A NeW Full AUTO laW?

Do you think we will ever get full auto rights?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 39 81.3%

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New member
What do we have to do to legaly own a ful auto weapon?
I beleve law biding folks should be able to own at least 1 ful auto weapon. We all know that criminals can get them with little effort.

I am thinking of writing to congress about this.

It would be legal to own 1 full auto weapon if...
1)A person was at least 21 years.
2)had a complete background cheak
3)had the weapon regestered
4)had the weapon balistic tested
5)had the weapon re-regestered every year
6)could not sell this weapon W/O the police being notifyed

I mean why not?
Do you think we will ever get full auto rights?


New member
Sooner or later, the lefty liberals are going to be back in majority control. Then you will see a new wave of bans. Firearms of every description will be targeted. I hope when that begins, a cry of MOLON LABE will reverberate with such intensity, "they will surely let the people go."
So even under the current political atmosphere, don't hold your breath for full auto. But then again, I believe it's still possible to get a federal permit for full auto, but there's alot of red tape and expense

David Park

New member
SR_15_M4, you need to learn the current law before you write Congress. What you described is worse than what we have now!

If your state/locality allows it, you can own an unlimited number of full auto weapons now. You need paperwork w/photo and fingerprints approved by the BATF and local law enforcement (i.e., registration, which includes a background check) and a $200 tax stamp for each gun. If you sell a gun, the buyer has to go through the same process. I'm not sure of any minimum age other than existing state laws for rifles and handguns.

That's the law as I understand it, but I might have a few details wrong. The main problem with full-auto is that you can only buy machine guns that were registered before May 19, 1986. Since the supply is limited, the price is often very high. The 1986 law is the one we need to eliminate, at least before we take on NFA '34.

P.S. - Welcome to TFL! :)


New member
It would be legal to own 1 full auto weapon if...
1)A person was at least 21 years.
2)had a complete background cheak
3)had the weapon regestered
4)had the weapon balistic tested
5)had the weapon re-regestered every year
6)could not sell this weapon W/O the police being notifyed

You are insane. Ever heard of the 2A?

Ceol Mhor

New member
Why is this "You must be 21" thing so popular? Am I going to suddenly have some brilliant insight into handguns, machine guns, and suppressors when I turn 21 in two years? I can vote, enter contracts, and join the Army, but not buy a friggin' pistol? ***?

SR_15_M4, my humble opinion is that you should have ended your list before item #1.

In answer to your original question, though, is that as long as we retain our current political system, exercise of our many of our rights will continue to be illegal.


New member
In my opinion (and my opinion should be what the country is run by!) any person that is 18 should be able to own any weapon that a soldier in our armed forces would carry as his individual weapon. This does not include rockets, missles, crew served weapons, nuclear devices, etc. I'm talking individual weapon. Which would be an M16 variant, sniper rifle, etc.

Concealed or open carry would be allowed by anyone 18 or over, anywhere they wanted to carry. Students that have not graduated high school would not be allowed to carry at school. However, teachers, administrators, and visitors would be allowed.

I have lots more ideas if you all ever want to elect me for President. :)



New member
As best I can tell, when the bill of rights was written there were two main reasons that the second ammendment was included.

1 To be sure that the general populace would be armed if they were required to repel an invasion.
2 To keep our government from becoming a unresponsive to the people and severly limiting their rights. Not that it couldn't be done, but that sort of thing works a lot more easily on unarmed people.

It seems to me that they INTENDED for the general population to be armed in a manner similar to the military of the time in order for them to be effective. That should still be the case.

Expense alone would limit the number of full autos or tanks or crew served weapons. For example: if someone gave you a watercooled MG and you decided to take it out for a good workout, it would consume 4-800 rounds per minute (yes a water cooled MG CAN fire for more than a minute!) If you were buying 30.06 or 8MM or .303 at $8-16 for a box of 20, that would add up pretty fast, huh?


The silly assed NFA law IS an infringement on my rights.It ought to be abolished.

I have to pay a 200$ TAX to legally own one.

Have an FBI background check

Wait at least 3 months for the paperwork.

If I dont , one can get lots of time in prison over it.

I dont think the government is as worried about ownership of full autos as they are about getting their "cut" out of it.


This aint the place to post with out knowing what you are talking about. Many very knowledable folks here.

had a complete background cheak
3)had the weapon regestered
4)had the weapon balistic tested
5)had the weapon re-regestered every year
6)could not sell this weapon W/O the police being notified

What you propose :

Are all anti gun propositions that we hear from the anti's all the time.
It makes me suspect that you are another anti-gun poser that is clueless of what he speaks . If I am wrong, enlighten me.

It also dosent make sense to let 17 year old kids in the military and then refuse them the right to own a handgun till they are 21.

Contradictory it is...


New member
If you can own a .50bmg rifle at 18, whats the problem with a 9mm squirt gun at the same age?



kharn, the 9mm squirtgun plus an impressionable 18-year-old will lead to armed robbery of the nearest bank due to the weapon's concealability, most likely with the "child" wearing body armor.


New member

Thanks, I had no idea you could own a full auto.
I was told by what I thought was reliable sources that only class "A" dealers, cops etc.. could own full auto weapons.

Also.. I am NOT anti gun what so ever. So who ever thinks so you are WRONG. I was just miss led.

I was just trying to come up with some ideas that would make anti gun folks happy. It seams when thay come up with laws about guns thay try and make them as strict as possable with out taking them away from us.

But no, I am not anti gun in any way shape or form. So please dont judge me yet.

PS: Does any body know whare you can get M995 5.56 ammo?
Or cheap M193?


New member
Here in NJ, we can't own any of the guns on the NJ BANNED (full autos) list. My friend had to sell his M1 Carbine because it was classified as an "assault rifle" thanks to a law implimented by our former governer Jim Florio.

Sad too, cause it's got a snowballs chance in hell of ever being overturned in this lovely state.:rolleyes: :mad: Once they erode away at your liberties, you never get them back.

All these guns are barred in NJ:

Algimec AGM1 type
Any shotgun with a revolving cylinder such as the "Street Sweeper" or "Striker 12"
Armalite AR-180 type
Australian Automatic Arms SAR
Avtomat Kalashnikov type semi-automatic firearms
Beretta AR-70 and BM59 semi-automatic firearms
Bushmaster Assault Rifle
Calico M-900 Assault carbine and M-900
Chartered Industries of Singapore SR-88 type
Colt AR-15 and CAR-15 series
Daewoo K-1, K-2, Max 1 and Max 2, AR 100 types
Demro TAC-1 carbine type
Encom MP-9 and MP-45 carbine types
FAMAS MAS223 types
FN-FAL, FN-LAR, or FN-FNC type semi-automatic firearms
Franchi SPAS 12 and LAW 12 shotguns
G3SA type
Galil type Heckler and Koch HK91, HK93, HK94, MP5, PSG-1
Intratec TEC 9 and 22 semi-automatic firearms
M1 carbine type
M14S type
MAC 10, MAC 11, MAC 11-9mm carbine type firearms
PJK M-68 carbine type
Plainfield Machine Company Carbine
Ruger K-Mini-14/5F and Mini-14/5RF
SIG AMT, SIG 550SP, SIG 551SP, SIG PE-57 types
SKS with detachable magazine type
Spectre Auto carbine type
Springfield Armory BM59 and SAR-48 type
Sterling MK-6, MK-7 and SAR types
Steyr A.U.G. semi-automatic firearms
USAS 12 semi-automatic type shotgun
Uzi type semi-automatic firearms
Valmet M62, M71S, M76, or M78 type semi-automatic firearms
Weaver Arm Nighthawk.

or any firearm manufactured under any designation which is substantially identical to any of the firearms listed above.
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New member
Thats BULL S**T!! And I thought Mn was bad. I'd never sell my
So isn't that agenst the 2nd amendment?? It looks like NJ wants muzzle loaders and BB guns.
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