A man was refused the sale of a firearm after saying it was a gift for his wife.

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New member
Because of the law I can't buy my cousin a rifle he wants as a gift in fear that if he buys me a birthday gift on my birthday I could be convicted of a felony? That man is in harms way protecting the very freedoms we are arguing about! That would be the story of the year and I wouldn't be a citizen in this country after my release if that were to happen. The government does not mind sending him to foreign soil with a gun but would prosecute a man for buying him a rifle as a birthday gift upon his return to this country would be more than I could bare.


New member
My apologies, my ranting is over and I was being very argumentative just to shut down the other arguments. Believe me I was laughing at myself as I typed some of that. The law is just as objective as the bible or any other script. Arguments over it are always foolish.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I've read all I needed to read, by the time I got to the end of page 2. Then we had page three. Didn't stop there. No! We got to page four...

We're done folks.
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