About keeping promises (poster)


New member
I have to agree with Jeff Thomas, that the model dosen't quite have the ideal look for the overall theme of the poster. There's age and demographic baggage here that needs to appeal to both men and women. Sad truth, but you need the most handsome or at least wholesome model you can find.

If you can't switch models to someone more "newlywed" or "young father" looking, at least get him to change the semi-smarmy "make my day" smirk he's wearing. It needs a very concerned, "This is serious", "it's my duty" without conveying one iota of hate, anger, or pleasure at the possibility of shooting a perp.

Font type and placment also needs some work. "Keep your promise" needs to be bolder and in a more contemporary font, perhaps simple Arial bold, or Impact, or Hattenschiweler fonts would do. "Honor Cherish and Protect" needs to be in something more touchy feely and classical like Garamond. Almost a wedding invitation looking font. As that concept needs to almost work more on women, as men will be on "our side" of the issue more often, or at least fee like they understand protecting instinctually. The font that's there now has sort of a Western "Wanted" poster look to it, another connotation that needs to be avoided.

Otherwise, awsome concept!

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Oleg--I really like it - - -

- - -But, if you're going to re-shoot it anyhow, may I suggest another alteration?

I do appreciate the "finger off trigger" consciousness, but, if he's already on target and REEELY ready to Protect, finger ON trigger is highly appropriate.;)



New member
I have to admit though.. I can see him saying
"You wanna mess with my family? You wanna mess with my family??? Forget a-bout it!"

If you add like Andy Garcia in the background, then it would really look like a scene from the Godfather movies..

I still like the poster though..


New member
I agree that the model isnt quite right for this photo, he looks confidant instead of scared s***less.

Maybe have a twenty-something male holding the pistol, with a twenty-something female in the background on the right (under the "Keep Your Promise") holding either a small child or a bundle that is obviously a baby in a very protective fashion (hand pressing the kid's head into her shoulder, etc).



New member
Than I've got the perfect family for the "Keep your promise" photo. My brother (if you think I look mean in some photos, wait'll you see him!), my sister-in-law, and for the extreme cuteness factor, their 11 month old girl.


New member
Hi Oleg. What PDmoderator said.

My first thought was....is he pointing at his wife? I think the model's expression might have had something to do with that, but IMHO perhaps putting the wife in the background or next to him would be better.

And that's my two pence.