AK-47 Used to Stop Home Invasion, Capture Killer


New member
What difference does the race of the victim make?

AFAIK, it hasn't been stated if Pugh was white or black. But I think I remember that his attacker was black. So?


While true, and I personally applaud him for it, if this were posted over on L&CR folks would be questioning whether Mr. Pugh producing the weapon might have been the "escalation" causing this tragic shooting. By being at home he put himself in the situation of having to shoot the poor criminal. Most likely, had Mr. Pugh just sat on the duvet and read the paper, the BG would have just left him alone.

Awww, now isnt that just so cute:barf:

WildillsaynomoreAlaska TM


New member
Had it been a pump shotgun, just the sound of cycling the action would have blown his arm off...

:D:D:D Good job, hogdog.

I think the heirachy goes like this:

If it were a M1a it would have killed him and his family.
If it were a shotgun it would have blown his arm off. (Pump as noted)
If it were 45 it would have killed him instantly after knocking him down.
If it were a 9mm it would have made him mad.
If it were a 5.56 it would have been presumed to have been mosquitoes biting him.