Affordable rifles worth looking into


New member
With all the AR and AK craze right now prices are skyrocketing I was wondering if anybody had any good advice as to what it may be a good time to buy? I have really wanted to collect military rifles such as the Enfield, Garand, and Mauser but don't know what their market is doing. Also, if anybody can suggest any other guns that are going down instead of up.



New member
for years i stuck with the various mausers, enfields, krags etc. i am too lazy to wear glasses. so nowadays howa/vanguards allow scopes and thier pricing is less than anybody elses used rifles. i also use to stick with savage but i hate their phony magazine/clip watchamcallit they use now. (i see it as a excuse to skip machining proper feed lips in the actions). jmho bobn


New member

I have bought a lot of rifles over the years. I also enjoy buying the older military rifles(a lot). This may sound silly but this is how I have done it.

I always keep some cash in my pocket to buy a rifle, if the price is right. I always keep my mind open. In other words I do not shop for one specific rifle. If you take your time you will find a good deal, you just need to be able to take advantage of that deal. I once bought 6 Garands at a large sporting goods store-man that price was right. They just wanted to get rid of them.

Whenever I shop for a particular rifle, I always run into a great deal on a different rifle. So I buy it. Then I keep looking for the other one. There are a bunch of them out there, just taker your time and shop. You will find a good deal as long as you are not in a hurry, and you keep your mind open.

I have been looking for the perfect K98 for a lot of years, but one will show up.

Just remember to always keep some cash in your pocket, and when the opportunity arises-POUNCE. Tom.


Active member
The PTR-91 is the best value .308 assault style rifle for your money right now. Excelent clone of the HK-91.

If I were in the market for another military style rifle - that would be the one.

Citizen Carrier

New member
I'd look for an M39 Finnish Mosin-Nagant.

Ammo is still plentiful and cheap.

The M39 has about the heaviest contour barrel ever put on a standard infantry rifle (the Finnish 28/30 being slightly heavier and perhaps the heaviest of all). The front sight is adjustable for windage with a screwdriver.

The Finns put better triggers on their rifles than the Russians.

That's what I'd go with.
Look into the arisakas... Still generally cheaper than a mauser... It's basically a modified mauser action, both models are strong (except the late war versions), they also feature controlled round feeding... They are far more accurate than the run of the mill mosin nagant assuming the bore isn't severely pitted...


New member
Genuine US issue M1 Garands from the CMP can be had for as little as $495 (rack grade, or the most beat up). Service grades are $595 and the S&H is only about $20 or $25.

M1 Carbine, also from the CMP, might be worth looking into. Rack grades start at $419 IIRC from the CMP.

I like 'em all, be they M1 Carbines, M1 Garands, FALs, M1As, AKs, or ARs. But after recently getting an M1 Garand, well it's almost like the first time I saw my wife, something just, right, about an M1. If you can only get one "value priced" rifle, make it a Garand. If you have the scratch for two, get an M1 Carbine as well.


New member
have the scratch for two, get an M1 Carbine as well

have the scratch for two, get an M1 Carbine as well​

You have my mouth watering but my wallet is empty...:(


New member
Can still get a Mosin Nagant for 70 bucks. Can't think of a better deal than that.
A Steyr M95 may be cheaper, but the ammo is scarce.


New member
I got an M38 Mosin for $79 day after thanksgiving two years ago. I have a M91/30 Mosin with a missmatched bolt that will shoot 1in groups at 100 yards. Ammo is inexpensive too. There seems to be a love hate relationship with Mosin Nagant rifles. Kar 98 guys love to say how much more accurate their gun is, But the Russian snipers had more kills, and German sniper would even sometimes swap for the Mosin snipers when they killed Russian snipers.
(owww yeah.... That should get them going;) )
Yeah, sometimes the accuracy is hit or miss (no pun intened), but you chould buy 3 nice Mosins or 1 good Kar 98. The actual Sniper Mosins will run much more, but reproduction sniper might be the same as standard Kar 98.

Plus you get the cool, "I own that gun" feeling when you watch Enemy At The Gates.


New member
the Mauser and the Mosin are both great rifles. no need to re-write history please. :rolleyes: . the top 3 snipers on the Eastern Front in confirmed kills were all Germans IIRC.


New member

:rolleyes: confirmed kills.

Which sniper rifle are the 3 German rifle? I have heard a Gew 41 was used, but that is more of a support sniper rifle for durring assualts and defensive postions. And how can you really confirm a kill during an assualt?

I say the German snipers were lederhosen wearing sissies that would only shot targets when they knew they could go collect the tags after the shot.
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