Abysmal Customer Service


New member
I have several FNs, 9,9c,40c my FNs9c's recoil spring came loose from the plunger. I called FN was told to send a picture which I did, I am trying to download here. Following is the response I received.

Thank you for contacting FN America. A request was submitted on your behalf to have Recoil Spring Guide Assembly sent to you under warranty. Unfortunately, the part is not covered under warranty. However, it is available at our parts distributor Midwest Gun Works. Attached is the part # and cost.

Would Glock, Sig S&W responded similarly. I doubt it. Sorry FN I am through with your firearms. The guns are quality the customer service without question the worse.


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New member
Not surprising

The recoil spring assembly is a wear part and needs to be replaced at intervals depending on usage.

How many rounds are on the spring?

While I agree that a broken recoil spring assembly is disconcerting and realistically should be replaced under warranty, I can understand FN's response and wouldn't go so far as to condemn all of FN's handguns or customer service based on your experience.


New member
I honestly don't know that I can say with complete certainty that this would be covered by all other manufacturers. This is disappointing, but abysmal? Never buy an HK then.

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New member
Well, you don’t know how Glock, Sig or S&W would respond, Is that supposition on your part?.. Customer service varies by the time fo day... If you are unhappy with your FN, just take it down and throw it in the river..


New member
The gun has 300 to 400 rounds. I have experience with Glock, S&W and Sig so my comment is based in first hand information.

Jim Watson

New member
That's not wear, that's breakage and should have been warranted.
But what are you going to do? You can badmouth them, you can buy a spring set and trade off the gun, or you can buy two spring sets and hope it is a long time before you need the extra.


New member
Agreed, should have been covered with breakage at that round count. Mr. Watson covered your options. What is the price of the replacement? I can understand them not covering a worn out RSA, but that type of break is a different matter. Sounds like you got a CS rep who could only read the script.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...Would Glock, Sig, S&W responded similarly..." They would if the part/firearm was out of or not covered by the warrantee. FN USA told you it wasn't covered and where you could get the part. What do you expect them to do?


New member
Its disappointing but it sounds like they replied relatively quickly and professionally.

Its unfortunate that its not covered but I wouldn't consider this abysmal.


New member
me thinks you have little to complain about. buy a Taurus next time, then you'll appreciate all others more....