A400 Xtrema, The Adventure Begins.......

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
An update......

The Beretta went to the range today again. Shot a bad score at SC, but the misses were mine.

It still will not cycle 7/8 oz loads 100%, but function with heavier stuff is 100%.

If I can get a chance, I will take the A400 to a shooting pit I know and run some leftover heavy stuff through it. There's a handful of the 1 3/8 oz Rottweil Brenekkes in 3" and some 1 buck I've been meaning to use up. That should help break things in.

My general impression is still good.....


New member
It still will not cycle 7/8 oz loads 100%

Really? -That is surprising. I've not handled this gun before, but imagine it has to be very close to the Xtrema2. I've not had an issue cycling 7/8 oz loads. I use either 7/8 or 1 oz hand loads in mine (700X) when I'm tuning up at the range for bird season. I'm pretty sure I have run off the shelf light targets through her as well without issues.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
There's been less than 400 rounds through it, so I'm willing to allow some more breakin time.

And, I may need to clean more vigorously and often.

The bad score bothers me more. This just doesn't fit me right. Time to pattern....


What 7/8oz loads? When I left my 3/4 and 1200fps 7/8 oz loads in a car for three days with temps nearing freezing, the wife's gun became a single shot - otherwise, it has handled all of my reloads and factory light 7/8 oz Kemen's

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Hasn't been that cold here, 1 oz.

The load's right from the Hodgdon site....

STS or Nitro hull.

Win 209.

Claybuster clone of the AA12SL wad.

17.6 gr of Clays.

7/8 oz of Lawrence Magnum shot.

I did use old hulls. Still usable, but about used up.


Dave McC: I must have something wrong, but I used to use the 7100 psi and the 8900 psi current Hogdon recipes and what you have may have been published in the past but I don't see it, now, even if there is nothing wrong with it.

Lead Shot 12 7/8 oz. Clays Win. 209 WAA12SL 15.9 7,100 PSI 1200
Lead Shot 12 7/8 oz. Clays Win. 209 WAA12SL 17.1 8,900 PSI 1250
Lead Shot 12 7/8 oz. Clays Win. 209 WAA12SL 18.2 10,000 PSI 1300

If I have it right, your load is between the medium and hottest load.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Kman, it just falls in between. I check the drop every time I load a batch, it was dead on 17.6. Next summer. I'll drop down a bushing again.

That's my guess, 1 oz. A little PM in the ports may be all that's needed.

Overall, my impressions are quite favorable.....


New member
This just doesn't fit me right. Time to pattern....

Have you done any shimming for drop or cant? (assume it comes so equipped as most other Beretta's do.)
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Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Not yet. After just 500 rounds I can't expect to have all known.

I do have a goose trip coming up. That will give a better idea of how it works under field conditions.

Interestingly enough, the friend who invited me is doing a similar test on a Versamax Remington sent him. Maybe we'll do a Gun Mag type thing together, a .....

3.5 inch SHOOTOUT!!!

Versamax vs A/400!!

Or maybe not.....


New member
My son shoots lefty because of his eyes. He likes my old Ithica Model 37 because it also drops the fired hulls out the bottom. I might as well just let him have it, I have plenty of other shotguns and I shoot righty. At $4K that's too rich for my blood but that Beretta sure sounds like a nice shotgun.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
IMO, it IS a good shotgun. MSRP is about $1800, so this verges on affordable for a lot of folks. My guess is this can cover a lot of bases and last a few lifetimes. So,a one time purchase pain and it's over...