Air Marshals... any volunteers?

Bob Locke

New member
All pilots ought to be armed. I'd go further and have the entire cockpit crew packing heat.

I remain amazed that the people in positions of authority in the government think that ground security means anything once a plane is in the air. THAT is the place to have the means available to thwart an attempted hijacking.


New member
sign me and my jackassed chest--rig of dual, .380acp Colt MKIV G80's, and my ankle strapped Colt Diamondback.38 with everyone else on the thread's team.


New member
Hmmm. Lemmee see. I like flying. Cattle class is a bit trying, but if I'm protecting the cockpit, I get to ride up front...firstclass.

I'll get to fly to lots of interesting destinations (like Cleveland)(and Wichita), get put up in hotels, and probably share the hotels with lonely stewardesses.

I get to carry a gun.

And I get PAID?

Hale yes, sign me up.



New member
I'd go, but...

they'd classify me a harmless old man.

I was thinking that all these "new recruits" will look the part - nobody over 35-40. What they really need is some old, gray-haired pipe smoker (like me)... you know, the bespectacled, grandfatherly, "girl-safe", wrinkled type.

Let's see, that should be at least a GS-14 spot, no? (Or at least a "12" with many perks).


New member
I'm applying tomorrow. If only ONE person on those flights were armed, we wouldn't have the problem we have now. I hate flying, but I also feared being out to sea during my 7 years in the Navy.

P.S. If they make me carry a Glock instead of a 1911....I'm not joining.


New member
The lead post clearly states
No one on board a flight will know an air marshal is present except for the pilot and flight crew.
That would be the pilot, co-pilot, and navigator/engineer. Stewardesses are not "flight crew" so they cannot give up what they don't know. Now, if you're stupid enough to give yourself away ...