About keeping promises (poster)

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Some people define adulthood as "voluntarty assumption of responsibility for the welfare of others". Marriage is one such activity, yet some folks seem to shirk the attendant responsibilities.



Paul K

New member
Exelent photo, however, to be brief- there is somthing about the text "Keep your promise" perhaps reloacting it?


New member

maybe bump up the saturation a little on his wedding band, and use the same gold color in the "Keep Your Promise" text, to make it more clear what you're referring to?

I like!



Moderator Emeritus
I was going to chime in with my usual "I like just the way it is..." post, but Kaylee's idea there is pretty groovy. Would it work? :confused:

Jeff Thomas

New member
Well, now I'll contradict myself in another thread.

I hope the gentlemen in the photo doesn't take offense (can he shoot that thing? ;) ), but his expression makes me think more of one of the Sopranos than a husband / dad keeping his promise ...

Regards from AZ


New member
I like!

Just curious..what's that little speck near the muzzle at about 11 o'clock? It's kinda distracting.

Good Shooting

Idaho Mike

New member

That spot is just daylight where the slides on Beretta and Taurus autos are cut away. I think a little more off-angle would eliminate it, as well as make the muzzle a little less "in your face."

Oleg's photography, always excellent, seems to be even better with each new project.

I like the idea of jacking up the saturation on the ring, even at the cost of purity of vision.

BTW: Oleg - I just got a Canon G2 for my newspaper and magazine work. It replaces my venerable Canon A50, and has almost four times the resolution.


New member
Oleg, I think the concept here is absolutely, hands down, far and away, my favorite. I think this poster idea is fantastic. If you could somehow couple this with the idea of protecting the “weaker” (certainly not calling a wife/spouse weaker, just anybody that requires, but can’t provide, help), I think you would have an incredible poster (you do already so YMMV). I have no idea how to add that extra concept right now, but if I knew how to do that I would be giving you a run for your money (it might help if I could take pictures like you though ;)).

Skyslash, It is either a Beretta or a Taurus. I forget which one has the slide mounted safety, but I think it is the Beretta. Someone correct me if I am wrong....

Jeff Thomas

New member
ahenry's excellent suggestion might be accomplished by having a mother and children behind the gentleman, and thereby protected by him ...

Regards from AZ


New member
My first reaction was, "What is he aiming at? His wife?" :eek:

Possibly this was a side effect of watching sixty million billion murders on TV as a kid. I dunno.

But I'm certain this is not what you wanted to get across! I don't know how many others would think this, but probably somebody would.

With that in mind, I'd suggest that the lady who was being defended be put in the shot somewhere (maybe in background or by the gentleman's side.)

Yours in the focus group, :D
- pdmoderator


Moderator Emeritus
SkySlash, blades67 et al,

It's a Beretta 92M; like a 92C compact, but single-stack.

Don't see too many of those...

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I think the suggestions are all good: I will turn the underline gold and make the ring more prominent. I think that their wedding picture on the backgrounf left would get the message better. The pose was dictated by the need to show the wedding ring clearly.