A quote from Rush


New member
Rush Limbaugh, consrvative talk show host, hypocrite and a drug addict :eek:

I'm appalled at people who simply want to look at all this abhorrent behavior and say, "Hey, you know, we can't control it anymore. People are going to do drugs anyway. Let's legalize it." It's a dumb idea. It's a rotten idea, and those who are for it are purely, 100 percent selfish.

--Rush Limbaugh TV show (12/9/93)

gimme a break.

roy reali

New member
More Name Calling

I am surprised by the number of posts here that include name calling and personal attacks. I thought that was in the playbook of liberals like Clooney and Baldwin. Being that this website is about guns, shooting, and hunting, you would think those folks would not be reading or responding to these threads.