AK-47 Used to Stop Home Invasion, Capture Killer

Police in Atlanta now know who the murderer of a popular bartender is, because he tried it again, invading an apartment, firing several shots. Only this time the intended victim had an AK-47 (according to Fox Channel 5) and returned fire, wounding the perpetrator, and actually shooting the gun out of his hand. The pistol, recovered at the scene, was determined to be the same one used to kill the bartender. A 17-year old black male with a long record is in custody recovering from his wounds.


Not one word about eeevil assault weapons in the news report!:rolleyes:

Where's the mega-smiley when you need it? :D
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New member
So Atlanta PD was watching the guy?They WATCHED him commit a home invasion?That's.....I have no word for it...


Can you believe that they watched the BG invade a home, these are not LEO's, they are stupid jerks and should be tried and then fired for not doing what they are paid to do. Serve and Protect. Might have been serving but they were not protecting.


New member
come on.
where does it say they watched him during the break in?
it says they had been watching him, do you honestly thing they were following him 24/7?
probably a drive by the hood couple times a day just to see if he was still in the area.

Piper Cub

Redding was treated at Grady Memorial Hospital for several days. He had had a rough life growing up and then being assualted by a white men. He should go free. Pure racisim.


New member
I should send this news clipping the mayor of Atlanta. As a member of the rabid gun control group "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" founded by the billionaire marxist Mike Bloomberg, she's always standing shoulder to shoulder with Menino, Diaz, Villaraigosa, and other devout antis frothing about why anyone would "need" an AK47 (pattern) gun outside of a battlefield and how it has no legitimate non-military use. What ever. It looks like Mister Eddie Pugh has effectively demonstrated its utility in the average American home.

I wonder if the perp is now one handed. A little bit of Sharia justice right here in the bible belt? How amusing.


New member
It looks like Mister Eddie Pugh has effectively demonstrated its utility in the average American home.

While true, and I personally applaud him for it, if this were posted over on L&CR folks would be questioning whether Mr. Pugh producing the weapon might have been the "escalation" causing this tragic shooting. By being at home he put himself in the situation of having to shoot the poor criminal. Most likely, had Mr. Pugh just sat on the duvet and read the paper, the BG would have just left him alone. :rolleyes:


New member
I detest Shrill Shirley (Atlanta mayor). She is an poor politician and completely incompetent leader and I'm glad she's nearly all done, except that means I have to fear what other idiot will be voted into office by my neighbors for all the wrong reasons.

It's completely hypocritical when the mayor of cities like Atlanta or Cleveland or Philadelphia are died in the wool antis when they know better than anyone how the police are entirely incapable of keeping people safe in their homes and how many people daily are effected by violent crime.

The AK is my primary zombie gun if I'm overrun and can't get the job done with the pump shotgun. The AR fills another role entirely that involves being mobile and away from the fort. But there's a certain comfort I take in 123 grains of x39 being able to discourage further aggression in uninvited guests at close up distance.

Who are the L&CR folks again?


New member
Unfortunately this AK rifle will end up in an evidence locker for awhile and some day it will be brought out in front of the cameras as an example of 'one of these evil guns' for some publicity stunt.


New member
And be added to the list of "violent crimes involving an assault weapon" :barf:

I'm going to guess that he will get his rifle back someday.

Viking Josh

New member
Awesome I love seeing these things. I feel bad bout the bartender, but I'm happy for the guy who knows how to defend his home.


New member
Glad to see they got this guy and he got what he deserved. The problem is that Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton will be there soon. They will be talking about how this was a good kid and that he had a tough life. Poor guy didn't need to get shot. It is all the same crap. There is always some BS reason why the BG shouldn't have been shot. The only bad thing in this story is that the guy was recovering in the hospital. Too bad he wasn't killed. Would have saved tax payers money for his trial and the jail time.


Too bad the bullets didnt find their way into his chest. Now hes just another inmate that requires even more tax dollars.


Staff In Memoriam
Too bad it was an AK 47. Had it been a 12 gauge shotgun, it mighta blowed his arm plumb off.
Had it been a pump shotgun, just the sound of cycling the action would have blown his arm off...