A quote from Rush


New member
Rush Limbaugh
"I'd rather go hunting with Vice President Cheney...
than ride across a bridge in a car with Ted Kennedy."

Try, please, to keep your comments on the point of the thread...

That point being the moral bankruptcy of "Teddy" and his associates... :D


What, no non-partisan message? How about:

"Cheney and Kennedy just go to show that all the politicians are trying to kill us."


New member
The big squawk on this incident is the amount of time between when the accident occurred and the reporting of that accident.

It seems to me that Teddy Kennedy took at least as much time to report the accident that took the life of Mary Jo Kopekne. In fact, if memory serves me, he did not report the accident to authorities until NINE HOURS after the discovery of the submerged car the next day.


New member
Hmm... Bankruptcy.

So it's all right to "report" an accident, which occured because of a criminal act, after it was discovered and folks started asking you why there was a dead person in the car and where you were. And just how much did you have to drink, and just where have you been... etc. etc... But it's OK, after all you're part of the priveleged IN crowd...

But if you wait until after getting your victim to the hospital after an accident that occured during a lawful sporting event annually engaged in by thousands of solid citizens every year, and then let the locals know that it happened a few hours later, but not the "big" reporters who were thousands of miles away, you're suspect of... well of something... We'll make it up if we have to! Yep, it was an accident and someone got hurt - we're gonna make you pay to get at your boss who we really want anyway...

Yeah - I see it. They'll do anything to get Bush - Cheney's just conveniently nearby. :rolleyes:


New member
"Cheney and Kennedy just go to show that all the politicians are trying to kill us."

Since Kennedy did kill, does that make him the bigger politician?
He still leads Cheney 1-0.

Cheney will never be able to live up to that Kennedy legacy.
Mea Culpa
Mea Culpa
Mea Moron!

Even though the name Rush was referenced twice in the opening statement, I read it as "Bush" in the subject line. Thus, the rather surreal (for many) closing.

Public apology to Pointer for my error. Next time, I'll Look Twice; Post Once! :eek:


New member
Talking Heads.... do they serve any useful purpose? If Rush Limbaugh and Al Franken and the rest of them were on a talking head cruise and the ship went down, just think of the break the atmosphere would get from all that hot air being released on a daily basis. After all it seems to be the equal of cow flatulence.


Oh, come on Eghad. Without people like Rush to prepackage their opinions for them, what would they do?

Read? Come on...;)

Dave R

New member
Rush said The Secret Service notified the local Sheriff's office within 2 hours of the incident. Its on the Sheriff's log.

Don't have any source beyond that.


New member
It is required by law that the hospital/doctors report gunshot wounds to the police authorities... no doubt this was done in a timely manner.

Why hasn't the media mentioned that? :rolleyes:

The media also reported an inuendo as if it were true... that VP was supposedly under the influence when he shot his friend...

Why hasn't the media retracted that? :rolleyes:

There was absolutely no foundation for such a report... except that he had a beer with his lunch...

Fal 4 Me

New member
The media also reported an inuendo as if it were true... that VP was supposedly under the influence when he shot his friend...

Why hasn't the media retracted that?

There was absolutely no foundation for such a report... except that he had a beer with his lunch...

Hmm, here's your evidence Pointer. The VP admitted to a beer. He has a bad heart and we can assume he's on medication. Some heart medications, and other medications, amplify the effects of alcohol. He could have been under the influence, not "wasted" but under the influence.

And your so trustworthy of Cheney. Your right, we should trust and believe anything our leaders say because they ALWAYS tell the truth. And we should've trusted and believed Clinton when he said he didn't have sex.:barf: :barf: :barf:

Big Ruger

New member
Mr. Whittington appears to be recovering nicely. As usual Ms. Kopechne could not be reached for comment. For people who hate the VP this is like christmas. I mean jeez there are leftists in the media who are actually sitting around lining out all the things that need to happen for the VP to be charged with manslaughter, or homicide. These people actually sound like they are rooting for this man to die so the side they cheerlead for can score points. It makes me sick. For people who believe Dick Cheney is an honorable man this changes nothing. It just serves as a reminder to be careful out there. I hope this man recovers fully and quickly.Mr. Cheney is guilty of thinking something matters more than the medias feelings. They whine "why weren't we notified sooner?" He answers "I was busy and you didn't matter." Good its about time someone made it clear that the media is not a branch of govt.


New member
What I don't understand, and probably never will understand, is why the big-media reporters immediately jump to screaming "cover up!!!" when other people don't do their own jobs for them.

I mean, a reporter's job is to do the leg work, find out what the news is, and report it. It isn't anyone else's job to hand them the news on a silver platter.



New member
I think Rush filled a big void 10 years ago

Before the internet blogs really took off, you were hard pressed to get "the rest of the story"

I get a real big kick out of the media getting their panties in a bunch because Bush/Cheney do not worship at their feet.

It is very telling to see how loud the media is screaming while the American public is mosly yawning....CNN is starting to resemble a tabloid more than a news source

IMHO, the administration helped avoid 2-3 days of "late breaking" announcements" by simply waiting to report the facts.

We are still stuck with weeks of Monday Morning Quarterbacking by the mainstream press ..:barf: ...

But they have gotta have something to whine about


New member
What I don't understand, and probably never will understand, is why the big-media reporters immediately jump to screaming "cover up!!!" when other people don't do their own jobs for them.

I mean, a reporter's job is to do the leg work, find out what the news is, and report it. It isn't anyone else's job to hand them the news on a silver platter.

My dear pax, you obviously don't understand the delicate balance that an elite journalist must maintain. They can't be bothered with gathering real facts about news stories. It cuts into their fiction writing.:rolleyes: