A question for those who have had to use it


New member
If you notch the grip, be careful about where you place the notch. You don't want to be distracted the next time you have to dispatch some lowlife. :)

Marko Kloos

New member
If I had to use a gun in self-defense and lived to tell about it because of that gun, it would be more valuable to me than before.


New member
The standard saying we use at the local range here is that the gun doesn't care what's on the other end--paper or person. So what's the difference here? It's a person's own mind-set that will effect them whether or not a weapon was involved in the killing of someone. If I squeeze the trigger and someone is on the recieving end, the weapon used isn't really even a part of the equasion--it's just a mechanical device functioning exactly as it was intended, what's on the other end makes no difference. The difference is in the person, not the weapon.