ABC's This Week discussion about arming pilots


New member
When A&A are at the door offering to do evil unless.....
The pilot and copilot strap on their oxy and start bleeding the PSI. A&A can pass out or run for a mask. Either way they are away from the door and back in passenger land which by now will result in for them something like being drawn and quartered, box cutters or not.

Or the copilot can step out and confer them both to Allah with his or her revolver.

Yesterday the filght attendants union asked that consideration be given to arming the AFs with metal "battons". Clubs I guess.

If every passenger was allowed to carry his or her CCW of choice loaded with approved ammo and the pilot and copilot were also armed there would be NO more highjackings. Will it happen....never.
I don't agree that we have seen the last attempt to divert a commercial flight and use it as a weapon. It will happen again.
All the security changes I have witnessed at the airports seem more for public consumption than security and the BGs know it too. I have no way of knowing but I bet less than 50% of flights regularly have even 1 Marshall aboard.

With my own two eyes I saw a fellow use an employee photo ID card from a florist as ID and he was allowed to board. I was stunned. He was also not searched but I was, with my 5 yo son in tow. What I have to say about the airlines and government security measures would get me banned from this sight for inapprop. language.


New member
Just for fun let's look at the continuum of force in an aircraft. Flight attendant's open hands, locked cockpit door, F-16 shoots down an airliner full of innocent passengers.

What does a LEO have? Open hand, mace, baton. firearm.

What would LEO's attitude be if a bliss-ninny said, "mace and batons are cruel and unusual. Get rid of them." So now the LEO has open hands or a firearm.

It think it short sighted getting rid of intermediate levels of force. Same for protection of an aircraft. Someone please explain to me the moral superiority permitting an F-16 to shoot down an airliner, but it is considered dangerous to arm a pilot.

The argument against guns in a cockpit are political. If government can not protect everyone in an aircraft, it sure as hell can not protect Joe Sixpack and his wife Martha Mortgage in their everyday lives.


New member
Christopher II - I have alot of training under my belt to say what I said.

I suggest you just sit in your chair and BAAAH while real folk do what needs be done.

I'm beginning to think that the RKBA and freedom are mythological goals with folks like you around.

Take the train, dude. On the train, it is closer to the ground when you jump out.

I'll get another PM from the moderators but folks like you disgust me.