall sounds like the divider median between the two parking lots.

Okay now.. Lets chill for a sec.... First... K-Wall seems elementary.. Not much insight required... Second... Max! where do you live.. What music do you listen to? I'm as far from racist as a guy my age gets. My best friend of all time is not a white boy... Most of my trouble has been in a neighborhood that is 80% "minority" (not white).

My friend who was raised there had equal disdain for the punk trouble makers (Crips, Bloods) that caused problems. He often referred to them with hateful words that would put me in court most likely! They don't even know what brand of gun they are carrying. They don't know how to maintain or use a BB gun. They may hit what they point their 9MM at but have never used a scope or experienced true precision with a rifle and iron sights...

My friend is now with the dept. of corrections in a neighboring state doing his part.

The bottom line seems to be (in my mind and speaking from 23 years in the neighborhood with my share of trouble and scars) as more poor people live in a certain area the crime rate goes up. This is not racism, but a condition that exists that is probably none of our faults in this day and age. Our ancestors (if you be a white boy)didn't help us.

Because of history, the African Americans (blacks) have been oppressed. Since they've been burned in the past, a higher percentage of that demographic has ended up in poor neighborhoods. This means that most criminals in a lower income predominately black/or other non white race that got spit on, happen to not be caucasion by odds alone.

I don't believe a racial statement was made. I read a recall of a memory that seemed a genuine statement of fact... But then I'm not batting for the unlawful criminals... In fact I practice for their possible visit... Hopefully none of the people on here bat for the other side.

Don't draw conclusions about racism. At some point, odds come into play... A member of my own race may very well end up in my sites. Odds are, where I work anyway, that won't be the case.


New member
I once had a fellow try my door in the parking lot of a jewelry store. I had locked it when I got in. After trying the door he pounded on the window. The sight of my handgun deterred him from pushing it further.

Had my door been unlocked, I would have been in a close contact struggle for my life with what looked like a twitchy crackhead. I figure that door being locked saved his life or mine.
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