Advantage of Bobtail ?


New member
^^^An interesting argument that seems logical, at least in theory. Personally, I've shot a lot of rounds through 1911 pistols with arched mainsprings and never felt they were in any way "muzzle-heavy". Still, food for thought...


New member
dgludwig said:
Personally, I've shot a lot of rounds through 1911 pistols with arched mainsprings and never felt they were in any way "muzzle-heavy".

The curved MSH probably has less such effect than the bobbed or curved grip does. The curved MSH's do appear to make it a bit harder to compress the grip-lever, though ... maybe that's what prompted the introduction of the "buttoned" grip-lever(?).


New member
Interesting point Mike..../ that might be exactly why the Ed Brown Kobra Carry was never comfortable for me with the BobTail...


New member
I have the DW Guardian 9mm and a SIG p239 SAS Gen 2 9mm. Both are similar in size, etc. Of special note, both are optimized for carry, smoothed corners, a bit smaller than full size. I'm not as sensitive to the nuances of handguns as some of our members. But. Both guns were purchased about the same time and taken to the range after inspection and cleaning. I could not shoot the DW as well as I could the SIG, in fact it took several range trips for me to get up to speed on the DW. It was surprising because 1911's were always easy guns for me to shoot.


New member
You're experience was likely due to a better-fitted grip safety that is designed to be easier to depress.