A Professor makes a point.


Staff Emeritus

I agree 100%! That's why I keep trying to support the NRA, SAF, GOA, LEAA, CCRKBA, JPFO, et al.

I'm also a worse pest to my Congresscritters than I am to the folks on our side of the barricade. :D


New member

Keep 'em ALL honest. I would hate for the NRA to be 'governed' like the NAACP with 64 Executive Board members more worried about their position than their results ! So far I don't see that. I think the NRA is only second to the AARP in lobbying power.

Thanks for the hard work. I have taken it upon myself to be a pain to Feinstien. The rest of my reps, state and Federal, are good guys.



New member
Dennis, I agree with you 100%. That is one reason why I am year-to-year NRA member although I have long ago sent them enough money to become a Lifetime member. I don't trust any organization.

I am somewhat peeved at the NRA. It came out about year or so ago that Charlton Heston gave $1000 to NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani campaign for Senator from NY.

I sent a letter to Heston asking him what that crap was all about because Guiliani has turned out to be anti-RKBA. I got back some dumb-ass letter from an NRA flunky saying that the NRA has no control over the actions of its members. Well, no kidding!! :rolleyes:

I understand that, but it was a completey stupid response. Heston is not just "any" member. He is a very high visibility NRA President. There should have been better response considering I heard about this donation on Meet the Press and read about in the Washington Post. Not exactly a big secret or something.

But, I won't hold this against the NRA or Heston. They both do too much valuable service in the pro-RKBA arena to nit-pick. And, Heston probably has more money than brains at this point in his life.

Jim March

New member
Madison46: you're absolutely correct in that we need a definative statement on the individuality of the 2A before using the Halbrook/Amar argument. I put Halbrook/Amar language in my suit only because I had to at this time; my plan is to keep it low-key long enough for Emerson to at least clear the 5th Circuit.

Dennis: you want wins? Well lesse, we have 31 states with fair, widespread carry, a LOT more than we had in 1930. Many of the conversions happened after 1986's FL switch. That in turn generated the data Lott needed to absolutely *prove* what we've known all along. After a bit of a pause since TX and OK switched in '96, we've regained momentum, with MI's new shall-issue system taking effect in four months. I've been subscribed to the main MI RKBA mailing list for nine months now, and watched that effort happen...the key force was MCRGO, the NRA/ILA affiliate org in MI and per that org's leadership, they had help from Fairfax.

I'd call that a win.

CO is pondering shall-issue, along lines very similar to the new MI law. As usual, GOA alerts are wailing about it, even though it's a serious step forward (although the GOA's note that it can yet be modified by grabbers is well stated, and the situation bears monitoring). The GOA statements on CO just this week prove that they couldn't have put shall-issue into MI or any other state.

There's also shall-issue rumblings from MN again (finally!) and at least one other state.

Anyways. If Emerson wins big with the Supremes, we've got all the pieces in place to start rolling the crap back, either legislatively or in lower courts using the Emerson precedent.

I like where the LaPierre faction is going.
