Advice for a new 1911 owner


now as to the other post, on changing the mag and recoil springs "regularly" what would or do you consider regularly? have heard both pro's and con's on this. Some have gone years, some change them during winter breaks ( more an issue of boredom? )

On a 5" Goverenment Model ...... every 2K rounds or so with an 18 lb spring ....thus sayeth Bill Wilson, in his "The Combat Auto", .......


New member
So I have to ask, what is this "idiot" scratch I keep hearing about? Am I doing something wrong? I pull the pin straight out clean gun, then push pin strait in. The owners manual did not give any details about this pin.

Also, does any one know the super secret hand shake or password for getting admitted to the 1911 forum, I have tried to post twice and nothing so far.

Larry K

New member
Well dang, next time I see him or his crew, am gonna have to pick his brain, Knew of him, just not at that level.
Told ya I was new at this :)

Also shoot with some of the Nighthawk custom crew at their range, Im tellen ya Haneesh is a tough SO :rolleyes:

Larry K

New member
And I agree, what is the idiot scratch? thought that came from holding your thumb in the wrong place and the slide lock notch catches ya on the way back


New member
Okay, here's one (not mine) I found on the Internet. It is a bit more pronounced than most of them. :)

Not all 1911s are equal when it comes to their propensity to acquire the idiot mark. I just depends on how they are built. The slide lock stop on my Colts go back in easily. The Sig I mentioned previously is a bit of a pain, even though I've now done it countless times.


New member
Shoot one shot
Engage manual safety on safe again and repeat

While I heartedly agree with training yourself to utilize the safety, I think doing it after every shot amounts to negative training. In affect, you train for real world scenarios and you should practice two shots to Center Mass, assume a failure to stop, and place a third round to the head. Then activate your safety.