Alito Hearings to begin today.


Fremmer, you covered the liberals pretty good so lets go on with the socalled "conservityrants" who will praise and glorify his past deeds :rolleyes: inspite of the fact that he outright lied to them :eek: a few years go when he ruled in favor of the Vangard group after he had said that he would abstain if anything regarding that group, which was handling a large fund for him, should come up.:confused: And As Antipitus stated, some times he just don;t seem to be up to the task.:( But you are right about one thing, he will be confirmed, not as easily as some might think but never the less, confirmed. :eek:


New member
My post did not state that he would be confirmed. It was, however, a sarcastic prediction about the circus that we are referring to as the "confirmation hearings."

Maybe he should have recused himself from the Vanguard case, maybe not. I took a quick look at a Boston Globe article about it, and it does not indicate that the value of Alito's Vanguard assets (or the value of anyone's Vanguard assets) could have been affected by his decision in the case. In any event, Alito's decision was vacated and assigned to a different judge, who apparently ruled the same way that Alito had ruled. Did Alito make a mistake by not recusing himself from the case? Maybe, maybe not. But making a mistake does not automatically mean that Alito is a liar.

Everyone is entitled to prefer a liberal or a conservative Justice, or a Justice who is pro/anti-second amendment, pro/anti-abortion, pro/anti-anything. I have no problem with that. And a conservative President is certainly entitled to nominate a conservative nominee (or a liberal President to nominate a liberal nominee).

However, my main point is that the confirmation hearings are turning into a laughable circus, and seem to have little to do with whether Alito is qualified for the position (possesses enough experience for the position, is smart enough for the position, etc.). Instead, the confirmation hearings are becoming a dirt-digging search and destroy exercise. We don't like the nominee because he or she is too conservative or too liberal, so we'll look for dirt in the closet. Heck, we'll even make up inaccurate or untrue dirt and sling it at the nominee to see if it sticks, therby derailing the nomination. He is a racist. He hates women. He sexually harassed me years ago. He is a liar who only cares about his Vanguard investments. ;)

I'll speculate that many lawyers who would have made outstanding Justices have declined a nomination to the Supreme Court because they simply aren't willing to tolerate the dirt slinging game. And that is a shame.


However, my main point is that the confirmation hearings are turning into a laughable circus
After Bork and Thomas, how can it be any other way? The democrats have made a mockery of the whole process.


Agreed Fremmer, it was that ole wild one from alaska that said that.:p
Anyhow, It is a circus and the "radical gwb regardless republityrants"
are performing right along with the "demosocialist." And if you think they all give a crap about amendment ll you got another think comming.
Why has some one especially a republican not ask him where he stood on displaying the 10 commandments, prayer in schools, emmanent domain and spying with out warrents???:confused: I hope that did not come up today, as I did miss some of it, had to take my 4X4 to the shop and get a set of them $200 spark plugs :eek: put in it. they will probaly come up tomorrow.

I have read that Thomas Jefferson worried :rolleyes: that the courts would overstep their authority and instead of interpreting the law would begin making law,:cool: an oligarchy-the rule of few over many.:eek:


or you could scratch the hearing and put "Revenge of the Nerds" on the DVD and pretend your lsitening to the democratic leadership



New member
Careful there, WildAlaska. You do realize that you have been on double-secret probation, don't you? :p

Well, I think that's from Animal House, but you get the gist of it.


New member
Right now I have to say that I do not trust anybody in Congress. There is going to be a major shakeup in the next few months as all the corruption unfolds. I was listening to what Newt Gingrich was saying the other day on NPR when he stated that, "The Republicans need to regain the Moral High Ground". Regardless of party, Congress needs to reclaim the Moral High Ground. I will admit my political leanings favor the Republican Party most of the time, but corruption is corruption. Congress needs to clean house regardless of party. I would love to see the guilty in either Prison or at the very least out of office.

The Alito hearings sound like the usual confirmation hearings. So far I like most of what I have heard but there are one or two questionable things that need to be taken care of and cleared up. On a personal note though, Senator Ted Kennedy and Senator Diane Feinstein get my blood up every time I hear their foolishness.


New member
Newt does not need to be lecturing spinelessrepublicans on morals given his history. His comments aside, the corruption oozing out is not limited to one party. It is part of the system. Corruption is one of the ways both parties keep their party members on the reservation. This particular episode will spotlight lobbiests. I will guarantee you nothing, I repeat, nothing will be done about "guided investments." Sick and tired of corruption? Simply refuse to vote for an incumbent. One term and out.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
To get this thread back on track...

Up to this point, I've been largely silent on the confirmation proceedings. And without saying what I feel about Alito at the present moment, I have to say that certain democrats on the committee should be ashamed at their badgering of Judge Alito. Were this an actual court proceedings, I'm sure that the Judge would have held Kennedy, Feinstein and Schumer in contempt.

The grandstanding by the dems is deplorable. But then this is an election year, so it is understandable, I suppose.

What I have witnessed overall, is spin control. The dems are attacking anything they can, no matter how specious. The reps are busy deconstructing the attacks. I haven't seen anything this bad since the Thomas hearings!

Now, my impressions on Alito himself. After 3 days of listening; after reviewing 15 (so far) cases he has written, I'm certain that this man is an independent Judge. While there is an appearance of leaning towards Big Business or Big Government, I find he is actually impartial and his majority opinions or minority dissents reflect not only his own scholarship but that spirit of independence.

He may not be the type of constutitional constructionist that I would like, but overall I think he will be a good Jurist. Certainly good enough to sit upon the Supreme Court. As to where he will fall... I honestly think the man will come down, more often than not, on the side of conservatism.

Alito is not a Scalia or Thomas. Nor is he a Rehnquist. But he is to the right of O'Conner. Which may be a good thing, overall.


Alito is not a Scalia or Thomas. Nor is he a Rehnquist. But he is to the right of O'Conner. Which may be a good thing, overall.

aCCORDING to Judge Andrew napolitano (Alitos Princeton Classmate) said this am that Alito is a "reagan Conservative"



He may not be the type of constutitional constructionist that I would like...
I think that's the actual purpose for the democrats turning confirmation hearings into freak shows. It discourages otherwise fine candidates, who just don't want to be treated in such a revolting manner.
As to where he will fall... I honestly think the man will come down, more often than not, on the side of conservatism.
As my concerns have moved from defending a shrinking 2nd Amendment (currently not the bellweather of freedom attacks), I begin to realize that "conservatism" means a whole lot of different things to different people. And, at its worst, it is hardly "originalist" in its defense of the Bill of Rights.

I think Alito is head and shoulders above Harriett Miers (sp?) in terms of our ability to know what his fundamental philosophical base is. He's probably a good man and certainly a thoughtful one. Still, "Conservative" means something a LOT different than what it meant to that Raich, Hiibel, Kelo and others. Hardly the philosophy of "less government".

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Typically, when I use the term I mean that a conservative is someone who believes in: Free markets and low taxes; individual responsibility; as little government involvement with personal lives and business as possible.

A conservative believes in equal opportunity but not necessarily equal out come. A conservative believes that self reliance affects outcome.

In short, a Reagan Conservative.
Typically, when I use the term I mean that a conservative is someone who believes in: Free markets and low taxes; individual responsibility; as little government involvement with personal lives and business as possible.

A conservative believes in equal opportunity but not necessarily equal out come. A conservative believes that self reliance affects outcome.

In short, a Reagan Conservative.
I'm a leader of that particular Band.

But, as Americans are increasingly bombarded with the inputs of TV, Tel, Email and Blogs we become lazy. We rely increasingly on categories and sound byte. One need only look to how the words "War on" stimulate so many of us to say, "Oh, we're in a WAR? I'll get behind that. Whatever it takes".